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Wed 9th Mar 2022 07:33

Nature vs Nurture

by Kit

Hi Mom
You have been on my mind a lot lately.
I love being with the Diamond Blades but between adventures and in our downtime, each member seems to be wrestling with their own, inner demons. This is giving me a lot of thinking time.
I know stealing is considered wrong. I know killing is bad. But things are not black and white for me.
I like to think that I am not a bad person, but I am not sure that everyone I meet would have that opinion.
Would I take food from a woman trying to feed her family or a dagger from a man defending his? Never. Would I take a painting from someone who does not appreciate art? Sure.
I had not actually killed anything before meeting up with the Diamond Blades. Apart from some of the mice I befriended - but those were accidents.
The kills we do as the Diamond Blades do not bother me as they are generally deserved. But should they bother me more? The exception is the guard I killed. There was no justification for it, and I do feel remorse.
I know there are two schools of thought on how people's characters are shaped and that it is probably a combination of both. I am a product of the way I grew up as well as whatever I inherited from you and dad. I know you were a loving and kind person – I carry those memories close. This always brings me back to my dad and what kind of person he is/was. If he was a bad person, how much of that is in me? How much of that can I change?
I hope we get into a fight soon – anything to get my head away from this self-reflection crap.
We will be back in Greyhawk soon.
PS I wish we had had more time together.