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Wed 13th Jul 2022 10:48


by Kit

Dear Karametra
I am close - sleeping at your temple tonight. I got badly hurt today and my friends brought me here to try to recover. Your priest (and Dok) healed me, thank you Karametra! It seems I have some sort of lingering weakness that hopefully, your high priestess will be able to sort out in the morning. As an aside, do you tip a priest? I still do not know all the godly protocols.
I was either in the wrong place at the wrong time or I am a target for assassination.
If I was in the wrong place, it is entirely my own fault. Curiosity got the better of me. They say it killed a cat and look at me now, I have the strength of a cat. Just not the sleek, awesome big feline kind but a plain old, flea-ridden, teeth-missing, spoilt house cat.
If I am a target, it might have something to do with the dream I had where you erm lovingly shoved a seed down my throat. The assassin threatened something about making sure the seed died. If there is something inside me, I will not give it up without a fight!
It looks like Erebos is involved. Arman has gone to his temple to try and find some answers. I trust him but it does not look like the others do entirely. He has been nothing but good to me though and I am trying to judge people on their actions and not on the company they keep…or the gods they align with.
Speaking of gods, I had a dream. I am not sure who sent it. At first, I thought it was you, but I think maybe someone (another god/entity) wanted me to ask questions about your past. A priestess wearing a white gown was pouring a red liquid from a cornucopia as she walked through a field. Where the liquid fell, a bountiful harvest grew. I believe this has something to do with what happened a long time ago and you demanding blood sacrifices. It was a little disturbing, I cannot lie. From what I know about you, you are merciful. If you were not always that, then maybe you have changed. I am all about self-improvement.
Trixi is staying with me tonight. I guess she really does want to be my friend. She is telling me to rest, but I can hear Viridian and Dok talking outside my door. I gave them quite a scare! I feel bad about that, but being carried by Viridian and cared for by the others was nice. I do not like feeling so helpless normally, but I was in a bad state. It made me feel safe – like everything would be ok.
Despite all our dangerous adventures, I am not scared of dying. Maybe I am just scared of dying alone.
I hope I will be able to attend the festival tomorrow. Not to worship obviously, but just to experience something new.
Your devotee
PS: If you can, please keep an eye on the others tonight. I am not able to do so.
PPS: Edessa is well cared for and I have not seen any hungry people – your worshippers are doing a stellar job here! If you have another need for me, shout.