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Wed 25th May 2022 05:51

The future

by Kit

Hi Jer
It has been a while since I spoke to you. We are in a new world, and our short time together back in Greyhawk seems like a distant memory. But I have an important ask of you.
Viridian (you would like him) and I visited a number of temples yesterday, and they were all pretty bland, but I cannot get Karametra's temple out of my head. Karametra is the God of the Harvest, and she is all about community and family (and other things that I tuned out). I have tried praying to her for guidance, but I have no clue what I am doing.
It does not matter though. She has already given me something.
You know I can't have kids. Karametra's temple ignited some motherly instinct in me and reminded me that there are a lot of children that do not have families. I have decided that if I live through all my adventures, I am going to think about adopting a child. I know I still have a few things to learn about taking care of living things (ok a lot to learn), but if I save money on my adventures, I will one day be in a position to provide someone with a home, an education, and unconditional love.
I waited at the orphanage for years hoping someone would adopt me. When I go back, I will take the child that nobody else wants. The one that skulks in the corner, the one that the others all tease, and the one whose eyes show that they have given up hope.
I know the Blades all have things they want to do with their lives when our adventures are over, but I hope to always stay in touch with them (if they let me). The child would have a lot of great role models:
• Viridian could teach the child self-worth and to beat to their own drum. He would remind them to hold their head high, to be brave, and more importantly, to have some fun along the way.
• Lhoris could teach the child about the ways of the world, the subtleties that most people (including me) do not get and provide them with knowledge and reasoning skills.
• Dok would teach them the importance of compassion, awareness, and working for what you want. How putting others first sometimes makes you stronger, not weaker.
• Arman would teach the child the importance of community but also how to carve your own mark on this world. To not give up when things get tough and to keep trying, despite the odds.
I do not think I will ever marry again and since I do not have my own surname, I wanted to ask if I could use yours. I will obviously ask your mom too if the time ever comes.
Think about it…there is plenty of time.