Nests and Webs by Virdan | World Anvil

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30th Brussendar, 835 P.D.

Nests and Webs

by Virdan Zandril

Tali was determined that we stay together. Knowing that the law is hunting for a Teifling and a Drow means we honestly are safer together than we are seperate. We reached Nogvurot and entered the city. The guards didn't seem to even give us a passing glance. Maybe the guards aren't after us. I feel braver, but I am still on my guard. Anyone could be after us.
Kayrin grumbled about feeling hungry. Turns out Goodberry only goes so far. Tali and Rholis wanted to eat something new too. Charlie gave us some options and Tali nearly jumped at the chance to try Marquesian food. We went to the Sweet Chili Pub and sat in the back. I kept my hood up, but no one seemed to care or pass me a glance. A group entered and one of them recognized Charie. Panlo was his name, and they... worked at the circus together?
Mom was going to bring us to the Circus. We had tickets....
Dinner went without a hitch though. The group of new friends seem... well, to be fair they are weird. Ael exploded at the mention of the MythrilSpine. I think maybe she's hiding her heritage like I am.
We went up to bed and my family seemed happy to have somewhere to sleep that wasn't a knotted tree or bed of leaves (although I almost prefered sleeping in the wild). Seeing them with full bellies of good food, talking with new friends, smiling... It was a lot to process. Things felt... ok. I didn't trust everyone at the table yet, but some of them: Charlie of course, Panlo, and Thistle are nice. Weird, but nice. Ael and Levin kind of scare me. I feel like there are secrets there and I don't know if I have all the answers. Also Ael was a bit weird about drow... I know there's a war but... I dunno. Maybe I just misread the intention. Since they all seemed nice after the.... well I'll get to that.
Viertree and Loc, as I would learn they were named, were staying at the inn. They are the two Charlie and I were mistaken for on the road. I had to know what they were up to. Why were they being looked for by the Righteous Brand? I could hear Trill's voice in my head. I had to find out. And now I had the tools to do it.
I turned myself into a spider and snuck beneath the door. I have to admit, that felt pretty cool.
Turns out they are diplomats from the Kryn Dynasty. Why are the Righteous Brand looking for them? Just then, an assassin came into the door. He went to strike at the woman, Viertree, and I sprung on him and sunk my fangs in. How did I have the courage to do this? Where did this instinct come from? Is it me? The Spider? Or maybe it's seeing an unnarmed person being attacked. The assasin struck her down, but I was able to heal her quickly to keep her alive. Those new allies of mine showed up and together we drove away the assassin and saved Viertree's life.
The assassin though. He wore the same clothes as the man who came after my family. Who are they? A few of these new allies seem to know who they are. Why are they coming after me? and why are they coming after Viertree and Loc? Why is the Empire attempting to take out people from Xhorhas?
I was able to convince Tali that we should travel with Viertree, Loc, and the others to Xhorhas. Kayrin and Rholis will be safer there. And once they are there, I can come back and find Mom and Dad.
I can't believe I stood up to Tali and convinced them to come along to Xhorhas with me. I can't believe I fought off an Assassin. I can't believe I saved someone's life. But... Here we are. And it felt... it felt good. I protected people, and I liked it.
I think Shendra would be proud.
We plan on heading east off road. If we can make it to Xhorhas, we will be safe. But I will come back to find mom and dad. I must.
We head out soon. I think with this group we can make it.

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  3. Nests and Webs
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  7. ...
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  8. Friends: New, Old, and Unexpected
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  9. Loc
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  10. The Shepherd's Crook vs. The Chosen's Book
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  11. And No One Asked
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  12. A Scary Thought
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  13. I Don't Cheat
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  14. Flights of Fancy
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  15. Kayrin's Super Secret Journal DON'T READ
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  16. A Bow and its Arrow
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  17. Dust, Wind and Bones
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  18. Dear Panlo
  19. Dear Charlie
  20. Dear Ael
  21. Dear Gael
  22. Dear Trill
  23. Dear Thistle
  24. Dear Virdan
  25. Blue and White
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