Shepherd of the Lost by Virdan | World Anvil

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29th Brussendar, 835 P.D.

Shepherd of the Lost

by Virdan Zandril

Trill woke me up last night and lead me deep into the woods. I was worried. Where was she bringing me? Why was it so far away from the others? She told me I needed to get lost, to clear my head. I disagreed. My family needed me and here I was travelling around the forest.
I found myself surrounded by little lights. Trill said they were whisps. They flew towards my wound but didn't hurt or feel like anything. My fears started to subside as the whisps floated through the air. They seemed so peaceful and I guess that peace leaked into me.
But then I saw my hands. Well, my hooves I should say. Wool grew all over my body and I found myself on all fours. I tried to call for Trill, but only a bleet escaped my throat. And then she was there. The Shephard. She calmed me down and lifted me onto her shoulders. We travelled to a cottage beneith a mountain where she healed my wound. She told me I wasn't like them, her sheep. I told her I wanted to protect my family the same way she protected her flock. She smiled, and told me we had a lot of work to do.
I found myself in my normal form with a Shepherd's crook in my hands. There she trained me for 7 days. I herded her sheep, tended to their wounds, and managed their feeding and sleeping schedule. I worked on the farm, building their shelters and cleaning after them. After a few days, the Shepherd began teaching me more magical means to protect her flock. I learned about the power of totems, guiding the spirits of animals to aid me and mine in times of need. And on that seventh night, I went to sleep next to the Shepherd and awoke in camp, as if the entire experience was a dream. I believed it was, until I saw the Shepherd's Crook laying in my bed roll next to me.
I feel...more prepared. More...sure of my self and my ability to protect my family. And Charlie too. I know now that I have the strength to face what's ahead. And while the scars of my past are still there, etched clearly across my chest, they've strengthened me. With my crook in hand, and my mind set, I know I can protect myself and mine. I know I can.

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  19. Dear Charlie
  20. Dear Ael
  21. Dear Gael
  22. Dear Trill
  23. Dear Thistle
  24. Dear Virdan
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