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Tue 3rd May 2022 05:58

Hang in there Kitty Kat

by Kit

Hey Kitty Kat
Yeah, I know that talking to my younger self is weird, but I am not sure that I want to share what happened today with anyone else.
So, life does get a lot more complicated. You will be glad to know that getting something to eat is never a problem anymore. We have enough coin now to eat, drink and have a warm bed every night… if we wanted to. We still prefer the floor though – it grounds us. Haha – I made a pun! We also get a slight sense of humour and life is not always so serious.
We still collect pets – there have been twelve so far – 9 mice, a rabbit, a guinea pig and a ferret. The ferret was the best. He was a little cheeky and not entirely tame, but he was ours until he decided he wanted a different life with a different family. It breaks our heart.
We are now in an adventuring party called the Diamond Blades and we have seen so much in such a short amount of time. There is Viridian, Arman, Dok, and *drumroll* Lhoris. Yes, we eventually meet up with him again and now we are on the road and in a new world together. Just a heads up that it is not easy with Lhoris. Of all the people we ever meet, this relationship is by far the most complicated. When Lhoris is disappointed in us (and it is more often than we would like), we feel like we cannot catch our breath. I would take rage, anger, or a beating over it any day.
Dok is having a good day (he found his God again) but Arman is not (we may have failed him, but time will tell).
We are still insecure. We still bite our lip until it bleeds. We are still awkward in front of most people and in conversations.
There are exceptions. We met a man who we loved and who loved us for 18 months until he died. He never judged us and accepted us for all our faults (and we have quite a few!). Viridian is another. He is a little gruff and unpolished, but he has a heart of gold (though he would be the first to try to deny it). He is probably not the best influence on us, but he is the most fun. Oh, and we have seen him totally naked and *censored for your 11-year-old arse*. You will just have to wait to find out more.
Today, we danced on a stage with a beautiful woman. Spoiler alert – we are into guys and girls (it doubles your chances of a date on a Saturday night). We also witnessed our first orgy (hopefully you do not know what that means yet). Our. Mind. Is. Blown. There is so much we still have left to learn.
We are also good at stealing. We love to fight. We f*&k up a lot. We fall down again and again, but we get up.
Hang in there. Kitty Kat.
PS I just realised that Kitty Kat might have been our father's name for us. It goes way back - to before the orphanage - and I remember it being said in a male voice. We have not found him yet.