
Whitedust has a storied past of violent events. From the Warhound of Orelin, to its burning during the War of the Dragon, to the more recent slaying of the Well Beast by the Midnight Moths. Whitedust is mostly a logging and farming town. It's spot near to the desert occasionally sees it swept up with the dust from the dunes after sandstorms, granting it its name.    Whitedust has a statue in its townsquare dedicated to the Warhound of Orelin, the acclaimed masked knight who fought back a demonic invasion. The town sees visitors to it because of the Warhound, with a small museum dedicated to him, a local tavern named after the event he participated in, and memorabilia.    Whitedust has been known as an Esher hub for some time, with people crossing the river into the dunes to try and harvest it.


Whitedust is primarily lived in by halflings and humans, with a moderate gnomish population as well. The majority of Whitedust is above poverty, though barely, with a small percentage of business owners getting by fairly well.


Whitedust is run by its appointed mayor, and reports to the Lord of the Woods. The Whitedust mayor has its own minor council of important locals.


A small wooden wall runs out the outside of the town, recently repaired.

Industry & Trade

Whitedust primarily deals in tourism, logging, and farming. Small potato and wheat farms run the outside of the town, while loggers head north into the woods. Tourism comes from the towns storied history and violent past. There's a well known illegal esher market as well.


The most prominent thing in Whitedust are its statue of the Warhound, and the tavern/inn behind it called the Hounds Axe. The Hounds Axe is the largest building in town, and contains a gift shop as well.

Guilds and Factions

Red Runners are a group who harvest and run esher, a narcotic.
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