A Scary Thought by Virdan | World Anvil

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5th of Sydenstar, 835 P.D.

A Scary Thought

by Virdan Zandril

Why do Charlie and Ael care so much about relationships.
We're RUNNING from who-knows-what but no, let's "set a mood" for Thistle and Louise. Thistle and Louise didn't need any more coaxing... Let Thistle be. I'm sure she can figure out that sort of stuff on her own. Plus it's not like Louise is coming to Xhorhas with us. Why do all this if getting attached is the opposite of what will be helpful once we leave Grimgolir. Having fun is one thing, but losing someone you care about...
And asking me about hitting on Charlie?
Charlie is a wonderful person, sure, but she's about the same age as Shendra, one, and also I don't really understand girls. I don't understand about...
It's not that I've never found a woman attractive before. I think. I have thoughts. Of course I do. Sometimes. But I don't know if those thoughts have anything to do with s...3...x. Maybe. I had that strange thought about Thistle a few days ago, but it wasn't about THISTLE it was about the structure of Thistle. The musculature, the cat-like movements, her shape. It was not...about her sexually. It was mostly... jealousy?
I don't know what I mean by that...
It's scary.
I should talk to Tali...

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  12. A Scary Thought
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  19. Dear Charlie
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  24. Dear Virdan
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