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Mon 20th Jun 2022 02:03

Sun in my pocket and the moon in my hands

by Kit

Dear Mom
I am happy and feeling incredibly lucky to have people in my life that seem to want to stick around for a while. I still need to process everything and try figure out what exactly happened but here are my initial thoughts.
Firstly, we managed to clear Orium village of its ghostly terrors. I have started using my bow more often and fighting from a distance. I am tired of somehow always getting grappled and needing rescue, and this way I can still contribute. I miss the up-close action but now I get to watch all the guys – they are incredible, and I can still learn so much from them.
There was a slightly awkward moment when we gathered at the shrine to Nylea and saw a beautiful bow that I assume she left us as some sort of reward. I immediately looked at Lhoris, knowing he prays to Nylea, and swear I could see a yearning to touch the bow in his eyes. I could be wrong. Viridian reached over to grab the bow and when I looked back at Lhoris, his face was perhaps I imagined it.
When Lhoris and Dok went off to find survivors, I prayed. It was a pretty intense experience and a lot scary. It felt like she let me share her emotions and I felt her pure, hot rage at the defilement of her land and her unmistakable grief at the loss of lives. I felt angrier than I have ever been. Then I felt a searing, scorching pain and I shut my eyes tightly to try to get away from it. For a minute, I thought it would be my end, but then I intuitively sensed Viridian coming closer and standing by me. It made me feel stronger. Braver. Eventually, the waves of pain and grief subsided.
I do have a souvenir from my experience – some purple markings on my face. I think it is where either my tears or Karametra's fell. I will wear my scars proudly - a reminder that I am alive and that others were not so lucky. Also, it could be worse - poor Dok is slowly turning into a beetroot. Well, the bits I can see anyway. Now I wonder if he is red everywhere.
Karametra told me that we had to destroy the urns to end the corruption. When I told the others, they all immediately helped. No hesitation. No doubt. They dropped everything else. I do not know how to express to you how that made me feel. When I think back to it, I feel all choked up and I am overwhelmed by the support they gave me, despite worshiping other Gods. I think they cared just because it meant a lot to me. Arman even destroyed the one he had taken (probably to study it) and went back into the well to get the last one. Viridian did not smash any. He just brought them to me – it was like he knew I needed the violence in destroying them to calm down.
The horses! Oh my Karametra. The sprites decorated them, and they are the most fabulous horses ever! The horses looked a little embarrassed and I was tempted to ask them about it, but I prefer to believe they love it too.
Finally, Viridian gave me the bow from Nylea! I did covet it when I first saw it, so I am over the moon. I cannot wait to try it out.
Love you always.