
As the Spear mountains became more and more profitable many left Oldspear to set up shop closer to the mines. This then grew out into Highspear, a mining town on the cliffs edge in the mountains. Its view of Valor Bay is well known as one of the best around, driving light tourism. Highspear is a rich town even though the mines are producing less than when it was formed. It does have trouble from the occasional giant, dragon, or underdark entity but is often able to handle them with the help of adventuring parties.    Highspear has become known as one of Requiem jewels, and is profitable enough to have its own small contingent of properly stationed and kingdom employed troops, making many of its streets safe from the more violent of crimes.


Highpsear sees a large owlin and human population, as well as a moderate population of gnomes and immigrant dwarves.


Highspear is run by its mayor, who is appointed by the Lord/lady of the Bay. Highspears mayor also has a small council to help them.


  • Highspear Map
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