
Though smaller than Valcoast, Lightshore is the seat of power for the Lord of the Bay. Built around Brinerock keep and the Dream Beacon lighthouse, Lightshore is a well off coastal town of fishermen, shipwrights, and military personnel. Valcoast sits on a large island with rocky outcroppings and two small mountains to its south. The town itself is perched outside of those rocks, on a clean shoreline. It's beaches bring summer nobility to visit.    Lightshore is also known as the seat for the Council of the 4 Kingdoms whenever called, and as such features many embassies along its noble district. Lightshores historical context has also brought with it a large historical library - "Yanah Library" though its more often referred to by its nickname of the Saltblock.


High Elves and Humans make up most of the population, though there is a sizeable gnome population in the docks and owlin population in the upper districts.


Lightshore is run by a mayor, who is appointed by the Lord of the Bay. Though Lightshores place as seat to the Lord mean the mayor has less power than other places.
Large town
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization