Dear Ael by Virdan | World Anvil

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Sun 14th Nov 2021 09:36

Dear Ael

by Virdan Zandril

I'm not good at this, but I'm trying to be more open and talk about things I am thankful for in myself and outside of myself instead of apologizing all the time. So this isn't an apology for being myself. I've been myself and can't change that. This is just a way for me to start moving towards being something better.
Thank you, Ael. For always keeping us safe.
We faced a lot together. The group and the two of us. Thank you for trusting us with your story. Thank you for helping me protect everyone I have left. Thank you for doing whatever it took to keep us safe.
Thank you for being the strongest person here.
I mean that. I know a lot of things are going on right now for you, but whatever is happening with Velina, the Bright Queen, and your sister, I have no doubt that you will figure it out and solve it the best way possible. Even if you find it by stumbling on the solution blindly or through clever planning. I trust you and know you will do the right thing for yourself and Velina.
And thank you for being kind to Kayrin and Rholis. They mean the world to me, and you showing them card tricks and keeping them entertained while on the road meant a lot not just to me but to them as well.
I am also trying to find out what it is I want. Not from you, but from myself and from the people I am close to.
I want to continue to be there for each other as things get messy. I want to walk side-by-side into whatever is ahead of us with one of the strongest sorcerors I know. I want to introduce Velina to Rholis and take them out to do things around Rosohna with you. I want to talk sibling advice and help each other be better siblings. I want to gamble with you and play games. I want to learn more about you as a person seperate from the fighting and our adventures and your sister.
I want to stay on this team with you.
So thank you again for keeping me and mine safe. And thank you for sticking with us through all of this.

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