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Sun 3rd Apr 2022 06:57

The Gods are a Little Crazy

by Kit

Dear Mom
So, we are shipwrecked on an island in this New World, somewhere in the Prime Evil Sea. I am not exactly chomping at the bit to get back to Greyhawk and my past, so I may as well make the most of this adventure. Maybe we do not have to go back...
Doc has discovered that he no longer has a connection with the deity that has blessed him with his incredible gifts. He seems melancholy and out of sorts. I am trying this new thing where I try to understand people better by relating their emotions to something that might make me feel similar. The best I could come up with is that Doc is feeling like I would feel if I lost my right hand- the hand that wields my rapier. I think I will go give him a hug. I miss his grunts.
This world has some strange deities that I have not heard of before - like Thassa, God of the Sea and Klothys who brought us here to find the champion she lost. Seems pretty careless of her, to be honest. I was feeling pretty special to be one of the chosen, but a missing person mission seems just a little lame.
The gods back home all kind of scare me with the games they play. Their followers all seem to be pawns in some sort of godly Dragon Chess game. Maybe with a little more knowledge (and if they bestowed some kick-ass gifts on me), I might see the appeal.
This world's creatures seem a tad larger than those back home - like the Kraken that took the ship down. Then early this morning, Doc and I were on watch and heard what sounded like a really big creature moving around on the island. It does not sound happy at all, and I have a sneaky suspicion it might be because it discovered the missing emerald I stole from one of the statues. In the back of my consciousness, I also have a memory of a mournful song, and I am a little on edge. Was the creature singing a sad song in the night?
I am considering returning the emerald…
PS I am keeping an eye out for another ram with a magical fleece. I have a riddle I think will stump them!