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Westrin History

  • 352 MA

    Church of the Trinity is Founded

    The Church of the Trinity is founded in modern day Prost.

    Additional timelines
  • 666 MA

    6 Uath 06:00

    The Watcher is Born
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    He Who Watches appears in the dreams of people for the first time. He is described as a humanoid made of mist, whose arms and torso end in whispy tendrils.

  • 1044 MA

    25 Uath

    The Arrival of the Sea Gnomes
    Population Migration / Travel

    Additional timelines
  • 1044 MA

    26 Uath
    1512 MA

    The Gnomish Plagues
    Plague / Epidemic

    A series of major epidemics of diseases brought by the Sea Gnomes from their homeland. These diseases affected Humanoids the most, but other sapient races had their fair share of deaths.

  • 1044 MA

    12 Ilon
    1066 MA

    6 Uath 06:00

    The Gnome War
    Military action

    Additional timelines
  • 1666 MA

    6 Uath 06:00
    1666 MA

    7 Uath 06:00

    The Day of the Damned
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A large number of portals the many layers of The Abyss open on the material plane, closing within 24 hours. The damage was great, but casualties were mitigated by the combined forces of The Church of the Trinity and The Elven Faith. Within a year, nearly all the Demons that escaped into the mortal plane had been hunted down.

  • 1666 MA

    6 Uath 06:00

    The Watcher Returns
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Watcher in the Web appears in the dreams of people for the second time, coinciding with the beginning of the Day of the Damned. In these dreams he warned of the events of the Day of the Damned. He is described as a humanoid made of mist, whose arms and torso end in whispy tendrils. He has no face, only a triangle of 3 colours upon where his forehead should be.

  • 2666 MA

    6 Uath 06:00

    The Watcher Returns
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Watcher in the Web appears once again to many who are sleeping. He is described as a humanoid made of mist, whose arms and torso end in whispy tendrils. He has no face, only a triangle of 3 colours upon where his forhead should be. This time, it he has gained his signature halo of eight orbs.

  • 2743 MA

    2757 MA

    Youk is Founded
    Military action

    Youk Kingdom is formed.    A powerful warlord named Youk marched his armies westward from his homeland just east of modern day Prost, conquering the whole of the Prost Forest in 14 years; bringing the Trinitarian religion with him. One by one the tribes and petty kingdoms in the area fell before him, in battle or in negotiations. Conversion to the The Church of the Trinity was a non-negotiable term of surrender or alliance.   After wandering about his new kingdom for a few years with a travelling court, he settled his capital in the northwest region of his domain and named it after himself and the nation he had created. The city of Youk still holds a celebration of him every 26th day of Olon in commemoration of his supposed birthday.

    Additional timelines
  • 2743 MA

    2757 MA

    Youkan War of Founding
    Military: War

    Youk conquers the lands of modern day Youk Kingdom, Prost, and the Princeship of Lamlou.

    Additional timelines
  • 2743 MA

    2773 MA

    Youk's Reign
    Political event

    Youk reigns as King of Youk Kingdom, which included the lands now controlled by Youk Kingdom, the Princeship of Lamlou, and Prost. He ruled until his death at the age of sixty in 2773.

  • 2757 MA

    2765 MA

    Minor Rebellions
    Military: War

    Various rebellions raised in Youk Kingdom, quickly suppressed by Youk the Conqueror.

  • 2770 MA

    2 Ulon
    2771 MA

    28 Uas

    Osarin Rebellion of 2770
    Military action

    The people who lived in the area of modern day Osa rise up against Youk the Conqueror. They remain independent through a single winter before Youk's son Yoular arrives and scatters the army of farmers and lumberworkers with his fathers elite forces.

  • 2773 MA

    2827 MA

    Yoular's Reign
    Political event

    Yoular, firstborn son of Youk rules over Youk Kingdom. The early years of his reign are fraught with rebellion, but later years were relatively peaceful. He reigned until his death in at the age of 74.

  • 2773 MA

    2803 MA

    Minor Rebellions
    Military: War

    Various rebellions raised in Youk Kingdom, quickly suppressed by Yoular.

  • 2774 MA

    2776 MA

    Ostier Rebellion
    Military action

    A noble family called the Ostiers rebel against Yoular, son of Youk, after he succeeded his father. The Ostiers started their rebellion in what is now the western region of the Princeship of Lamlou. The Ostiers raised a substantial army, but were defeated by the better equiped forces commanded from Youk. It is believed by some that this first rebellion sowed the seed for the eventual seperation of the nation.   There are different theories and accounts of the driving factors of the rebellion. In Youk Kingdom it is widely held that the Ostiers were powerhungry and resentful that they were no longer permitted to worship their old gods, while in the Princeship of Lamlou it is believed that the Ostiers were reclaiming their rights to the land as the kings before the time of Youk's conquest. Regardless of the reason, the sound defeat of the Ostiers confirmed the legitimacy of Youk's line of succession.

    Additional timelines
  • 2827 MA

    2867 MA

    Tain's Reign
    Political event

    Tain, firstborn son of Yoular rules Youk Kingdom until he dies of illness in 2867 at the age of 82. His reign saw an era of peace and prosperity fueled by profitable trade with neighboring nations and the Western Dwarves of the mountains within the kingdom. The wealth of this trading was disproportionately divided, the lion's share going to the northern region growing Youk and Tain as the nations largest and most prosperous cities.

  • 2867 MA

    2870 MA

    Eastern Rebellions
    Military: War

    Four separate rebellions were raised in the East of Youk Kingdom and were put down by Youn the Righteous.

  • 2867 MA

    2873 MA

    Monhar's Reign
    Political event

    Monhar, son of Tain, rules Youk Kingdom as king. His rule is fraught with rebellions and his twin sons Youn and Yout were tasked with much of the fighting due to Monhar's infirmities. He was ravaged by disease for most of his life. Monhar died in 2873 at the age of 62.

  • 2867 MA

    2877 MA

    Western Rebellions
    Military: War

    Six separate rebellions are raised in Western Youk Kingdom, all brutally suppressed by Yout the Brute.

  • 2873 MA

    2878 MA

    Youn's Reign
    Political event

    Youn, eldest of Monhar's twin sons, rules Youk Kingdom until he died of sudden illness at the age of 36 in 2878. Some believe he was poisoned by his brother Yout.

  • 2878 MA

    2915 MA

    Yout's Reign
    Political event

    Yout, younger twin of Youn and son of Monhar, rules Youk Kingdom as king.  His reign is marked by a rebellion in the east which he brutally suppressed.  He was considered a tyrant by many.  He died in 2915, leaving behind no children to take his place.

  • 2900 MA

    2905 MA

    Eastern Rebellion
    Military: War

    The Church of the Trinity raised a large rebellion against Yout the Brute, which took him five years to stamp out. The atrocities he and his armies committed during the war are legendary, earning him his moniker.

  • 2915 MA

    3128 MA

    The Hidrec Era
    Political event

    The Hidrec family rules Youk Kingdom for 213 years from 2915 to 3128.

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  • 2915 MA

    2936 MA

    Lanan's Reign
    Political event

    Lanan Hidrec, son of Youn and Yout's uounger sister, rules as king of Youk Kingdom until his death in 2936 at the age of 62. His reign was proclaimed as illegitimate by the Church at the time. .

  • 2936 MA

    2984 MA

    Youk II's Reign
    Political event

    Youk II Hidrec, son of Laman Hidrec, rules as King of Youk Kingdom until his death in 2984 at the age of 58. His reign saw many small wars with both the Hrakken Empire to the north and the Jakarak Empire to the East.  By all accounts he was a strong leader and a brilliant tactician.

  • 2939 MA

    2942 MA

    Border Wars
    Military: War

    Youk the Warrior fights several minor border wars against the Jakarak Empire and the Hrakken Empire, succeeding at every turn.

  • 2984 MA

    2994 MA

    Youk III's Reign
    Political event

    Youk III Hidrec, son of Youk II Hidrec, rules as King of Youk Kingdom until he died of a sporting accident in 2994 at the age of 43.

  • 2994 MA

    3013 MA

    Tain II's Reign
    Political event

    Tain II Hilrec, son of Youk III Hilrec, reigns as king of Youk Kingdom until he died of disease in 3013 at the age of 37. Tain II took the throne at the age of 18.

  • 3013 MA

    3036 MA

    Siak's Reign
    Political event

    Siak Hilrec, son of Tain II Hilrec, rules Youk Kingdom as king after the death of his father in 3013. He ascended to the throne at the tender age of 12 and died at the age of 35 in a duel with his brother over a woman in 3036.

  • 3036 MA

    3043 MA

    Louk's Reign
    Political event

    Louk Hilrec takes the throne from his brother Siak Hilrec after the pair duel over the woman who became Louk's wife. Louk rules until his death in 3043 at the age of 33, murdered by his own wife after she discovered he was having an affair with her sister.

  • 3043 MA

    3068 MA

    Lou's Reign
    Political event

    Lou Hilrec, son of Louk Hilrec, rules as king of Youk Kingdom until he abdicated under pressure from his son in 3068.  He was 59 at the time of his abdication.

  • 3068 MA

    3112 MA

    Jahner's Reign
    Political event

    Jahner Hilrec, son of Lou Hilrec, rules as king of Youk Kingdom until his death in 3112 at the age of 72.

  • 3112 MA

    3119 MA

    Jahn's Reign
    Political event

    Jahn Hilrec, son of Jahner Hilrec, rules as king of Youk Kingdom until his death in 3119 at the age of 55.

  • 3119 MA

    3128 MA

    Fianor's Reign
    Political event

    Fianor Hilrec, son of Jahn Hilrec, rules Youk Kingdom until he is slain in battle against Koh, Lich-King of the Hrakken Empire, in 3128.  He died at the age of 36.  He had no children and Koh was certain to eliminate his siblings and relatives.

  • 3126 MA

    3231 MA

    The War of Hrakken Expansion
    Military action

    The The Hrakken Empire expanded in all directions under the leadership of Koh the Lich-King. The expansion continued until Koh was defeated by Ragnor Sorrowsworn, a victim of his dark magics.

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  • 3231 MA

    4050 MA

    Gilren Era
    Political event

    The Gilren family rules over Youk Kingdom for centuries.

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  • 3231 MA

    3272 MA

    Sorrow's Reign
    Political event

    Sorrow Gilren, grandson of the hero Ragnor Sorrowsworn, was crowned at the age of 21 in 3231 MA by a council of Westrin Lords led by the Church of the Trinity. He reigned until his death at the age of 62 in 3272 MA.

  • 3272 MA

    3288 MA

    Ragnor I's Riegn
    Political event

    Ragnor I Gilren, firstborn son of Sorrow Gilren, took the throne at the age of 39 in 3272 MA. He had a peaceful reign, lasting until his death at the age of 55 in 3288 MA.

  • 3288 MA

    3319 MA

    Sorrin I's Reign
    Political event

    After the death of Ragnor I Gilren, the crown passed over his eldest daughter to his eldest son Sorrin I Gilren. He was 30 years of age at the time of his crowning. Sorrin I's reign saw several border skirmishes withe the Jarsokkans resulting in the Youkan capture of Toyuk. Sorrin I's reign ended at his death in 3319 MA at the age of 61.

  • 3292 MA

    3293 MA

    Western Border Skirmishes
    Military: Skirmish

    Sorrin I Gilren fights some border skirmishes with Jarsokka, resulting in the Youkan capture of Toyuk.

  • 3319 MA

    3327 MA

    Ragnor II's Reign
    Political event

    Ragnor II's reign began in 3319 MA after the death of his father, Sorrin I. Already 38 at his coronation, Ragnor II did not have long on the throne, dying of a bowel sickness at the age of 46 that had plagued him his entire life. His crown was passed to his youngest child and only son, Sorrin II in 3327 MA.

  • 3327 MA

    3378 MA

    Sorrin II's Reign
    Political event

    Sorrin II Gilren was crowned at the age of 26 in 3327 MA and enjoyed a long reign of 51 years until his death at 77 in 3378 MA. Throughout his reign, Sorrin II improved relations with all the kingdoms of the West, dreaming of a day when all could work together for the greater good of mankind. During the formation of the Grand Kingdom of Midrasus, Sorrin sent aid in the form of food, weapons, and priestly healers to aid the Northrin Human nations against the occupying Laharin Elves. He continued to support resistance movements in the North until his death.

  • 3378 MA

    3387 MA

    Alnor's Reign
    Political event

    Alnor Gilren takes the thrown at the age of 58 in 3378 MA after the death of his father, Sorrin II Gilren. He sought to reduce the power of the Church of the Trinity within his realm causing them to support his younger twin, Ragnor III Gilren, when he raised a rebellion in the east. Alnor Reigned until his death in 3387 MA at the age of 67 when he died of wounds sustained in battle against his brother's forces.

  • 3383 MA

    3393 MA

    Gilren Civil War
    Military: War

    Two sides of Sorrin II's family vie for the thrown in a brutal civil war resulting in the annihalation of both branches, leaving the only living Gilren a 4 year old boy named Lahran. During the war, the surrounding nations claimed and conquered at the fringes of the Kingdom.

  • 3383 MA

    3387 MA

    Ragnor III's Reign
    Political event

    Ragnor III Gilren is crowned by the Church of the Trinity at the age of 63 and raises a rebellion against his elder twin, Alnor Gilren. He reigned until his death at the age of 67, murdered by an assassin sent by his brother, mere minutes after Alnor's death.

  • 3387 MA

    3391 MA

    Ragnor IV's Reign
    Political event

    Ragnor IV Gilren was crowned by the Church of the Trinity at the age of 43 in 3388 MA after the death of his father, Ragnor III Gilren. He was killed by his younger brother Larryn Gilren during a coup in 3391 MA. Ragnor was 46b at the time of his death.

  • 3387 MA

    3388 MA

    Jordyn's Reign
    Political event

    Jordyn Gilren, son of Alnor Gilren, was crowned following his father's death in 3387. He died less than a year later at the age of 38 in 3388 MA. It is suspected that Jordyn took his own life.

  • 3388 MA

    3392 MA

    Daeryn 's Reign
    Political event

    At the age of 16, Daeryn Gilren was crowned after the death of his father, Jordyn Gilren, in 3388 MA. He was always a troubled child and the stresses of rule during a civil war did not do much to help him. He committed suicide in his chambers in 3392 MA at the age of 20.

  • 3391 MA

    3393 MA

    Larryn's Reign
    Political event

    Larryn Gilren took the thrown after assassinating his older brother Ragnor IV, along with his whole family, in 3391 MA at the age of 45. He and all his issue died in a palace fire in 3393, just as the civil war was coming to an end. He was 47 at the time.

  • 3392 MA

    3393 MA

    Rinnious' Reign

    After the death of his father Daeryn Gilren, Rinnious Gilren was crowned at the tender age of 4. A little over a year later he was captured by his first cousin twice removed, Larryn Gilren, who executed him at the age of 5 in 3393, officially ending the Gilren Civil War.

  • 3393 MA

    3435 MA

    Fian's Reign
    Political event

    Fian Hidrec was crowned at teh age of 31 in 3393 MA after the death of Larryn Gilren at the closing of the Gilren Civil War. Fian claimed to be a distant descendant of Fianor Hidrec and used the war to justify him taking power. He reigned until he death in 3435 MA at the age of 73.

  • 3435 MA

    3455 MA

    Youk IV's Reign
    Political event

    Youk IV Hidrec was crowned after the death of his father, Fian Hidrec, in 3435 MA. The 49 year old King spend his 20 year reign fighting his neighbors to regain the lands they had captured during the Gilren Civil War. Youk IV died at the age of 69 in 3455 MA.

  • 3435 MA

    3455 MA

    Youkan Wars of Reclamation
    Military: War

    Youk IV Hidrec spends his entire reign fighting border wars against his neighbors to reclaim territories they had captured during the Gilren Civil War.

  • 3455 MA

    3455 MA

    Jaeyd's Reign
    Political event

    Jaeyd was crowned the first Queen of Youk Kingdom in 3355 MA at the age of 37. Less than a month later, Lahran Gilren came forward, supported by the Church of the Trinity, with evidence that Fian Hidrec had never been a Hidrec. Jaeyd was deposed and executed before she had reigned even a year.

  • 3455 MA

    3464 MA

    Lahran's Reign
    Political event

    Lahran Gilren took the throne after the execution of Jaeyd Hidrec in 3455 MA. He was 66 at the time of his ascension and 75 at the time of his death in 3464 MA.

  • 3464 MA

    3466 MA

    Bogfus' Reign
    Political event

    Bogfus Gilren, son of Lahran Gilren, was crowned at the age of 48 in 3464 MA. He continued his father's reforms, but focused primarily on preparing his son Lou Gilren for the thrown. In the years of the pretender Hidrecs, Bogfus had taken to travelling the land with his companions, seeking out glory, coin, and adventure. During his journeys, he acquired a curse that slowly drained his life and caused him great pain. In 3466 MA, he abdicated in favor of his son Lou. He was 60 at the time.

  • 3466 MA

    3505 MA

    Lou II's Reign
    Political event

    Lou II Gilren was crowned by his father Bogfus in 3466 MA at the age of 23. He was a just and wise King, continuing the reforms of his grandfather and strengthening the borders all while keeping peace within his realm. His reign lasted until 3505 MA when Lou died at the age of 62.

  • 3505 MA

    3524 MA

    Lam's Reign
    Political event

    Lam Gilren was crowned after the death of his father, Lou II Gilren, in 3505 MA. He was not as liked as his father, often throwing lavish parties in the palace with his brother Lahran while ignoring the petitions of his nobles, the complaints of the Church of the Trinity, and the troubles of his people. In his later years as King, Lam began to consort more with the nobles and wealthy merchants of the northern regions of Youk Kingdom, while banning all envoys from the Church of the Trinity. He died of what is believed to be alcohol poisoning in 3524 MA at the age of 55. He left no legitimate heirs.

  • 3524 MA

    3429 MA

    Lahran II's Reign
    Political event

    Lahran II Gilren was crowned in 3524 MA after the death of his brother Lam. Less than a year into his reign, a large rebellion broke out in the southeast, spearheaded by the Church of the Trinity. It took 2 years to quell, leaving the southeast weakened. To forestall further hostilities, Lahran II sent his son and apparent heir, Lamlou Gilren, as an envoy to stay in the region, using royal funds to rebuild and make connections. In 3429 MA, Lahran II died suddenly of what seems to have been a sudden heart attack at the age of 54.

  • 3524 MA

    3526 MA

    Trinitarian Rebellion
    Military: War

    A large rebellion is raised in Eastern Youk Kingdom, led by the Church of the Trinity and put down by Lahran II Gilren.

  • 3529 MA

    3534 MA

    Youkan Civil War
    Military action

    The Nation of Youk breaks in half in a war of succession when Prince Lamlou refuted the claim of his elder sister, Lahrah Gilren and gained the support of The Church of the Trinity. He founded The Princeship of Lamlou, which at the time included the lands of modernday Prost.

    Prost Forest
    More reading
    Youkan Civil War
    Additional timelines
  • 3529 MA

    3567 MA

    Lamlou's Reign
    Political event

    Lamlou Gilren was crowned the King of Youk Kingdom by the Church of the Trinity after the death of his father. He has the support of the Church and many of the common people in his civil war against his elder sister, Lahrah Gilren. By the end of the war, Lamlou declared himself the High Prince of the Princeship of Lamlou, a title he claimed until his death in 3567 MA at the age of 62.

  • 3529 MA

    3564 MA

    Lahrah's Reign
    Political event

    Lahrah Gilren is crowned Queen of Youk Kingdom after the death of her father. She had the support of the nobility as she waged a brutal civil war against her brother, Lamlou Gilren that lasted until 3534 MA. Lahrah reigned until her death at the age of 64 in 3564 MA.

  • 3564 MA

    3566 MA

    Jaeyd II's Reign
    Political event

    Jaeyd II Gilren was crowned Queen of Youk Kingdom after the death of her mother, Lahrah Gilren, in 3564 MA. Only 2 years into her reign, Jaeyd slipped on some icy stairs in the palace and died from the fall. She was 43 at the time of her ascension and 45 at the time of her death in the winter of 3566 MA.

  • 3566 MA

    3579 MA

    Yout II's Reign
    Political event

    Yout II Gilren took the crown of Youk Kingdom at the age of 18 after the death of his mother, Jaeyd II Gilren, in 3566 MA. His reign saw a war of some significance against his cousin Youn II Gilren, High Prince of Princeship of Lamlou. The conflict was focused in the area called the Riverland, which by the end of the war was under control of Youk Kingdom. Yout II died in 3579 MA at the age of 31 in battle with the forces of the Princeship.

  • 3567 MA

    3598 MA

    Youn II's Regin
    Political event

    Youn II Gilren was crowned the High Prince of the Princeship of Lamlou in 3567 MA after the death of his father, Lamlou Gilren. His reign saw a conflict over the Riverland against his cousin, Yout II Gilren, King of Youk Kingdom. Youn died of a coughing sickness in 3598 MA during the siege of Lamm. He was 33 at his coronation and 64 at the time of his death.

  • 3577 MA

    3579 MA

    The First Riverland War
    Military: War

    Youk Kingdom and the Princeship of Lamlou fight for control of the Riverland. The war ended in a joint occupation after the death of Yout II Gilren.

  • 3579 MA

    3599 MA

    Youko's Reign
    Political event

    Youko Gilren was crowned at the age of 9 after the death of her father, Yout II Gilren, in 3579 MA. Her advisors immediately sued for peace with the Princeship of Lamlou, agreeing to joint occupation of the Riverland. During Youko's reign, she would break the peace and push her forces all the way to the gates of Lamm. In 3598 MA, she agreed to marry the second son of Youn II Gilren, the last High Prince of the Princeship of Lamlou and younger brother of Youk V, the current High Prince. In 3599 MA, Youko died in childbirth at the age of 29.

  • 3595 MA

    3598 MA

    The Second Riverland War
    Military: War

    Youko the Warrior Queen takes control of the Riverland and puts Lamm under siege for over a year. The war ended after Youko signed a marriage pact, agreeing to marry the younger brother of Youk V Gilren.

  • 3598 MA

    3611 MA

    Youk V's Reign
    Political event

    Youk V Gilren was crowned High Prince of Lamlou at the age of 44 after the death of his father, Yout II in 3598 MA. Soon after, he agreed to the marriage of his younger brother to Queen Youko of Youk Kingdom in exchange to an end to the siege of Lamm. When Youko's brother, Youk, was crowned King of Youk Kingdom in 3599 MA, he waged war against High Prince Youk. To further the confusion, each claimed the name of Youk V. High Prince Youk V was slain in battle against King V's forces during a skirmish in the Riverland in 3611 MA. He was 57 at the time of his death.

  • 3599 MA

    3652 MA

    Youk V's Reign
    Political event

    Youk V Gilren was crowned King of Youk Kingdom after the death of his sister, Youko Gilren, in 3599 MA. The 23 year old blamed first Youko's husband for her death and had him imprisoned. He then turned and blamed the man's brother, Youk V, High Prince of Princeship of Lamlou and fought a war against the Princeship to put his sister's husband on the thrown until he was assassinated by Nightkissers sent by High Prince Lou III in 3613. King Youk V then returned to Youk Kingdom and made peace with the Princeship of Lamlou. He reigned until his death in3652 MA, at the age of 76.

  • 3599 MA

    3613 MA

    The Third Riverland War
    Military: War

    Youk V Gilren (of Youk Kingdom) fights a war against Youk V Gilren (of the Princeship of Lamlou) in an attempt to put his sister's husband on the throne of Lamlou. The war ended after the assassination of Youko's husband.

  • 3611 MA

    3631 MA

    Lou III's Reign
    Political event

    Lou III Gilren was crowned High Prince/Princess of Lamlou after the death of his father, Youk V, in 3611 MA. He continued the war against Youk V, but knew he was losing. In 3613 MA, he struck a deal with a Nightkisser to kill his uncle, who Youk V was intending to put on the Lammish throne. With that accomplished, the war was quickly ended. Lou reigned until his death at the age of 50 in 3631 MA.

  • 3631 MA

    3632 MA

    Sorrin III's Reign
    Political event

    Sorrin III Gilren was crowned after the death of his older brother, Lou III, in 3631 MA at the age of 45. Hardly a year later, Sorrin fell ill during a feast at his uncle Ragnor's home. He died in early 3632 MA, leaving the crown to his uncle.

  • 3632 MA

    3641 MA

    Ragnor V's Reign
    Political event

    Ragnor V Gilren was crowned at the age of 71 in 3632 MA, after the death of his nephew, Sorrin III. He reigned until his death at the age of 80 in 3641 MA.

  • 3641 MA

    3706 MA

    Lam II's Reign
    Political event

    Lam II Gilren was crowned High Prince of Lamlou in 3641 MA at the age of 48. During his reign, the Withering of Jakarak struck, causing the dissolution of the Jakarak Empire and a flood of Raharin refugees into his land. Lam was quick to offer sanctuary, but the Church of the Trinity pushed back against his decree. In 3679 MA, the Church crowned Youn III King of Prost Forest, taking the Eastern region of the Princeship of Lamlou as his kingdom. Lam II did not raise an army against the rebel King and prevented his Nobles from doing so, allowing a relatively peaceful seperation. He reigned until the death at the age of 113 in 3706 MA.

  • 3652 MA

    3677 MA

    Lahrah II's Reign
    Political event

    Lahrah II Gilren was crowned Queen of Youk Kingdom at the age of 43, after the death of her father King Youk V in 3652 MA. Lahrah reigned until her death at the age of 68 in 3677 MA.

  • 3666 MA

    6 Uath 06:00

    The Watcher Returns
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Watcher in the Web appears once again in dreams, in his current form. He is described as a humanoid made of mist, whose arms and torso end in whispy tendrils. He has no face, only a triangle of 3 colours upon where his forhead should be, a more masculine build than previously seen, the legs of a spider sprouting from his back and a halo of eight orbs hovering above and around his head.

  • 3670 MA

    3680 MA

    The Withering of Jakarak
    Disaster / Destruction

    The period of time when the Raharin city of Jakarak and the surrounding forest was stricken with the Withering disease. It began in early 3670 and by the end of 3680, the entire region was devoid of Raharin Elves and the Dark Trees common to the area. The rapid decline led to the creation of the Jakarak Desert.   A large number of Raharin Elves escaped Westward and to a small island known as the Isle of Ash. Those who escaped Westward met great resistance and persecution at the hands of The Church of the Trinity and other organizations. Some found refuge for a time in some of the other Western nations as outcasts at the fringes of society. Those on the Isle of Ash lived for a time in relative peace and comfort, but fate or the gods had other plans for them.

  • 3677 MA

    3721 MA

    Larrya's Reign
    Political event

    Larrya Gilren was crowned Queen of Youk Kingdom at the age of 19 after the death of her grandmother Lahrah II Gilren in 3677. She reigned until her death in 3721 MA, at the age of 63.

  • 3679 MA

    The Prost Schism
    Political event

    A split of The Princeship of Lamlou, following a series of disagreements with The Church of the Trinity over the rights and treatment of the Raharin Elves, leading to the formation of Prost.

    Additional timelines
  • 3679 MA

    3748 MA

    Youn III's Reign
    Political event

    At the age of 10, Youn III of the house of Youk was proclaimed King of Prost in 3679 MA by the High Priest of the Church of the Trinity. His coronation was held the very day that the Church of the Trinity declared their separation from the Princeship of Lamlou in an event called the Prost Schism. The priests claimed that Youn III was a lost descendant of Youn I, and thus the rightful King of all Prost Forest. Borders with the Princeship were negotiated peacefully with High Prince Lam II. Youn III reigned until his death at the age of 69 in 3748 MA.

  • 3706 MA

    3716 MA

    Lamlou II's Reign
    Political event

    Lamlou II Gilren was crowned after the death of his father in 3706 MA. He ruled until his death at the age of 99 in 3716 MA.

  • 3716 MA

    3722 MA

    Lahran III's Reign
    Political event

    Lahran III Gilren was crowned High Prince of Lamlou in 3716 MA at the age of 48, after the death of his paternal grandfather, Lamlou II. In 3722 MA, he was deposed by his cousin, Alnor, and a council of his Nobles after he declared his intention to make war against Prost. Although Alnor ordered him kept alive, Lahran was found dead in his cell a few days after his deposition. Some suspect an enterprising noble had him killed discreetly, while others believe he committed suicide. By all accounts Alnor was torn up by his death and is usually absolved of all blame for his cousin's death.

  • 3721 MA

    3748 MA

    Taalia's Reign
    Political event

    Taalia Gilren was on the path to become a priestess of the Church of the Trinity when her brother, the crown prince of Youk Kingdom died on a quest top slay a dragon. She had already become a cleric of the mirthful maiden when her mother Larrya Gilren died in 3721 MA. Taalia was crowned Queen of Youk Kingdom at the age of 42 and was well liked by her people. As a powerful cleric in good standing with the Church, she was able to provide healing and protection for her people throughout her reign. In 3748 MA, Taalia passed peacefully at the age of 69.

  • 3722 MA

    3728 MA

    Alnor II's Reign
    Political event

    Alnor II Gilren was crowned High Prince of Lamlou in 3722 MA, after deposing his cousin, Lahran III. Some Nobles of his court pushed back against his rule, as he was the maternal grandson of Lamlou II, and thus not the rightful heir in the eyes of the law, but as Lahran's son Youk could not be found, no opposition could be raised. Alnor was a just and peaceful ruler, reigning until his death in 3728 MA at the age of 61.

  • 3728 MA

    3735 MA

    Youk VI's Reign
    Political event

    Youk VI Gilren was crowned High Prince at the age of 37 in 3728 MA, after the death of his father, Alnor II. He set about making reforms to the government and legal system of the Princeship. His most controversial decree was a change to the inheritance of titles to allow the eldest child, regardless of gender to inherit their parent's title. This decree sparked anger in his Nobles, allowing Lahran III's son, Youk, to raise a rebellion in the west. With aid from Prost, Youk VI was overthrown and executed in 3735 MA.

  • 3734 MA

    3735 MA

    Lammish Civil War
    Military: War

    Youk VII Gilren fights and wins a civil war against his cousin, Youk VI Gilren.

  • 3735 MA

    3765 MA

    Youk VII's Reign
    Political event

    Youk VII Gilren took the throne of Lamlou after a successful rebellion against his second cousin, Youk VI, in 3735 MA. 48 at the time, he reigned for 30 years, dying peacefully at the age of 78 in 3765 MA.

  • 3748 MA

    3772 MA

    Ragnor V's Reign
    Political event

    Ragnor V Gilren was crowned King of Youk Kingdom at the age of 40 after the death of his mother, Taalia Gilren, in 3748 MA. Early in his reign, a Hrakken invasion ravaged his northeastern territories, leading him to go on a series of crusades to recapture his territory, then press further into the Hrakken Empire. He had captured the fortress of Mauk 3772 when he disappeared, never to be seen again. He was 64 at the time.

  • 3748 MA

    3748 MA

    Ragnor VI's Reign
    Political event

    Ragnor VI was crowned King of Prost at the age of 39 in 3748 MA. He died in a tragic accident during a sparing session only a few days after declaring his intention to march his armies against the Princeship of Lamlou and Youk Kingdom to reclaim the lands that were his by rights.

  • 3748 MA

    3806 MA

    Youk VI's Reign
    Political event

    Youk VI was crowned King of Prost at the age of 11 after the death of his father, Ragnor VI, died in 3748 MA. Youk VI focused his reign on caring for his people's needs. He was known as a kind ruler, though not strong one. He lost much of the crown's small amount of influence, affirming the position as a figurehead for the the true power of Prost, the Church of the Trinity.

  • 3751 MA

    3772 MA

    Hrakken Crusades
    Military: War

    Ragnor V the Crusader fights a series of crusades against the Hrakken Empire after they captured some of his Northern territory. He disappeared on campaign in 3772 MA, causing his daughter, Bella Gilren, to make peace with the Hrakken Empire.

  • 3765 MA

    3793 MA

    Lahran IV's Reign
    Political event

    Lahran IV Gilren was crowned High Prince of Lamlou in 3765 MA after the death of his father, Youk VII. He reigned until his death in 3793 MA. He was 44 at his coronation and 72 when he died.

  • 3772 MA

    Minor Border War Youk Kingdom and the Princeship
    Military action

    Youk Kingdom sends forces into the Riverland to secure territory for settlers leaving Tain to occupy. In response, the Princeship of Lamlou sends a contingent of soldiers to combat the Youkan force, resulting in a confrontaion near the Dao Mountains. The battle is a victory for the Youkans.

    Additional timelines
  • 3772 MA

    3776 MA

    Bella's Reign
    Political event

    Bella Gilren was crowned Queen of Youk Kingdom at the age of 41 after the disappearance of her father, King Ragnor V, while he was on crusade against the Hrakken Empire. She reigned for 4 years before being killed by her brother Balth in 3776 MA at the age of 45.

  • 3776 MA

    3779 MA

    Balth's Reign
    Political event

    The 42 yuear old Balth Gilren took the thrown of Youk Kingdom in 3776 MA after killing his sister, Bella Gilren. He was by all accounts a terrible ruler, taken to locking up nobles on trumped up charges and making policy decisions without consulting his advisors. He was overthrown and executed by his niece Youko II Gilren in 3779 MA, when he was 45.

  • 3777 MA

    3779 MA

    Second Youkan Civil War
    Military: War

    Youko II Gilren fights a successful civil war against her uncle, Balth the Mad.

  • 3779 MA

    3819 MA

    Youko II's Reign
    Political event

    Youko II Gilren was crowne Queen of Youk Kingdom in 3779 MA at the age of 21 after leading a successful rebellion against her uncle, Balth. She reigned until her death at the age of 61 in 3819 MA.

  • 3793 MA

    3840 MA

    Tolar's Reign
    Political event

    Tolar Gilren was crowned High Prince after the death of his father, Lahran IV in 3793 MA. He reigned until his death in 3840 MA. He was 41 at his coronation and 88 when he died.

  • 3806 MA

    3819 MA

    Ragnor VII's Reign
    Political event

    Ragnor VII Youk was crowned King of Prost in 3806 MA at the age of 45 after the death of his father, Youk VI. He reigned until his death in 3819 MA.

  • 3819 MA

    3829 MA

    Youn IV's Reign
    Political event

    Youn IV Youk was crowned King of Prost after the death of his father, Ragnor VII, in 3819 MA. He reigned until his death 10 years later at the age of 38.

  • 3819 MA

    3827 MA

    Lahrah III's Reign
    Political event

    Lahrah III Gilren was crowned Queen of Youk Kingdom at the age of 35 in 3819 MA after the death of her mother Youko II. She reigned until her death in 3827 MA, at the age of 43. It is suspected by some that her son Larryn may have had a hand in her death, but no conclusive evidence was ever brought forward.

  • 3827 MA

    3861 MA

    Larryn II's Reign
    Political event

    At the age of 21, Larryn II Gilren took the thrown of Youk Kingdom after the death of his mother, Lahrah III, in 3827 MA. His reign saw war with the Princeship of Lamlou, resulting with the loss of the Riverland. After this war, there were several rebellions that Larryn sent his son Jordyn to quell. Jordyn proved to be a strong leader taken to leading his forces in person. Larryn II reigned until his death at the age of 55 in 3861 MA.

  • 3829 MA

    3873 MA

    Youn V's Reign
    Political event

    Youn V Youk was crowned King of Prost at the age of 12, after the death of his father in 3829 MA. He oversaw the protection and crowning of Lahn Gilren and sponsored his rebellion against Ressa Gilren. In 3958 MA, after Ressa was defeated, Youn married Lahn's older sister in an attempt to bring the two nations closer together. He reigned until his death in 3873 MA, at the age of 56.

  • 3840 MA

    3845 MA

    Lahto's Reign
    Political event

    Lahto Gilren was crowned High Prince of the Princeship of Lamlou after the death of his grandfather, Tolar, in 3840 MA. He was overthrown by his elder sister, Ressa, in 3845 MA. He was 30 years old at his coronation and 35 when his sister had him executed.

  • 3845 MA

    3902 MA

    Lahn's Reign
    Political event

    Lahn Gilren was crowned High Prince of Lamlou by representatives of the Church of the Trinity at the age of 9 after his father, Lahto Gilren, was killed by his sister, Ressa Gilren, in 3845 MA. Lahn spent his early reign under the control and protection of Prost eventually returning to the Princeship of Lamlou to lead a rebellion against his aunt. In 3857 MA, he succeeded in killing her during a midnight raid of her palace. After he had regained control of the Princeship, he led his forces against Youk Kingdom, taking the Riverland by the end of his reign, he had secured the territory for the Princeship. In 3902 MA, Lahn died of a bowel sickness at the age of 66.

  • 3845 MA

    3857 MA

    Ressa's Reign
    Political event

    Ressa Gilren overthrew her younger brother, Lahto Gilren, in 3845 MA with the help of King Larryn II of Youk Kingdom. With his aid, she was able to maintain her position while fighting the rebellion raised by her nephew, Lahn. In 3857 MA, at the age of 49, Ressa was killed in a midnight raid of her palace by her nephew.

  • 3845 MA

    3857 MA

    Second Lammish Civil War
    Military: War

    Lahn Gilren fights a successful civil war against his aunt, Ressa Gilren, for the throne of Lamlou.

  • 3857 MA

    3877 MA

    Fourth Riverland War
    Military: War

    Lahn Gilren captures the Riverland from Youk Kingdom, who continued fighting him until the death of Jordyn II Gilren.

  • 3861 MA

    3877 MA

    Jordyn II's Reign
    Political event

    Jordyn II Gilren was crowned King of Youk Kingdom after the death of his father, Larryn II, in 3861, when Jordyn was 31. A renowned warrior, Jordyn IIspent most of his reign at war with the Princeship of Lamlou, training his son Rielyn as a tactician and leader. In 3877 MA , Jordyn took a wound in battle. As he lay dying, he crowned his son Rielyn, his eldest son. Jordyn was 47 at the time of his death.

  • 3873 MA

    3890 MA

    Ragnor VIII's Reign
    Political event

    Ragnor VIII Youk was crowned King of Prost at the age of 34 after the death of his father, Youn V, in 3873 MA. He reigned until his death at the age of 51 in 3890 MA.

  • 3877 MA

    3881 MA

    Rielyn's Reign
    Political event

    Rielyn was crowned King of Youk Kingdom by his dying father at the age of 26 in 3877 MA. He fought a civil war against his elder sister, Jordyn, which he ultimately lost: dying in battle at the age of 30 in 3881, supposedly from a poisoned arrow loosed by his sister.

  • 3877 MA

    3881 MA

    Third Youkan Civil War
    Military: War

    Jordyn III Gilren fights a successful civil war against her brother, Rielyn Gilren, with the aid of her husband's Jarsokkan troops. The war ended when Jordyn slew her brother with a poisoned arrow.

  • 3877 MA

    3899 MA

    Jordyn III's Reign
    Political event

    Jordyn II Gilren was crowned the Queen of Youk Kingdom at the age of 29, shortly after her father's death in 3877 MA. She fought a civil war against her brother Rielyn for the thronew, a war she ultimately won after marrying into a powerful Jarsokkan family and using their resources to aid her struggle. Her reign saw the closest friendship with Jarsokka that Youk Kingdom had until the creation of the Western Coalition in 4045. Jordyn III died in 3899 MA at the age of 51, supposedly of a sudden stroke.

  • 3890 MA

    3930 MA

    Youn VI's Reign
    Political event

    Youn VI Youk was crowned King of Prost at the age of 29 in 3890 MA, after the death of his father, Ragnor VIII. HIs reign saw a twenty year long conflict with the Princeship of Lamlou, which ended when Youn struck down High Prince Kaedyn Gilren in 3924 MA. Youn reigned until his death in 3890 MA, at the age of 59.

  • 3899 MA

    3912 MA

    Jordyn IV's Reign
    Political event

    Jordyn IV Gilren took the thrown of Youk Kingdom at the age of 31 in 3899 MA after the death of his mother, Jordyn III. He reigned until his death in 3912 MA at the age of 45.

  • 3902 MA

    3904 MA

    Alnor III's Reign
    Political event

    Alnor III Gilren was crowned High Prince after the death of his father, Lahn, in 3902 MA. He reigned only two years before being killed by his brother during an argument over whether Prost should be conquered and reincorporated into the Princeship of Lamlou. He was 44 at the time of his death.

  • 3904 MA

    3924 MA

    Kaedyn's War
    Military: War

    Kaedyn Gilren fights an unsuccessful war against Prost for the entirety of his reign. The war ended when Kaedyn was killed in single combat with Youn VII Youk.

  • 3904 MA

    3924 MA

    Kaedyn's Reign
    Political event

    Kaedyn Gilren took the throne of the Princeship of Lamlou after murdering his older brother, Alnor III, in 3904 MA. He soon after led his forces in a fruitless war with Prost that lasted the entirety of his reign. In 3924 MA, he was slain in single combat with King Youn IV of Prost. He was 60 years old at the time of his death.

  • 3912 MA

    3913 MA

    Fourth Youkan Civil War
    Military: War

    Jordyn V Gilren fights an unsuccessful civil war against her twin sister, Jaedyn Gilren. The war ended when Jordyn was assassinated by her own supporters.

  • 3912 MA

    3931 MA

    Jaedyn's Reign
    Political event

    Jaedyn Gilren was crowned Queen of Youk Kingdom the same day as her twin sister Jordyn V at the age of 25 in 3912 MA after the death of their mother, Jordyn IV. Jaedyn was forced out of Youk and besieged the city until her sister was assassinated by the nobles that had crowned her. The treacherous aristyocrats then opened the gates for Jaedyn, who had them all executed for treason. Jaedyn reigned until her death in 3931 MA at the age of 44 when she was caught in a magical explosion from an experiment her arcanists were conducting in the palace.

  • 3912 MA

    3913 MA

    Jordyn V's Reign
    Political event

    Jordyn V was crowned Queen of Youk Kingdom in 3912 MA at the age of 25 by a group of nobles the same day that her identical twin sister, Jaedyn, was crowned. Each claimed to be the elder twin and thus the heir to their mother, Jordyn IV. Jordyn V was able to take control of Youk, forcing her twin to besiege the city for a year before being assassinated by the nobles who had crowned her in 3913 MA at the age of 26.

  • 3924 MA

    3931 MA

    Kaedis' Reign
    Political event

    Kaedis Gilren was crowned High Prince of Lamlou after the death of his father, Kaedyn, in 3924 MA. He spent his entire reign at war with his cousin, Rinnious II. Kaedis had most of his support in the East. Both he and Rinnious were killed in a blast of arcane energy while dueling one another in front of the gates of Lamm in 3931 MA. Kaedis was 41 at the time of his coronation and 48 at the time of his death.

  • 3924 MA

    3931 MA

    Third Lammish Civil War
    Military: War

    Kaedis Gilren fights civil war with his cousin, Rinnious II Gilren. The war ended when both were killed in a blast of arcane energy.

  • 3924 MA

    3931 MA

    Rinnious II's Reign
    Political event

    Rinnious II Gilren was crowned High Prince of Lamlou after the death of his uncle, Kaedyn, in 3924 MA. He spent his entire reign at war with his cousin, Kaedis. Rinnious had most of his support in the West. Both he and Kaedis were killed in a blast of arcane energy while dueling one another in front of the gates of Lamm in 3931 MA. Rinnious was 40 at the time of his coronation and 47 at the time of his death.

  • 3930 MA

    4006 MA

    Youn VII's Reign
    Political event

    Youn VII Youk was crowned King of Prost at the age of 7 after the sudden death of his father, Ragnor IX. By all reports, Youn was simple of mind and it was up to his advisors to run the kingdom. Regardless, he reigned peacefully until his death at the age of 83 in 4006 MA.

  • 3930 MA

    3930 MA

    Ragnor XI's Reign
    Political event

    Ragnor IX Youk was crowned King of Prost at the age of 31 in 3930 MA. His reign lasted a mere six hours before he died of a sudden heart attack, which was taken as a sign from the gods that he was not meant to rule.

  • 3931 MA

    3933 MA

    Bella II's Reign
    Political event

    Bella was crowned Queen of Youk Kingdom at the age of 27 after the death of her mother in 3931 MA. She was with her mother only moments before the explosion that took her life, which seems to have troubled her greatly. She left most of the ruling of the realm to her younger sister Jordyn, which served the realm well when Bella II chose to throw herself from a cliff after her second miscarriage in 3933 MA at the age of 29.

  • 3931 MA

    3970 MA

    Alnor III's Second Reign
    Political event

    After the death of both Rinnious II and Kaedis in 3931 MA, there was no heirs to the title of High Prince and no good candidate could be found by the council of Nobles. In late 3931 MA, it was proposed that Alnor III, whose body had recently been recovered from where his brother Kaedyn had hidden it, should be raised from death to lead the nation into peace. Alnor III ruled until his death in 3970 MA, at the age of 83.

  • 3933 MA

    3970 MA

    Jordyn VI's Reign
    Political event

    Jordyn VI Gilren took the throne of Youk Kingdom at the age of 25 after her sister, Bella II, took her own life in 3933 MA. Jordyn was a just and wise queen for many years, ruling the realm in peace and prosperity. In the later years of her reign, it became apparent that she was suffering from some form of early onset dementia. In 3970, Jordyn VI abdicated in favor of her grandson, Jordyn VII. She was 62 at the time of her abdication and 67 at the time of her death in 3975 MA.

  • 3970 MA

    3971 MA

    Jordyn VII's Reign
    Political event

    Jordyn VII was crowned King of Youk Kingdom at the age of 17 in 3970 MA after the abdication of his grandmother Jordyn VI. He soon after married his aunt, Jordyn, but died only a few months after they had conceived their first child in 3971 MA. He was 18 at the time of his death. Some historians suspect that he was assassinated by his wife, as she was the next in line for the throne after him.

  • 3970 MA

    3974 MA

    Daeryn II's Reign
    Political event

    Daeryn II Gilren was crowned High Prince of Lamlou after the death of his father, Alnor III. He reigned until his death in 3974 MA at the age of 39 of a magical illness inflicted on him by a hag he had met in his youth.

  • 3971 MA

    4000 MA

    Jordyn VIII's Reign
    Political event

    Jordyn VIII took the thrown of Youk Kingdom after the death of her husband in 3971 MA, as she was the eldest living child of Jordyn VI. A few months into her reign she gave birth to a son she named Jordyn, who was bother her heir and the heir of her husband/nephew Jordyn VII. She died peacefully in her sleep in 4000 MA. Jordyn VIII was 37 at her coronation and 66 at the time of her death.

  • 3974 MA

    3975 MA

    Tolar II's Reign
    Political event

    Tolar II Gilren was crowned High Prince of the Princeship of Lamlou in 3974 MA at the age of 13. It quickly became apparent that he was not fit for rule. He was deposed by a council of his Nobles in 3975 MA and was replaced by Unnris Ostier. Tolar died peacefully in 4030 MA at the age of 69, never having interfered in politics again.

  • 3975 MA

    3996 MA

    Unnris' Reign
    Political event

    Unnris Ostier was elected High Prince of the Princeship of Lamlou in 3974 MA as a replacement for the young Tolar II. For 15 years, he ruled peacefully, bringing much prosperity to the nation. In 3990 MA, Resser, the son of Tolar II, raised a rebellion against the Ostiers. For the last six years of Unnris' reign, he was constantly plagued by attacks from the young rebel. In 3996 MA, Unnris died of what is believed to have been a heart attack at the age of 61.

  • 3990 MA

    3999 MA

    Fourth Lammish Civil War
    Military: War

    Resser Gilren fights an unsuccessful civil war against Unnris I & Unnris II. The war ended when he was captured and executed.

  • 3990 MA

    3999 MA

    32 Ukar

    Resser's Reign
    Political event

    Resser Gilren crowned himself High Prince of the Princeship of Lamlou in 3990 MA, at the age of 23. He fought a rebellion against Unnris I Ostier for the last six years of his reign and against Unnris II Ostier for the first three years of his reign. He was eventually captured and executed on the last day of 3999 MA at the age of 32.

  • 3996 MA

    4001 MA

    Unnris II's Reign
    Political event

    Unnris II Ostier was crowned High Prince of the Princeship of Lamlou in 3996 MA at the age of 38. He reigned until 4001 MA, when he was defeated in a rebellion led by Jaedyn Gilren, son of Tolar II. Unnris was executed at the age of 43 in 4001 MA.

  • 4000 MA

    4030 MA

    Fifth Lammish Civil War
    Military: War

    Jaedyn Gilren fights a successful civil war against Unnris II Ostier and other rebel groups. The war ended after the Ostier family had been entirely eradicated.

  • 4000 MA

    4025 MA

    Jordyn IX's Reign
    Political event

    Jordyn IX was crowned King of Youk Kingdom at the age of 28 after the death of his mother, Jordyn VIII, in 4000 MA. He reigned until his death at the age of 53 in 4025 MA.

  • 4001 MA

    Jaedyn's Reign
    Political event

    Jaedyn Gilren took the throne of the Princeship of Lamlou after defeating Unnris II Ostier in a rebellion in 4001 MA. He quickly established his rule, putting down rebellions all across the Princeship and entirely eradicating the Ostier family by 4030 MA. His reign lasted through the Demon War, though in the chaos of the war he lost all his living family, leaving him heirless. He continues to reign in 4050 MA at the age of 72, though their are rumors his health is failing.

  • 4006 MA

    4042 MA

    22 Ukar

    Ragnor X's Reign
    Political event

    Ragnor X Youk was crowned King of Prost at the age of 29 after the death of his grandfather, Youn VII, in 4006 MA. He reigned until his death in 4042 MA when he was killed by a demon while personally overseeing the forces engaging in Mildale during the Mildale Disaster. He was 65 at the time of his death. All his heirs died in the subsequent Demon War, leaving the monarchy in a dangerous position.

  • 4025 MA

    4037 MA

    Louyn's Reign
    Political event

    Louyn was crowned King of Youk Kingdom in 4025 MA at the age of 24 after the death of his father, Jordyn IX. He reigned until his death in 4037 MA at the age of 36, when he had a heart attack, likely brought on by his prodigious weight.

  • 4037 MA

    4044 MA

    Sorra's Reign
    Political event

    Sorra Gilren was crowned Queen of Youk Kingdom at the age of 19 after the death of her father Louyn in 4037 MA. She had a peaceful reign until the Demon War broke out in 4042 MA. Sorra did what she could to save as many of her people as she could, but still tens of thousands of her citizens fell prey to the Demonic hordes. Sorra was slain by a demon during an attack on her court in 4044 MA while travelling to meet with other rulers to discuss forming a coalition.

  • 4042 MA

    31 Ulon

    The Mildale Disaster
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The 4 armies of Prost, The Princeship of Lamlou, Youk Kingdom, and The Hrakken Empire send armies heavily enhanced by magic and supplemented by vicious undead and even viler creatures to a mountain pass. A portal to The Abyss is opened in the border town of Mildale, which rested in the valley pass. This releasing a near endless stream of demons and other fiends, until near the end of the Demon War, when the portal was pinched closed.

    Additional timelines
  • 4043 MA

    4045 MA

    The Demon War
    Military action

    The Nations of the West join together to end the Mildale disaster.

    Additional timelines
  • 4045 MA

    Jordyn X's Reign
    Political event

    Jordyn X was born on the day of the Mildale disaster. Upon hearing of the crisis, her family fled Youk Kingdom, taking refuge in Ziziphin for the duration of the Demon War. In 4045 MA, the nobles of Youk Kingdom sought out the rightful ruler of their kingdom. Jordyn X was Queen Sora's niece and the only living grandchild of King Louyn. She was crowned at the age of 3 in 4045 MA, and continues to reign in the year 4050 MA, now 8 years old.

  • 4045 MA

    Seth's Reign
    Political event

    Seth Miiridian was crowned King of Prost at the age of 22 after the end of the Demon War in 4045 AM. His father, Sothus Miiridian, was a key general in the war and was the intended candidate for Kingship, aided greatly by his marriage to one of King Youn VII's daughters. After he was killed in combat with Bahlnor Blackhorned, his son was considered the kingdom's best candidate. Seth continues to rule with the aid of the Church of the Trinity's High Priest in the year 4050 MA. He is currently 27.

  • 4045 MA

    3 Oath

    The Signing of the Mildale Treaties
    Diplomatic action

    In the wake of the Demon War, the the leaders of the Western Nations gathered and debated on and signed a series of treaties, truces, and pacts both magical and mundane, in an attept to prevent anything like the Mildale Disaster from ever occuring again.

    Additional timelines