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Tue 21st Jun 2022 01:12

Do not judge a horse by its handprints

by Kit

Dear Nylea
My name is Kit. I am with an adventuring party called the Diamond Blades and we are not originally from here. I am not 100% sure why we were brought here, but I am grateful for the opportunity given to us by Klothys to explore a new world.
I did feel a brief connection with you when I attuned to your beautiful golden bow, so you may know me a little. If not, you will know my party – we were the ones who helped fight the corruption in Oryum (and in the sewers in Archanae).
For full transparency, I am a new worshipper of Karametra. She has blessed me, and I plan to serve her faithfully.
But, there was a brief moment when I wanted nothing more than to serve you. You are frikken majestic, your land is beautiful, and I hear your skills with a bow are unmatched. But in all honesty, some of your worshippers are twats and this put me off. I get that I am not a pure elf/sylvan, but apparently some of your followers think this makes me unworthy of you. Thing is, I am starting to realise that if "half breed" is what someone takes away from knowing me (or my friend Viridian), then they are not worth knowing.
I am sorry I did not get to know you better. I feel a little sad about it, but I am hoping to continue using your bow for a while. It is a magnificent weapon, and I will try my utmost to do it justice. If this is not your will, then please let me know.
I wish you everything of the best and know that I only have respect for you.
PS Lhoris, who is also with the Diamond Blades, prays to you quite a bit. He is a good man.