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Thu 3rd Mar 2022 06:03

Two very different women and a King

by Kit

Dear Mom
I finally got some rest and I feel like a new woman.
So, we met the most horrid woman and we have been travelling with her through the swamp. I had to sit on my hands last night while we were resting to avoid getting up and slicing her neck swiftly with my dagger – just to shut her up for a few minutes. We saved her life, but she has yet to say thank you. She just keeps complaining about pretty much everything, but mostly about her missing equipment. If you are watching over me, then you know I have it and have shoved it down my glamoured studded leathers. I am a tad uncomfortable but annoying her has become my guilty, petty pleasure. Also, without so much as a thank you, we deserve something for suffering the swamp, the constant mosquito attacks and the exhaustion. I did consider giving the equipment back to her - but if she had known how to use the items, she should have made herself useful and avoided getting herself and the soldiers captured. I think it is mostly magical gadgety things and I know that Arman, Lhoris and Doc will find a good use for them.
The shaman also travelled back to Blackwall with us. I believe she really wants to negotiate some sort of peace between the Lizardfolk and us soft ones (her name for us squishy folk that are not lizards). I like her and feel protective of her, and I think King Viridian does too. Do you think he will like his nickname or do you think Overlord is better? Anyway, I hope that the shaman manages to accomplish her mission.
And then there is the dragon egg. I have never even seen a dragon, but I have seen them drawn in children's books. I am a little nervous we have it, but I am sure it will be fine.
Off to the next adventure!
Kit and Carrot
PS: Lhoris has been a little quieter than normal and I find myself wanting to give him a big hug, Not sure he is a hugger though. I might tell him a joke I remembered. An elf, a human and a dwarf walk into a bar and order a beer. A fly lands in each drink. The Elf shoves the beer away in disdain. The Human waves the fly away and drinks the beer. The Dwarf picks the fly up, holds it over his glass and yells, “Spit it all out you little fucker!”