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Thu 4th Aug 2022 01:34

I died

by Kit

Dear Mom
I was dead and I gave my friends a big scare.
I always expected to be reunited with you when I died, but I think death is more complicated than I imagined. I died in a completely different world to you, and may never get back to Greyhawk, so I may need to accept that maybe death will not reunite us after all. That makes me a little sad.
I met Karametra "in person" and my friends helped resurrect me. How does one even begin to pay back that kindness? As a start, I should leave to help keep them safe, but I am really scared to be on my own right now. I also cannot imagine my life without Viridian, Lhoris, Dok and Arman. I know it is selfish, but they have given me a sense of belonging and purpose, and I do not want to go.
We are at a festival at the moment – some sort of once-in-a-lifetime coming together of two Gods (Nylea and Heliod). The guys are playing carnival games and I am cheering them on- but I admit my mind is elsewhere. I am looking around for shadows, ghosts and anyone carrying Borpheus' mace. Is it a coincidence that he died similarly to me or are our deaths related? I feel like I am doing a complicated puzzle and none of the pieces seem to fit.
Under my leathers, I am wearing a makeshift breastplate. It is a gift from Viridian. It was a silver handkerchief, but Viridian said a magic word and now it is as hard as iron. It is a little uncomfortable and it is chafing my left nipple something terrible, but I feel a lot safer!
I am going to try and prolong this day as long as possible – everyone seems to be in good spirits and it makes me happy – but also because the thought of closing my eyes tonight fills me with fear.
PS I hope you are in a good place
PPS Viridian kissed me! In front of everyone. I am trying not to unpack that too much or read too much into it, but it was definitely the best part of my day (well second to coming back from the dead).