Azimuth 2 - Session 28 - An Interrupted Meal

General Summary

New Keeleon

While Waiting
While waiting in the rented room, Gertrude meditated and used a Sending spell to reach out to Bishop Rannyl Grimsunder in Endor, the First Mountain. She said the path of Chedae’s fading light was drawing her south. She asked for any information about the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring, as it could be related to world-ending plans from a group of genasi.   Rannyl said her words were dire. He promised to search the Temple to Zenethia records and, if needed, the archives at the Temple to Morounin.   Meanwhile, Ilmendwyth’s Sending Stone activated. A tired message came through: “No birds at the feeder, no errands today. A raven nearby with an egg for you. Got a bird’s eye view, coming in for a landing soon, I hope.”   Ilmendwyth replied, “I saw a bird at my feeder today. And I’ll be running an errand.”  
The End of a Conversation
At the Breakwater Keep, Demitri and Romsca continued their conversation with Nalt Oknar Rulla and Watchguard Stuzrog. Rulla appeared exhausted and irritated, and Stuzrog scowled.   Stuzrog said their claims were ridiculous and suggested they could just be hired by city merchants to say these things as a way to push back against the increased Tarterian Traders fees.   Rulla replied it was their duty to investigate serious claims like these, but she would not immediately cut any ties with their guildhall, as that would affect the city’s economy. She agreed there were too many listed coincidences and directed the watchguard to investigate.   Rulla asked after the ring they mentioned and where it may be. Demitri said it was with the rest of their group, and they could reach out to them at the Far Bar Inn.   Demitri brought up Godsguard Shumedzar’s reaction to Lord Lortuk the previous day and asked what their relationship was. Rulla said the godsguard was young and inexperienced with politicking, and Lord Lortuk had only been in the city for about five days.   Demitri also asked if Gertrude would be able to speak with the rebel preacher that had been apprehended earlier. He said it was related to her interest in Chedae and the fading light. Stuzrog dismissed the preacher’s claims as blasphemy, but said if Gertrude wanted to speak with him, she should return to the keep today.   Thanking them for their time, Demitri and Romsca departed.  
Back at Far Bar
At the Far Bar Inn, the groups rejoined in the rooms and shared the intel they’d gathered and the actions they’d taken.   Gertrude shared her message to her bishop, and said she wanted to speak to the captured prisoner, as he seemed to fully believe he’d seen Chedae in the west.   Arwin had tried to set a meeting with the Commandment of Sky Guildhall. Though he wasn’t immediately successful, he let the group know to watch for a potential messenger asking after him.   Romsca relayed she’d informed Nalt Oknar Rulla and Watchguard Stuzrog everything they’d learned thus far. Arwin asked if that was a good idea. She replied they didn’t have other options. Demitri agreed they needed to make a move.   Arwin said they should plan to head back to Victory Market and ask after the coinguard. Romsca said they should also try to connect with Argilla as a priority.   With these tasks on their mind, the group headed downstairs and met Captain Ruslan in the Santeem-themed side of the tavern. However, Chaka said he had components he needed to buy and would join them after.   Ruslan had arranged a hearty meal from the kitchen staff: a spread of Santeemite foods for them to eat, including smoked fish, caviar, rye bread, and peppered soup. Ruslan invited them to eat, saying he wanted to provide a “proper Santeemite goodbye, which is lengthy and requires a meal.”   Ruslan asked about their time in New Keeleon and shared some of the souvenirs he’d bought. Then, he asked more seriously about their efforts with their errands and the residuum ring. Ruslan offered his help, if they needed it. He'd be in town for a few more days before arranging travel back northwards.   Arwin asked if he'd be able to deliver a message for him to Branca. Ruslan said that was unfortunately too far out of his way. He offered to take it as far as Endor, but Arwin declined.  
Gralphank’s Emporium
Meanwhile, Chaka returned to Gralphank's Ten-Foot Pole Emporium. He purchased some needed supplies he could afford, but also needed a more expensive jeweled horn.   Chaka asked if Gralphank would be willing to trade for one of his art pieces. He presented his “Work #84: Pile of Baskets”, saying “I feel it has your spirit. Baskets are… art and full of potential.”   Gralphank said he’d trade the needed horn for the art piece and a favor. A potion maker in the Mud Ward he worked with needed supplies to restock Gralphank’s shelves. If Chaka’s party could get her what she needed, he’d provide the jeweled horn. He asked how Chaka was with “unusual people” before revealing his supplier was a tiefling.   Chaka said he would see what her group could do, and he departed quickly back towards the Far Bar Inn.  
An Arrest and Pursuit
As their meal continued, three city guards entered and approached the table. They presented paperwork asking Ruslan to be brought to answer questions involving an investigation from the watchguard, complete with Stuzrog’s signature.   Ruslan placed gold on the table for the meal, and he said in Santeemite to Demitri and Mortimr, “I bet you anything this is about the manifest and that black box of yours.” Gertrude said she had business at Breakwater Keep and would be coming with, smiling at the three guards.   Romulus and Mortimr stayed behind to watch the residuum ring and box, and the rest followed after the guards and Ruslan. They noticed the guards were uneasy with their presence, but they made no effort to prevent their pursuit.   At the bailey of the keep, Ruslan was brought inside, and the group was prevented from following. A guard directed them to the watch commander in the keep.   Speaking to the commander, Gertrude fully introduced herself. Romsca said they’d spoken with the watchguard earlier about speaking with a prisoner, but the commander’s records showed no record of that. The guard said he couldn’t let the group in without direct consent from the watchguard. However, he did say he didn’t want to impede a woman of the faith and would pull some strings and get two of them down to see the prisoner.  
Breakwater Dungeon
The commander escorted Gertrude and Arwin through the keep and down into the prisoner holding area. It was a dreary and wet array of brick cells set beneath the river’s waterline.   As they were led through, they saw a pair of guards placing Ruslan into one of the cells. Gertrude shared a quick look with Arwin before continuing to the cell holding Cole, the preacher from the Cereus Compass.   Gertrude wanted to speak with him about his experiences with Chedae in the west. She asked when he’d seen Chedae, how she presented herself, what she had said, and what he felt during those times.   Cole said Chedae has presented herself to the rebels in the west. She put her support with their leader, Lulakor, and said their cause was just. He described her as terrifying and massive, brilliant and blinding. He said Chedae warned the crown was the cause of the fading light, and it would be through their efforts to reclaim the country that her light would be brought back to Tarteria.   At the close of their conversation, Gertrude led a prayer while reaching for the tenuous, brilliant light of Chedae within her. From Cole, she felt an energy that shared that brilliance, but felt to her to be disconnected or different in some way. As the prayer ended, Cole invited Gertrude to the west to see for herself. As they parted, Arwin wished Nerull’s favor on him as well.   As the guard commander brought them to leave, Gertrude diverted to speak with Ruslan in the cell. Ruslan said the guards placed him in a cell as the watchguard was out of the building. Suspicious, Gertrude promised they would not leave the keep until Ruslan was released.  
The Nalt Oknar
They returned upstairs and shared their findings with the other Lightbringers there. Gertrude went to the Nalt Oknar’s chamber and entered, interrupting a meeting between Nalt Oknar Rulla and Godsguard Shumedzar with a Greenstender of the Loam Altar.   Gertrude immediately asked why Ruslan was in the dungeons. Rulla had heard nothing of a call to arrest Ruslan. As they explained the situation, Rulla appeared to be confused by the events. She said she’d understand the watchguard wanting to speak with Ruslan, but felt no reason for an arrest to be made.   Rulla said she intended to find out what was going on. Calling for Godsguard Shumedzar to follow, she led the group to the keep’s dungeon. While the accompanying guards were now missing, Ruslan remained locked in the cell.   Ilmendwyth made a show of looking about the area for the guards, and as he passed by Cole’s cell, he successfully slipped a lockpick to the orc.   Demitri told Rulla it was too much a coincidence that as soon as the watchgaurd was sent to investigate that Ruslan was taken in. He said either the city had crooked guards working for someone else or that she, the watchguard, or both were playing them for chumps.   Rulla agreed something strange was going on, and said, “You mentioned you had a green ring somewhere else? Yet you all are here.”   Demitri replied, “Not all of us.”   Romsca took off running out of the dungeon towards the Far Bar Inn, and Rulla called for Ruslan to be released.  
Far Bar Inn
Chaka returned to the Far Bar Inn and found that his companions had left. He could tell from the remains of the food and drink they had left in a hurry. As he made his way towards the stair, he ran into Lord Lortuk as he entered the lobby.   Lortuk recognized Chaka as a caravan guard and seemed happy to see him. He said, “You happen to be one of the individuals I was seeking out.”   Lortuk asked about Romulus. Chaka feigned ignorance, but Lortuk seemed to already know Romulus was in the building. Lortuk said he had a request to make of his “old friend” and asked Chaka to relay a message. He said it would be in Romulus’ best interests to meet with him.   Chaka did not move, saying, “Is our conversation quite done?” Lortuk scribbled onto a parchment and held it out for Chaka to take. After a long moment, he took it, and Lortuk left the tavern.   Chaka quickly looked over the parchment and cast an Identify spell on it, but detected no magic. Opening it, it appeared to be scribbles, but a Comprehend Languages spell revealed hidden druidic text. The message read, “The Hermit trusted you, so must I. I could use your help. Find the broken door in Victory Market. Close it, and knock three times.”   After making sure Lortuk was actually gone, Chaka rushed upstairs towards the rented rooms.
Report Date
31 Jan 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Time
13 Adroth 5A 352