Azimuth 2 - Session 07 - Brawl for the Box

General Summary


Darksteel Foundry
In the afternoon of 2 Adroth 5A 352, the party confronted the goliath guarding the strange black box among the aid caravan goods. The goliath denied them access to the box and became agitated as they attempted to convince him otherwise, and a fight broke out as Arwin kicked the goliath in the dick and Romulus attempted to grab the box.   He tried to transform into a beast along with the box, but as he did, the elemental energies of Romulus’s magic were shunted and absorbed. Like a vortex, the magic was pulled forcibly from Romulus into the box. So forceful was it that Cinis also got caught in the vortex and was dispelled.   In response, the goliath attacked Arwin with a punch to the stomach that stunned him. He pushed him aside and walked forward to the rest of the party.   Romulus pulled from his traditional druid teachings from his family, instead of the fiery elemental energies, and he again tried to transform with the box. He was successful and turned into a giant spider to flee with the box out of the warehouse.   As the fighting grew crowded, Mortimr climbed onto the nearby weapon racks to gain a better view. He called forward his magical energies, but lost control of them. A beam of pinkish electric energy wracked into Demitri and towards Chaka before Mortimr could dissipate the spell.   Demitri, Romsca, Gertrude, Captain Ruslan, and Ilmendwyth all closed in and struck the goliath. With rapid, powerful punches, he swung back, hitting many of the party. He seemed skilled in the hectic melee, even catching an arrow shot by Arwin, saying, “Archer? Really?” before chucking the broken arrow to the ground.   As the party wore down the goliath, Romsca grabbed onto his waist while Demitri jumped from behind onto his shoulders. With a quick crack from the pommel of Ilmendwyth’s blade, they knocked out the goliath and the combat ended. They used some of Demitri’s rope and lengths of chain from the warehouse to bind him as they recovered from the brawl.   Meanwhile, Romulus alerted Borscha Brickwell to the fighting in the storage warehouse and discussed the black box as well. They stashed the box in her office and rushed back to the rest of the group, picking up Vitibuk, the dock tender of the Foundry, along the way. They entered the warehouse and Vitibuk decried Romsca for starting a brawl in "my area of the Foundry."   Borscha asked what happened, and Mortimr asked her why she was transporting a dangerous box. She said it came with the Provideniye but wasn’t on the manifest. Arwin shared what he saw in Endor, the First Mountain, where a woman in black with red hair giving the black box to the goliath. Ruslan confirmed the black box was not part of the original manifest.   Ruslan checked his roster and informed the party the goliath’s name was Cirro, and he had joined the caravan in Endor shortly before Arwin and Gertrude. Romulus shared he felt Cirro’s memory had been modified. Arwin, Romsca, and Mortimr were all highly stressed after the combat, snapping at each other. The party wanted to open the box and fix Cirro’s modified memory. In the meantime, they secured Cirro in the warehouse with Vitibuk and Ruslan as guard.   They retrieved the box and Chaka cast Identify. The black box seemed to have a lead lining inside. It had an Arcane Lock on it, and Chaka could tell the box could be opened by a genasi. The latching mechanism had a fire spell trap and there was a uniquely shaped key.   Demitri asked if Romsca could make a forgery of the key, and she said she could try. She returned to her chambers in the Foundry and began using her skills to craft a copy of the key. Meanwhile, Demitri, Arwin, and Ilmendwyth rushed to the Church of Zenethia.  
Church of Zenethia
At the church, Godsguard Ankhan was speaking to other members of the clergy. Demitri interrupted them and quickly gave details of the issues their group faced. He told her about the smuggled black box and Cirro’s modified memory, and asked if she could accompany them back to the Foundry. She was hesitant but Ilmendwyth spoke about it being a matter of great import and convinced her to aid.   Demitri asked Ilmendwyth to escort her back to the Foundry and they quickly headed back that way. The godsguard, as a dragonborn and a city official, was a prominent figure, and Ilmendwyth could tell he and her were seen as they went across the city. On the way, Ilmendwyth provided further details to the godsguard.  
Cardinal Desires
Meanwhile, Demitri asked Arwin to accompany him back to Cardinal Desires. He wanted to pick up the papers they left earlier and head to the oknar right away. On the way, Demitri asked Arwin about why he had left the church earlier and if there was something with him and dragonborn. Arwin said, "Wounds of the past cut deepest."   They stealthily returned to Cardinal Desires and sought out Matriarch Eval again. They took back the papers left with her and as they left, she wished them well against the coinguard. Leaving Westfield, they made their way towards the Oknar Offices.  
At the entrance to the Foundry, Godsguard Ankhan asked about the big crowd outside the entrance. Ilmendwyth said they were citizens seemingly unhappy with the caravan. Inside, the crew and staff of the Foundry took note of the godsguard’s presence as the group gathered.   Ankhan healed Cirro and used a Remove Curse spell. He was disoriented but eventually came around as his memories were repaired. Once he was coherent, he answered the party’s questions.   Cirro had joined the aid caravan in Endor as it seemed like a “punch and lift job” to him. As he was loading crates, he was approached by a redhaired woman with fiery skin and eyes. She “spoke funny” and gave him the box. He believed that he happily agreed to protect the box and ensure it went successfully with the caravan to New Keeleon.   Having cured Cirro’s memory, the party returned to the black box in the Foundry’s central yard. There, Romsca was waiting. She had finished crafting the needed key to open the box, and she learned the key was the same size, shape, and design as the Tarterian Traders lapel pin carried by Mortimr.
Report Date
07 Dec 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Time
2 Adroth 5A 352