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Wed 2nd Feb 2022 04:49

Speaking in Tongues

by Kit

Dear Jer
It has been an unusually long day, and the Blades are now taking a short break from swamping. My body is covered in mosquito bites – those little bastards even managed to get through my leather armour … or up it, which is worse. The itch is strong on my butt – I just want to drag my behind on the ground like a dog to scratch it.
Lots happened.
• There is an old mage possessed by green worms in the Keep. Jared and the other soldiers seemed terrified of it. We have not seen it yet, but I am very curious. Hopefully, when we return, we can deworm the mage.
• Jared asked us to rescue a mage (a different one) and some soldiers that the Lizardmen had taken. Viridian and Doc navigated us through the swamp to find their hideout. Mizzlyn is also highly perceptive and kept an eye out for anything ViriDoc missed. I had a giggle at Doc needing to take two steps for every one of Viridians. They were chatting away in Dethek, so I did not catch what they were saying, but they seemed to be bonding. On the way back to the Keep, I am going to ask Viridian for a ride in the Bugbear harness. I will be able to see till the ends of Oerth!
• While we were trekking through the swamp, Arman did this thing with magic to keep his boots dry and I was a little jealous. I bet he does not have one blister from our long walk.
• I managed to speak to a crocodile today and he was so nice! I don't know why anyone would wear Crocs! When I first entered his mind, he managed to show me he had a really bad toothache – and he seemed apologetic for being grumpier than normal. On our way out of the swamp, I hope we run into him again. We can tell him we (well Viridian) managed to kill the snake he feared. I know it will make his day!
• I met my first (and second harpy) today. They are charming when they sing but they also have a deafening screech when they are unhappy. How do you make a harpy unhappy? Arman figured it out. Apparently, beheading her sister and swinging the head around will do it. The harpy sang like a canary and told us to look out for the entrance to the lizard hideout up ahead.
• Lhoris was chatting to a Lizardman earlier and I am off to ask him how he managed to do that. It is such a grating language with a couple of achhhs (the sound you make when you clear your throat) and plenty of hissing. I do think Lhoris may have missed some social cues though as the Lizardman did not seem to like him much and tried to take him on. Lizardman 0, Lhoris 1.
Chat soon
Kit, Carrot, Boo and Vera
PS Despite being cold, wet, itchy and tired, I am happy.