
Oldspear was once a very prosperous mining village, as the only access point to the Spear mountains to the north. However, when Highspear was constructed Oldspear began to fall apart. Now its known as nearly a ghost town, with the majority of individuals far from well off. Its moved on to become a logging town, but it makes less coin for the struggling place.    Oldspear has gained a reputation as a sad place, one recently ravaged by storms that they cannot repair. Oldspear was also in the middle of a recent string of undead attacks.    Oldspear is also known for its church dedicated to Mercy, having the oldest known church dedicated to the sword. This does draw some light tourism in the form of religious pilgrims.


Oldspear has a relatively large sized Owlin population, but is mostly made up of humans. Almost everyone is below the poverty line.


The mayor of Oldspear reports to the Lady/Lord of the Bay, and is appointed by them.


The church of Mercy is an ancient church and the oldest known church dedicated to Mercy. It's a fairly large and well kept building, with a huge stained glass window depicting the sword.
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