Akral Sea Geographic Location in Gætíus' World | World Anvil
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Akral Sea

Dalran: Zúnragoxa1

The Akral Sea2 is located between Laxilþía to the north, Emlas to the west and Túlmikkía to the south. A number of important cities are located around its coast, including Arkis, Kilí and Nat, capitals of Resak, Dalra and Ænadó, respectively.


A few islands are located in the Akral Sea, notably the Fom Islands off the coast of Ænadó in northeastern Túlmikkía, the Merr Islands east of the Isin Isthmus, and an unnamed island east of Laxilþía.

1The name Zúnragoxa, meaning Sea of Dawn, is used for Úrtal Sea as well.
2Original icelandic: Akralhaf
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