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Tue 19th Apr 2022 05:35

Goodbye Carrot

by Kit

Dearest Carrot
I know you are not dead but my heart is breaking all the same.
We have been inseparable since I got you from Viridian and I really thought you were starting to like me a little. Maybe I just fooled myself into believing that you were warming to me because I just desperately wanted you to.
I would give anything to go back to that night on the beach. I would not have let you loose to explore and I would not have left you behind. That is on me.
I am going to miss you a whole damn lot.
When I saw you as I was leaving on the boat, I wanted to ask them to turn the boat around to go back for you. But your earlier words stopped me. You deserve to have the family that you want and to be the light of someone's life. I am so glad that you will not be alone!
Thank you for coming to say goodbye - that meant a lot to me.
Please stay in the shadows like I tried to teach you. I want you to be happy but I also want you to be safe.
I love you madly
PS The only good thing that came out of this is that I managed to fill a vial of tears for Arman.