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Sat 16th Apr 2022 07:09

I am sorry Carrot

by Kit

Dear Emissary
I am lying on my bedroll, trying to get a bit of rest. As I start to drift off, I keep seeing images of the strange men in golden masks on the beach. I always assumed that I would never leave the party behind, but I left Carrot. Emissary, if you are in a position to help, please keep him safe until I can return for him.
It has been a crazy day.
Dok is still out of sorts because he has lost his connection with Moradin. I wish I could tell him that he can talk to Moradin even if he is not around but that would mean admitting I talk to dead people. And even I know that is a little strange. I do not know anything about serving a deity but I think you can still do the work you are meant to if they are not there to see it. Dok is still who he has always been and his actions still honour Moradin.
Arman bonded with the giant over their sculpting. He created an amazing likeness of Rhaion out of a rock and I was in awe! I also know his actions and his honesty saved us from a battle we would not have won. Arman has many layers and I find him fascinating. I want to do some self-improvement in the future and I think I may see if Arman will show me one or two spells that I can add to my skills.
This speaking to animals thing that I can do with my tattoo is really rather unusual. I thought it was all happening in my head but it seems like people can see and hear me when I do. When I spoke to the crabs, I noticed Viridian looking at me strangely... almost a little disgusted. I did not like him looking at me like that. Then later he berated me for leaving Carrot behind, and rightly so. I think he sees me as a little sister and in my limited understanding of family relationships, that is probably how siblings interact. I have had dreams of Viridian though (which are definitely not sisterly), and there are the odd moments when I am attracted to him. Am I just missing Jer?
Lhoris is still everything that I wish I could be. He is an amazing strategist and good and just. Everything I see him do just impresses me more. I also think I am starting to understand the looks he gives me. Well, I definitely get the one that means "this is not the time to steal". I think stealing for me was a way to survive growing up but it has become more than that. It is also a lot of fun! It is also a way for me to feel like I have a little control in a world that still makes no sense to me. I will just pick my moments more carefully.
Anyway, hope the madness has gone and that you are at peace now.
Kind regards