And No One Asked by Virdan | World Anvil

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4th of Sydenstar, 835 P.D.

And No One Asked

by Virdan Zandril

I suppose it's to be expected. I did spend my time trying to help a friend instead of whispering outside. I did waste my time messing up the ingredients. But I've never felt more like a child.
At a crossroads, an important one, no one asked what I thought.
When we had to make a HUGE decision about trusting a stranger, no one asked what I thought.
When it came time to reveal ourselves to this stranger, no one asked what I thought.
And now I'm stood in a stranger's home, my full face on display. A face I've been hiding from EVERYONE but this group of people since the attack. And just like that, here I am. Revealed. And
The life of MY family at stake. No one asked. The safety of my secret is at stake. No one asked. The future of this group at stake. NO ONE ASKED.
What am I supposed to make of THAT? Is it because I have, for the most part, been worthless to this group? Is it because I am not respected due to my age? My inexperience? My race? My insecurities? My faults? My weakness? My indecision? Did I bring this onto myself? Did I make them see me as someone just... not worth asking?
And Gael taunts me. "We have something we need to discuss with you". Oh, DO YOU? Discussion. I hear discussion and I know what that means. You 'discuss' with children. You 'discuss' with people beneath you. You 'discuss' decisions you've ALREADY MADE with people who's decision you DON'T want. They didn't want to ASK me, they didn't want to TELL me beforehand, they just wanted to DISCUSS with me after.
I don't know what's worse. That they didn't trust me enough to bring me in, or that the decision they came to is the one I WOULD HAVE MADE. I WOULD HAVE BEEN RIGHT and they will NEVER know because NO. ONE. ASKED.

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