Azimuth 2 - Session 05 - Reports of Demons

General Summary


Hero Hunters Facility
After the battle in the storehouse manor of the Hero Hunters Facility, most of the party returned to speak with Haugon about their success, while Romulus and Ilmendwyth remained behind to investigate further. Romulus began digging back through the collapsed tunnel to access the sewers further in.   Coletta brought them in to see Haugon, and Romsca informed him of their success and where else they had found these creatures. Arwin informed Haugon it was demons, and Mortimr assured Haugon the problem was dealt with. Haugon congratulated them on their completed task. He said he would fulfill his side of their agreement, and covered wagons would be provided to the Darksteel Foundry.   Romsca went to hand the journal she found to Haugon and he declined, instead directing her to place it on the table where he used an enchanted lens to view it first before picking it up. The journal contained entries from a former ally of Haugon, and Haugon shared some info about his past.   Haugon had been in an adventuring group decades ago named the Hero Hunters. A hobgoblin paladin named Avodac, a halfling rogue named Farink, a halfling druid named Phaidra, and Haugon had been involved with stopping an Esturk cultist named Kruset the bugbear. For their actions, they were granted the Red Manors, which would eventually become the Hero Hunters Facility. They started a guild before Kruset returned and took revenge on them, killing all but Haugon and leaving Coletta orphaned.   In addition to the promised wagons, he rewarded them with some gold and offered a greater sum if they would venture into the sewers and clear out the demon infestation entirely. Haugon was concerned with the fading light and the growing corruption.   The party discussed what to do with their available time, as the wagons would not arrive until the next day. With tasks in the city, after informing Romulus and Ilmendwyth of their discussion with Haugon, they decided to temporarily split and regroup later on.  
City Sewers
Romulus and Ilmendwyth stayed behind to dig back through the collapsed tunnel. Once it was cleared enough, they slipped inside and began investigating. The tracks and trails of damage seemed to all lead through the sewers in the direction of the Yew Well.   As they got closer, the sewers connected to old tunnels beneath the Yew Tree. They seemed to be hundreds of years old. There were no access points to the sewers in this area, as if the area nearest to the tree was intentionally left undisturbed. They heard the sounds of other entities somewhere near in the water, so they elected to hold back and find a more accessible sewer entrance the party could use. They returned to the surface in the residential areas of Westfield.  
Second Square
Outside the facility in Second Square, Mortimr gave Kelwin a sum of gold, saying it was for the “Wheel Tax”. He also commissioned a custom-made mask. After, he, Chaka and Demitri went towards Cardinal Desires. Demitri had a plan to maybe distract the Coinguard to buy them more time.  
Oknar Offices
At the Oknar Offices, Romsca sought out Oknar Jod, the leader of the city. He requested a letter of pardon officially excusing the late departure of the Santeem aid caravan. While the oknar seemed hesitant and that such paperwork may not be necessary, he seemed to trust the word of Coinguard Gim Gorod, as he had served faithfully for many years. The party contradicted the report and shared their concerns about the coinguard with Jod. However, the conversation was taken over once Arwin informed him about demons in Porgorag's sewers.   Arwin informed him their group had been hired by the Hero Hunters to clear the demons. The oknar said the sewers were more important and seemed pleased to learn the party had already agreed to investigate. He immediately started work to inform the citizens to avoid the Yew Well's water and directed the watchguard to pull guard patrols and investigate the sewers to determine if there was a legitimate threat.   After leaving the oknar's office, Arwin snuck into the coinguard’s office. He broke into the desk and recovered three items of apparent importance. However, he had broken the lock. He pulled Romsca inside, and she tried to fix it with a Mending spell, but she unfortunately repaired the lock stuck open. She broke it again and started Mending once more while Arwin snuck back out of the office.   Meanwhile, Gertrude saw a page approach the coinguard’s office, seemingly wanting to drop off papers to his desk. Gertrude guided him away and asked for his help before becoming somewhat overwhelmed by the turn of events. She appeared to be under duress, so the page called out for a cleric. Arwin approached and aided Gertrude’s distraction. This gave Romsca enough cover to fix the desk and leave with no one noticing. Quickly, she gathered the other two, and they left the building.   They began making their way towards the Darksteel Foundry while Arwin read the papers he’d taken. There were two letters and a receipt of purchase, and after reading them, Arwin told Gertrude and Romsca they needed to immediately meet up at Cardinal Desires.  
Cardinal Desires
Meanwhile, at Cardinal Desires, Demitri and Mortimr went inside while Chaka remained outside. While waiting, Chaka saw city guards in Westfield seemingly recalled by a messenger.
Report Date
09 Nov 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Time
2 Adroth 5A 352