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Wed 9th Feb 2022 12:55

The longest day

by Kit

Dear Jer
Did you ever feel like you are a puppet on a string and that the puppeteer does not know what they are doing?
I am probably just overtired, but I am having a really bad day… and it is far from over.
I tried to make myself useful by looking for the entrance to the lizard hideout in a wall of roots and foliage - but it was like looking for balls on a cow. Viridian eventually just got frustrated and hacked a hole for us to use. It is making me question my use to this group. Right now, I feel as useful as a bath sponge tasked with mopping up a river.
We eventually got into the Lizard's lair/camp/hideout. For me, I got there headfirst … straight into some harpy crap. I am currently covered in a vile-smelling, retch-inducing paste of bird shit and I would trade my lock-picking tools for a long, hot bath. Even the swamp smell was not this bad. On a positive note, the paste seems to make the mosquito bites less itchy.
There was nothing stealthy about our entrance. The Blades might as well have blown a foghorn at a funeral to announce our arrival.
Mizzlyn, Arman and Viridian went one way and Doc, Lhoris and I went the other way.
Lhoris seemed a little irritated with me, and rightly so. I was not watching where I was going and got in the range of a straight shot he had on one of the Lizardfolk. I tried to move out the way by heading down some stairs and got inappropriately fondled by a vine (my first action in a while), and then entangled. I had to be rescued by Doc (bless him) and I am a little mortified, to be honest. I did manage to kill the plant later - but not quite the heroic action a bard would sing songs about.
We are off to go try to kill the king of the Lizardmen. A good fight might put me in a better mood.
Wish us luck!
Kit & Carrot
PS I tried to steal a hug from Carrot, but his mood matches mine. At least his spontaneous and vindicative little bites jolt me awake.