
Halfisde is a stopping point for the trade caravans and travellers moving between the Hilt and eastward. Sat beside the Half-Hand river, Halfisde is relatively bousterous with a well regarded street called "Ale Street" for those looking for drinks. Halfside also has a large set of old dungeons running beneath it, flooded from the river for most of the year. The Halfside Dungeons are well known for their sprawling length and different build styles, as over the centuries different groups have held Halfside and built their own keeps, castles, and dungeons - adding to a mess of tunnels. Most of these old keeps have fallen to complete ruin or have been torn down.    Halfsides also known for the beautiful theatre hall, the Silver Plate, which sees many travelling performances come to its doors.


Humans make up the majority of the population, though there is a large demographic of Halflings and High elves.


Halfside is run by its mayor, who is appointed by the Lord of the Walls
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