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  • 0 AA

    The Birth of the Elves

    The first elves are born from the union of humans and the Milael.

  • 96 MA

    184 MA

    Rise of the Empire of Archaia

    The Archaian people rise up from their island capital in Mibr Bay and begin conquering their neighbors. Their empire stretches from modern day Zol-nah to theMarjo Woodlands. They fight with bronze weapons and ride the dangerous beasts found on The Isle of Ash. They are fierce enemies of the Metallic Dragons and drove many from their land throughout their near thousand year existance.

  • 352 MA

    Church of the Trinity is Founded

    The Church of the Trinity is founded in modern day Prost.

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  • 554 MA

    The Builders Abandon Hrakka

    The mysterious builders of the great steel towers of Hrakka leave under unknown circumstances.

  • 666 MA

    6 Uath 06:00

    The Watcher is Born
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    He Who Watches appears in the dreams of people for the first time. He is described as a humanoid made of mist, whose arms and torso end in whispy tendrils.

  • 755 MA

    1000 MA

    Retreat of the Milael
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Milael and many of the other Laels retreat from the world. This is widely considered the last time a god walked the mortal plane.

  • 1044 MA

    1050 MA

    The Collapse of Archaia

    Ravaged by disease and attacked by the newly arrived Sea Gnomes weaken the Archaian Empire before an eruption on their capital island destroys their central government.  Individual groups of Archaians survive, but are so few in number that recovery was impossible.  An order within Archaria foresaw the disaster and sealed themselves in tombs, becoming wights.  There are some who survive to this day, trying to once again rule a vast empire.

  • 1044 MA

    25 Uath

    The Arrival of the Sea Gnomes
    Population Migration / Travel

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  • 1044 MA

    26 Uath
    1512 MA

    The Gnomish Plagues
    Plague / Epidemic

    A series of major epidemics of diseases brought by the Sea Gnomes from their homeland. These diseases affected Humanoids the most, but other sapient races had their fair share of deaths.

  • 1044 MA

    12 Ilon
    1066 MA

    6 Uath 06:00

    The Gnome War
    Military action

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  • 1066 MA

    6 Uath 06:00

    The Signing of the Coastal Accords
    Diplomatic action

    The coastal nations get together with the Western Dwarves and the Sea Gnomes to sign a set of accords, treaties, and agreements on the use of the sea in the western region. These documents were known as the Coastal Accords and brought the Gnome War to an end.

  • 1077 MA

    1443 MA

    The Life of Uran Ironblood
    Scientific achievement

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  • 1450 MA

    1451 MA

    The Hrakken Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    One of the Gnomish Plagues sweeps through the lands possessed by the early Hrakkens, devastating their population.  Historical accounts of the time observed that the disease prevented proper digestion.  Men, women, and children starved to death with full bellies and Hrakken Kings died feasting in their halls.     Nowhere was hit harder than the City of Hrakka, where the population was reduced by close to ninety-five percent.  The Hrakkens never fully recovered, instead giving rise to the Hrakken Necromancers who had survived the plague by means of their magics.

  • 1650 MA

    2000 MA

    Arcane School of Necromancy is Developed
    Discovery, Scientific

    The school of Necromany is developed, primarily by rich Hrakken kings and their advisors.  It first qas used as a way to honor the dead and affect the life force,  but slowly developed to a more recognizable form.

  • 1666 MA

    6 Uath 06:00
    1666 MA

    7 Uath 06:00

    The Day of the Damned
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A large number of portals the many layers of The Abyss open on the material plane, closing within 24 hours. The damage was great, but casualties were mitigated by the combined forces of The Church of the Trinity and The Elven Faith. Within a year, nearly all the Demons that escaped into the mortal plane had been hunted down.

  • 1666 MA

    6 Uath 06:00

    The Watcher Returns
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Watcher in the Web appears in the dreams of people for the second time, coinciding with the beginning of the Day of the Damned. In these dreams he warned of the events of the Day of the Damned. He is described as a humanoid made of mist, whose arms and torso end in whispy tendrils. He has no face, only a triangle of 3 colours upon where his forehead should be.

  • 1666 MA

    6 Uath 06:00
    1669 MA

    Fall of Kaltoa
    Disaster / Destruction

    The mighty city state of Kaltoa falls to demonic invaders brought by the Day of the Damned.

  • 1668 MA

    2020 MA


    The Wars of the Wolf and the Lizard
    Military action

    A series of wars and similar conflicts between the followers of 2 monotheistic groups on the Western coast that culminated with the events of the Path of Wrath.

  • 1700 MA

    2020 MA

    Rise of the Hrakken Necromancers
    Gathering / Conference

    The Hrakken Necromancers consolidate power around the ruined city of Hrakka.  Their final bid for power ended in the "purification" of unfit blood from the hrakken people, making the entire population viable spellcasters.

  • 2020 MA

    2022 MA

    The Path of Wrath
    Disaster / Destruction

    A creature appears in West, charges East only to be destroyed by the dragons of the East.

  • 2318 MA

    2968 MA

    Rise of the Jakarak Empire

    The Raharin Elves of Jakarak expand their influence and powers, creating an empire stretching from the Midr River and Hrarkwold all the way to the sea.

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  • 2350 MA

    2584 MA

    Rise of the Hrakken Empire

    The Hrakken Necromancers expand their influence and borders, enslaving their fellow Humans and other neighbors.  The enslaved are quickly killed off with experimental diseases, magics, and simply because undead are easier to control.

  • 2568 MA

    7 Oas

    The First Games of a Thousand Days
    Cultural event

    The Goliaths hold the first The Games of a Thousand Days near the village of Supi.

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  • 2586 MA

    2586 MA

    The Vasites are Forced from their Lands
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Jakarak Empire expands Eastward into the lands of the Vasite people, forcing them from their lands and into the lands of the Hrakken Empire.

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  • 2666 MA

    6 Uath 06:00

    The Watcher Returns
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Watcher in the Web appears once again to many who are sleeping. He is described as a humanoid made of mist, whose arms and torso end in whispy tendrils. He has no face, only a triangle of 3 colours upon where his forhead should be. This time, it he has gained his signature halo of eight orbs.

  • 2743 MA

    2757 MA

    Youk is Founded
    Military action

    Youk Kingdom is formed.    A powerful warlord named Youk marched his armies westward from his homeland just east of modern day Prost, conquering the whole of the Prost Forest in 14 years; bringing the Trinitarian religion with him. One by one the tribes and petty kingdoms in the area fell before him, in battle or in negotiations. Conversion to the The Church of the Trinity was a non-negotiable term of surrender or alliance.   After wandering about his new kingdom for a few years with a travelling court, he settled his capital in the northwest region of his domain and named it after himself and the nation he had created. The city of Youk still holds a celebration of him every 26th day of Olon in commemoration of his supposed birthday.

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  • 2743 MA

    2757 MA

    Youkan War of Founding
    Military: War

    Youk conquers the lands of modern day Youk Kingdom, Prost, and the Princeship of Lamlou.

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  • 2774 MA

    2776 MA

    Ostier Rebellion
    Military action

    A noble family called the Ostiers rebel against Yoular, son of Youk, after he succeeded his father. The Ostiers started their rebellion in what is now the western region of the Princeship of Lamlou. The Ostiers raised a substantial army, but were defeated by the better equiped forces commanded from Youk. It is believed by some that this first rebellion sowed the seed for the eventual seperation of the nation.   There are different theories and accounts of the driving factors of the rebellion. In Youk Kingdom it is widely held that the Ostiers were powerhungry and resentful that they were no longer permitted to worship their old gods, while in the Princeship of Lamlou it is believed that the Ostiers were reclaiming their rights to the land as the kings before the time of Youk's conquest. Regardless of the reason, the sound defeat of the Ostiers confirmed the legitimacy of Youk's line of succession.

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  • 2915 MA

    3128 MA

    The Hidrec Era
    Political event

    The Hidrec family rules Youk Kingdom for 213 years from 2915 to 3128.

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  • 2978 MA

    2999 MA

    The Dragon War

    The Mibrish people wage war against the region's dragons with the equipment given to them by the Elves of Mibril.  This war brought dragons to the brink of extinction and forced the servants of the dragons fleeing to all corners of the earth.

  • 2999 MA

    The Destruction of Mibril
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Destruction of the Jaharin city of Mibril at the hands of the Dragon Lords of Mibran.

  • 3001 MA

    Mibran is Founded

    The Mibrish Dragonlords found the City of Mibran.

  • 3126 MA

    3231 MA

    The War of Hrakken Expansion
    Military action

    The The Hrakken Empire expanded in all directions under the leadership of Koh the Lich-King. The expansion continued until Koh was defeated by Ragnor Sorrowsworn, a victim of his dark magics.

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  • 3231 MA

    4050 MA

    Gilren Era
    Political event

    The Gilren family rules over Youk Kingdom for centuries.

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  • 3330 MA

    3332 MA

    Building of the Forest Road
    Construction beginning/end

    The laharins of En-Iala and the Northrin Humans of Hilroc build a road between their cities.

  • 3351 MA

    3364 MA

    The Years of Blood
    Population Migration / Travel

    Hordes of Goblinoids and other creatures came down from the North, burning and pillaging their way across the land, predominantly in The Great North Forest. The first of these hordes was responsible for the destruction of En-Iala and the deaths of over half of all the Laharin Elves living at the time.

  • 3351 MA

    The Fall of En-Iala
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Laharin city of En-Iala falls to armies of Northern Goblinoids.  In their desperation, the elves released the dead upon the city along with many monstrosities, then fled the city.

  • 3360 MA

    3370 MA

    Rise of the Grand Kingdom of Midrasus
    Military action

    The Laharin Elves of the Great North Forest are driven from their lands by Goblinoid armies from the far north. As they were forced southwards, the Elves secured strongholds and other defensable locations from the Humans, some peacefully, others less so.   Over the coming years, the surrounding Humans were conquered down to the Midr River to prevent an invasion from the south.

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  • 3365 MA

    The Raskan Conquering of The Land South of the Midr River
    Military action

    The Raskan people take control of the Lands stretching from the edge of the Jakarak empire, to The Midr River, to the Fiirdaen Forest.

  • 3529 MA

    3534 MA

    Youkan Civil War
    Military action

    The Nation of Youk breaks in half in a war of succession when Prince Lamlou refuted the claim of his elder sister, Lahrah Gilren and gained the support of The Church of the Trinity. He founded The Princeship of Lamlou, which at the time included the lands of modernday Prost.

    Prost Forest
    More reading
    Youkan Civil War
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  • 3666 MA

    6 Uath 06:00

    The Watcher Returns
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Watcher in the Web appears once again in dreams, in his current form. He is described as a humanoid made of mist, whose arms and torso end in whispy tendrils. He has no face, only a triangle of 3 colours upon where his forhead should be, a more masculine build than previously seen, the legs of a spider sprouting from his back and a halo of eight orbs hovering above and around his head.

  • 3670 MA

    3680 MA

    The Withering of Jakarak
    Disaster / Destruction

    The period of time when the Raharin city of Jakarak and the surrounding forest was stricken with the Withering disease. It began in early 3670 and by the end of 3680, the entire region was devoid of Raharin Elves and the Dark Trees common to the area. The rapid decline led to the creation of the Jakarak Desert.   A large number of Raharin Elves escaped Westward and to a small island known as the Isle of Ash. Those who escaped Westward met great resistance and persecution at the hands of The Church of the Trinity and other organizations. Some found refuge for a time in some of the other Western nations as outcasts at the fringes of society. Those on the Isle of Ash lived for a time in relative peace and comfort, but fate or the gods had other plans for them.

  • 3679 MA

    The Prost Schism
    Political event

    A split of The Princeship of Lamlou, following a series of disagreements with The Church of the Trinity over the rights and treatment of the Raharin Elves, leading to the formation of Prost.

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  • 3737 MA

    The Isle of Ash Erupts
    Disaster / Destruction

    The mountain at the centre of the Isle of Ash erupts, sinking large parts of the island under the sea, killing vast numbers of the Raharin Elves that had taken refuge there after the Withering of Jakarak. The eruption sent large amounts of Ash into the sky, causing crops to fail around the bay that the island is located in.

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  • 3772 MA

    Minor Border War Youk Kingdom and the Princeship
    Military action

    Youk Kingdom sends forces into the Riverland to secure territory for settlers leaving Tain to occupy. In response, the Princeship of Lamlou sends a contingent of soldiers to combat the Youkan force, resulting in a confrontaion near the Dao Mountains. The battle is a victory for the Youkans.

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  • 3773 MA

    31 Uath
    3773 MA

    31 Uath 24:00

    Summers End 3773
    Celestial / Cosmic

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  • 3802 MA

    16 Iath

    Discovery of Taeniira's remains
    Discovery, Exploration

    The remains of a massive dragon consistant with legends of a dragon called Taeniira, the Pink are found in the mountains south of Mibr Bay.

  • 3836 MA

    12 Oas
    3838 MA

    31 Ulon

    The War of Lokish Aggression
    Military action

    The armies of Lokain push into Bilhras, reaching deep into their Western territory, nearly reaching the Tiindak river in only a few months. Bilhras sought aid from one of their most ancient enemies. In return for use of all the slain, The Hrakken Empire agreed to come assist them. The Hrakken armies began their counter assault in the dead of winter, when mortal soldiers had a significant disadvantage. In the space of a single year, the Lokish were driven back and a peace was brokered between the three nations.

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  • 3841 MA

    31 Uath
    3841 MA

    31 Uath 24:00

    Summer's End 3841
    Celestial / Cosmic

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  • 4020 MA

    Mihael Election of 4020
    Political event

    X is elected as Mihael of the Grand Kingdom of Midrasus until the year 4070 MA.

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  • 4040 MA

    25 Oas

    538th Games of a Thousand Days
    Cultural event

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  • 4042 MA

    31 Ulon

    The Mildale Disaster
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The 4 armies of Prost, The Princeship of Lamlou, Youk Kingdom, and The Hrakken Empire send armies heavily enhanced by magic and supplemented by vicious undead and even viler creatures to a mountain pass. A portal to The Abyss is opened in the border town of Mildale, which rested in the valley pass. This releasing a near endless stream of demons and other fiends, until near the end of the Demon War, when the portal was pinched closed.

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  • 4042 MA

    22 Ukar

    539th Games of a Thousand Days
    Cultural event

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  • 4043 MA

    4045 MA

    The Demon War
    Military action

    The Nations of the West join together to end the Mildale disaster.

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  • 4045 MA

    3 Oath

    The Signing of the Mildale Treaties
    Diplomatic action

    In the wake of the Demon War, the the leaders of the Western Nations gathered and debated on and signed a series of treaties, truces, and pacts both magical and mundane, in an attept to prevent anything like the Mildale Disaster from ever occuring again.

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