Ok. * This is dumb.*
I hope no one finds this...
You did it. You're safe. You saved Tali, Kayrin, and Rholis. You saved Viertree. Your friends are safe. You're safe. You did it.
Thank you, Virdan. Thank you for saving your family. Thank you for saving Viertree. Thank you for every step you took that lead you to where you are right now.
Thank you for learning and continuing to learn about nature, friendship, and survival. Thank you for the last three weeks of struggling. It was hard but thank you for not giving up. Thank you for proving time and time again that you had the strength to make it. Thank you for protecting everyone the best you could. Thank you for not shutting down and seeing this through. Thank you for being cautious when you needed to. Thank you for getting stronger. Thank you for being you.
*This is stupid.*
Thank you for standing by your friends, and thank you for making a difference in their lives. Even if it's small. They care about you. They worry about you. That's it.
Thank you for making new friends. Seb and Vera seem to like you. Keep it up. Don't be dumb. Be yourself.
*Why am I writing this*
I want you to keep working to get stronger. I want you not to give up on your friends. I want you to enjoy your life, your freedom, your safety. I want you to stop looking over your shoulder like everyone's out to get you. I want you to be stronger. I want you to open up. I want you to trust those who've fought alongside you to keep your family safe. I want you to be more selfish. I want you to be stronger. I want you to learn everything you can. I want you to cook. I want you to shoot bows. I want you to keep trying. I want you to be stronger. I want you to make more friends. I want you to start a garden. I want you to decorate your room. I want you to be stronger. I want you to go out there and have fun. I want you to be a better brother to Kayrin. I want you to talk to your uncle. I want you to find a home for your siblings. I want you to be stronger. I want you to keep fighting. I want you to learn more about the druidic arts. I want you to go on more adventures with your friends. I want you to be stronger. I want you to move on from Iyla. I want you to find out what happened to Shendra. I want you to find out where Mom and Dad are. I want you to save them, if you can. I want you to be stronger. I want you to be like Gael. I want you to be like Charlotte. I want you to be like Panlo. I want you to be like Ael. I want you to be like Thistle. I want you to be stronger. But most importantly:
I want you to stay with this team.
*I can't believe I feel like I have to do this.*
You deserve this. You deserve the white cloak, the Kryn Family broach, the house, the family you've made, the money and rewards that are coming your way, the prestige, the honors, the attention, the praise, the help, the love, everything. You deserve it. You deserve to feel good about it.
*Gods, this is ridiculous*
No, stop, its not ridiculous. Shut up Virdan. You deserve to thank yourself. You deserve to want things for yourself. You deserve to care about yourself.
You deserve all of this.
You do.