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Wed 23rd Feb 2022 03:37

To dream or not to dream

by Kit

Hi Jer
I am tired. So tired.
You told me stories of some of the torture you had to endure when you were captured, and I remember you saying that sleep deprivation was among the most grueling. I am not comparing what you went through with me being tired, but I am starting to see how being tired makes you a little nutty.

The only way I can describe what is happening is to liken it to that feeling when you first wake up and recall a dream you had. At first, it seems so real, and then as you think about everything that happened, you realise it was just a dream.
This is what I recall:
• The Lizardfolk were fighting us, then they stopped, then they attacked again and now they are fighting with us.
• Hishka, the Shaman, became Shananae (still a Shaman) and when she touched me, I felt all warm and tingly inside. I trust her. Or at least I think it is trust…maybe it has just been so long since I have been with someone, that I crave touch.
• She keeps asking us to protect her eggs. Every time she does, I keep looking around for eggs but this treasure hunt is getting a little old.
• I fought a huge crocodile that reminded me of Viridian and then it turned into Viridian (this one makes me giggle a bit).
• At one stage, I could not see anyone in my party, and then I swam through a tunnel and found Arman and Mizzlyn. Mizzlyn was sleeping so I woke him in irritation by pouring some health juice I got from Hishka down his throat – I also want to sleep! It looked like they had been fighting a hoard of kobold and were giving as good as they got (at least until Mizzlyn's nap).
• Then my last memory is of Doc flying through the air towards me. He proceeded to land quite gracefully (this one makes me laugh out loud).
I now see seven kobold in front of me. I know I am awake because I am poking the blade of the dagger into my thigh – so they are real. The rest of it was probably not real.
Hopefully, by the time we chat again, I will have had some rest.
Kit and Carrot
PS: I do not know where Lhoris and Viridian are at the moment, but I wish they were here. I like having them around.