Azimuth 2 - Session 26 - Names, New and Old

General Summary

New Keeleon

Breakwater Keep
Just inside Argil’s Gate, the group quickly investigated a nearby message board. There were several posters, including a wanted poster for Lulakor and missing posters for Coinguard Holarust and Mortimr. There were also job postings for various monsters that needed hunting.   Continuing on, the wagons followed the Orc Highway south, passing by the Far Bar Inn. Ilmendwyth used his Earring of Message to check in with Mortimr, ensuring he and Romulus were alright.   They reached Resilience Park at the center of the city. They noticed a crumbled and broken statue seemingly in some state of repair. Demitri saw members of the Warden Rangers working with civil engineers to repair a statue of Warlord Keel, the First Orc King.   Turning west along Maddison Avenue, they reached the riverside and the long embankment wall set into the Rexun River. They traveled down it and entered the inner bailey of the Breakwater Keep. Captain Ruslan informed the soldiers they were the expected aid caravan, and he and the Lightbringers with him were escorted inside the keep.   At the receiving chamber of the Nalt Oknar, an attendant announced them to Nalt Oknar Rulla, Watchguard Stuzrog, and Godsguard Shumedzar. They were later joined by the late arrival of Lord Lortuk, a member of the Gold Council. When Lortuk arrived, Rulla and Stuzrog reacted with annoyance, and Shumedzar seemed anxious to some degree.   Ruslan introduced himself. He provided the caravan’s manifest and the request for the payment of the caravan guards. Rulla looked over the paperwork and asked about Ruslan’s recommended hazard pay amount.   Ruslan said they encountered difficulties on the road and asked the group to speak to the journey. Romsca quickly listed the battles they fought, and Demitri said some of this could be corroborated by Lieutenant Vramas and Ranger General Labb.   Lortuk asked the group for their opinions on Labb and shared his opinion that Labb was “a bit old” for the role, which put off Arwin and Gertrude.   Rulla said the crown could deal with any further negotiations, and she approved the listed payment amount. She officially took possession of the caravan wagons and said since Coinguard Holarust was missing, she would make alternate arrangements for distribution.   Romsca asked if there was anything needed from her as a representative from the Hands of Ore guild. Rulla said there was not, as the negotiations of the caravan had already been completed beforehand, and anything that needed would be sent forward to their guildhall in Thoriktown.   Rulla sent attendants out, and while Lord Lortuk watched the group with curiosity, they were escorted to a nearby waiting area.  
Waiting for Pay
While waiting, they overheard the receiving chamber attendant announce Sir Talmid of the Commandment of Sky Guildhall. The group recognized the name Commandment of Sky; it had been mentioned in the note they’d taken from Gim Gorod.   Immediately suspicious, Arwin went out to the hall to casually pass by the chamber’s entrance. Arwin saw Talmid speaking with Rulla and the others, and he noted that Lortuk was paying close attention to Talmid and Shumedzar seemed even more anxious.   Outside the chamber, Arwin overheard the conversation. As the city’s coinguard was missing, Rulla requested to hire the services of the Commandment of Sky guildhall for the distribution of the aid caravan. In reply, Talmid provided documentation that already arranged for the Tarterian Traders to handle the distribution, seemingly from Coinguard Holarust and Guild Marshal Hagar Krugg in the capital.   Talmid said, “We know the crown is occupied elsewhere, of course, and we are happy to assist.”   Lortuk asked to see this paperwork, and Rulla asked him about the Guild Marshal. Lortuk confirmed it “seemed to be an order from him.”   Arwin returned to the group as he heard arrangements being made for Talmid to take possession of the caravan wagons. Around this same time, attendants accompanied with a pair of guards holding a lockbox.   Payment was distributed to the group in the waiting area. In addition to the arranged payment for the days of travel, three hundred gold hazard pay was given to each member of the caravan, including Romsca and Romulus.   As they were escorted outside to the bailey, Romsca seemed put off. Gertrude reassured her that the job was done. Romsca said her presence meant nothing to the whole trip.   Arwin quietly informed the rest of the group what he’d overheard. He said, “It seems to me that the Tarterian Traders and this conspiracy goes a little deeper than I fucking thought.”   Back outside, Ruslan thanked the group for the journey and said he was planning on staying at the Far Bar Inn for a few days. He asked what their plans in New Keeleon were and hoped they would meet again soon. The group said their goodbyes. As Demitri shook Ruslan’s hand, he said to him, “When you return to Santeem, make no mention of me, and stay as far away as you can from anything to do with, ANYTHING to do with, Adamski Sokolov, for your own sake.”   Ruslan went to provide the payment to the other caravan guards waiting nearby, and the Lightbringers started the trek back to the Pipestones district to meet back at the Far Bar Inn.  
Far Bar Inn
At the Far Bar Inn, Romsca inquired at the desk and was directed to the room Mortimr and Romulus had rented under a fake name. Arwin reiterated the events at Breakwater Keep to them, and Ilmendwyth handed over their caravan payments.   Mortimr recognized Talmid's name. It was the name of the escort captain his brother was working under when he was killed. He said, “I’m gonna warn you all, I can’t take the high road like we did with Gim Gorod on this one. I’m not leaving this city until that fucker’s head is gone.”   Arwin asked how he planned to kill someone so easily in a large city. Chaka informed him he was on missing posters as well. Mortimr said he figured this might happen, and asked the group to call him by “Wilgrim” for the time being.   Arwin asked what their plan in the city was. They started talking about tasks they should accomplished, and Romsca interrupted, saying, “Before we get to far into this, am I to understand that you want me to carry on with all of you?”   Arwin asked if that’s what she wanted, and she replied she had many other things she was responsible for. Arwin said she was not obligated to stay. Mortimr asked if she was aware of the stakes. He knew she cared about her clan and the Darksteel Foundry, and said those could be under threat from the genasi’s plan.   Romsca said she was not useful to them and she was a hinderance. She said the group had spent more time rescuing her than she had been useful in their battles. Demitri pointed out how many of the group had been healed by Romsca during their journey. He told her to not lie about herself to them.   Ilmendwyth said, “Regardless of how useful you feel, if this is something that you feel you should help with, then you should help.”   Romsca said, “The Traders are everywhere. If what we saw in Porgorag and here… They basically ARE the government. They know how to do everything they want.”   Mortimr asked, “So you wanna help burn it down, or you wanna go and hide?”   Gertrude said, “we also must think. I know you want revenge for your brother, and I’m not saying this individual doesn’t deserve it, however, we cannot just assassinate high-ranking individuals. We will never make it out of here alive.” Arwin disagreed. Gertrude said she wasn’t a murderer and Mortimr said he wasn’t asking her to deal the killing blow.   Romsca said she would come with because everything could be in danger from the genasi. She also said the group needed to stop spending time arguing in circles and start acting like a pack. She said, “This is no longer a thing that we can all do by ourselves.”  
A Gnomish Ritual
Mortimr then asked Chaka if she could paint a yellow topaz. He described the design to her and she produced a painted gemstone in a cut like a sprocket with eight points. Mortimr took the drawing and set it on the ring's box. He cut his thumb and placed a bloody thumbprint on one of the corners of the topaz image, initiating a gnomish ritual.   One by one, each of the group followed suit. Once all eight gem corners had been marked, Mortimr recited a lengthy phrase in gnomish.  
"When the dawning light is shaped into form of glass, The kin herein are poured into the cast.   With blood drawn given to the tempering fire, Our souls are forged in singular desire.   Welded now of spirit and breath, Until and after selfless death.   Shine eternal."
  He then burned the parchment with magic and turned to Romsca, saying, “Fucking locked in now.”  
Victory Market
The party chose to grab supplies. Chaka suggested they stay together for the time being, and he led them to the Victory Market, where many merchants and traders operated in a grand marketplace.   Among the many stalls and stands were the brick-and-mortar locations of Gralphank's Ten-Foot Pole Emporium and Brickaday's Smithing. The group purchased supplies and items to restock, including healing potions and a disguise for Mortimr.   Magic items were purchased as well; Chaka bought a Fanny Pack of Holding, Mortimr bought a Hat of Disguise, and Arwin commissioned Gralphank for an enchantment on his bow, which would take a week to complete.   At Brickaday’s, Romsca purchased raw platinum and lead. The proprietor, a minotaur, was not pleased by Romsca’s presence, but sold her the items. When Romsca asked about it, Brickaday said, “Your people screwed over mine pretty well.” Romsca said she was sorry if he held a grudge.   Later, Romsca asked Romulus if he had any issues with gnolls, and he said he did not. He said his family was pretty isolationist, and Romsca was the first gnoll he’d personally met.   Lastly, Chaka and Arwin sought out a courier service. Chaka sent a package with a letter south to Frozen Fleet Post, and Arwin sent a letter back to Branca.  
Equus Orphanage
As the evening rain started to fall on the city, the group entered the Embankment district and sought out the Equus Orphanage.   Outside by the clay statue of a donkey, they saw an old orc woman named Zofi telling a story to the orphans. It was a story of Sehakora, The Maelstrom, and the Navivert Disaster where the old royal elite of Konenbur were lost at sea.   Lenna listened intently to the story, and after, she said stories with Dragons were her favorite. Zofi noticed the group and sent the children inside. She approached the group and asked how she could help. Romsca explained that Leena was an orphan from Porgorag. Zofi clarified this, at first thinking she may have been the child from one of the group.   Looking to Demitri, the only orc in the group, Zofi’s face showed recognition and shock. Crying, Zofi shakily approached, saying, “My little latagu! I never thought I would see you again, Kugo.” Demitri said she must’ve mistaken him for someone else, but she continued, “I would never forget the face of my son, Kugo, son of Sokolov.”   Demitri was shocked and moved away. He accused her of selling him as a child, and she seemed confused. She said she had been happy to send him with Sokolov, as he could provide a better life for him than she could.   Demitri said, “And what a life it was. Tasks of learning, of constantly trying to measure up, of being useful rather than loved. Yes, what a life indeed.”   Demitri asked her what had happened, and Zofi spoke positively about Sokolov and her history with him. However, the way Zofi spoke and the details she relayed did not match what Demitri knew and experienced.   As the rain picked up, Zofi invited the group inside the orphanage for tea. As she went to prepare it, Romulus asked if the details Zofi said were accurate. Romsca said it was strange that Zofi seemed to be repeating certain phrases. She said it seemed similar to what Maalik had done to Cirro. Arwin asked what this could mean for Demitri, if he really was the heir of Sokolov. Gertrude suggested Sokolov had lied to Demitri to prevent him from seeking out his family.   They discussed magical means of determining if any enchantment had occurred, and Romulus preemptively cast Detect Magic.   Zofi returned with tea, and she asked about Demitri and his life. As Demitri pressed her for answers and pointed out discrepancies in her tale, any confusion on Zofi’s face was momentary and seemingly quickly washed away. Romulus noted an old enchantment on her mind. He altered Gertrude and Romsca, and Romsca interrupted the conversation.   She held Zofi’s hand and cast a spell to remove the curse. As her true memories came to her, she was overcome with emotion and collapsed into Demitri, repeatedly saying, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Once she recovered, Demitri again asked what had happened.   Zofi told a story of her life in Frenor in eastern Santeem. She was a part of the church there, and one day she was attacked by thugs. Frenor’s tanner, a human man named Nikita, saved her, and they fell quickly into whirlwind romance. Zofi continued, saying one day Nikita was gone and the tanner shop was empty. She never found out what happened to him, and she was worried for her unborn child.   It was then that Sokolov first approached her. He offered to purchase her baby, and she said, “No, this will be my little latagu and I will give him up for nothing.”   Sokolov returned again and offered more gold, and again Zofi declined. The third time, he came along with a woman with dark skin and hair like fire. The woman spoke strange words to her, and Zofi said that everything changed after that.   Zofi finished her story, and Demitri apologized to her. He told her what Sokolov had done and the life he had created for Demitri. Gertrude then cast another spell on Zofi, whispering, “To see your son with better eyes.” Though it would be temporary, the cataracts in Zofi’s eyes recovered, and she could look upon Demitri clearly.   Zofi said that even if Sokolov had lied, he had given Demitri a better life than she could have. Demitri said that Sokolov did provide him with an education and the skills he acquired, but Demitri never had love in his life. Zofi took a necklace of polished marble charms and placed it over Demitri’s head, and she said, “My little latagu, you always had my love.”   Demitri cried, and he shared the story of his life with his mother late into the evening. As the heavy rain pelted the chapel, they chose to head back to the Far Bar Inn for the night. They said their goodbyes to Zofi and to Leena. Leena shared she wanted to go on the adventure with them, and Romulus said she’d probably find them all again when she was ready.   On their way, Demitri apologized to Romsca for snapping at her. She said to think nothing of it. Gertrude shared her flask with Demitri and said the flaming-haired woman was a problem. The group agreed, and even Romsca said that she may be willing to kill Maalik along with the pack.   At the mention of it, the entity in Mortimr’s head seemed exceedingly pleased with that thought, and the Lightbringers made their way back towards the Pipestones.
Report Date
21 Jan 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Time
12 Adroth 5A 352