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Wed 27th Apr 2022 04:38

New World woes

by Kit

Dear Mom
Well, I had another strange dream. A message from the Gods or is my mind just processing stuff? In the dream, I was asked to stop the corruption so that Nylea would smile upon me. If it is a godly request, why can it not be simple eg save x or steal y with a handy map thrown in? I will leave Lhoris to figure out what we should be doing in this new world. My dagger is at his disposal and I will try not to disappoint him.
Not too much has happened since I lost Carrot.
• We fought and killed all the Returneds (the guys in the masks).
• I spoke to Lord Champion (I was not really listening when he spoke - he could be a lord or he could be a champion of something or that could be his name). I wanted to spar with him to see how much damage he could do but then I lost interest cause he spoke A LOT.
• Arman seems to have caught the attention of some scary, vindictive, netherworld God (yes, another God) and he seems a little skittish about dying. He asked me not to loot his body for some reason...but how will he know? Maybe I will be talking to him soon.
• Viridian is still not ok with the whole being on the water thing and my attempts to cheer him up did not help.
• Dok seems a little better I think but his God is still MIA.
We are a sorry bunch right now but at least we are back on dry land and Viridian is looking much better and has regained his swagger.
This land has humans which are half horse! Halfbreeds like me. My mind is a little baffled as to how they are conceived but something tells me that is not a polite question.
I don't know if the possibility of seeing you on the other side is real, but I hope it is. I would love to see you again one day.