
Westford is a small farming village on the western edges of Requiem. It's best known for its start of spring festival, in which they throw a fairly large fair. Westford is known as quiet, not much happens in it despite its proximity to the Lordless Lands. Westford is historically known for the "1 day rebellion" in which the local farmers rose up, unseated the mayor, and declared Westford would not be paying taxes until the taxes were lowered for farmers of the Hills. This was met with swift violence, and the town was brought back into the fold within a day.


The village is almost entirely made up of humans, however a few halflings tend or own the farms.


Westford is run by a mayor, who is appointed by the Lord of the Hills.


Westford is a small village. Outside of it is a destroyed tower that was used as a staging point for the 3rd invasion of the Lordless Lands. Inside the town is a statue of a Wyvern Rider. The Dead Rebel Inn is larger than many expect it to be.
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Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)