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1. Greenway Farmstead

This wood and plaster house is well-kept, and the barn beyond is bulging with hay, grain, and so forth. Several fat animals are about. Two large farm dogs bark at your approach, and a rosy-cheeked goodwife appears at the doorway.
Greenway Farmstead is a well-kept and prosperous farm located along Long Road leading into the village of Hommlet. This farmstead is known for its well-maintained wood and plaster house, a large barn full of hay and grain, and friendly inhabitants. The farm is a model of rural productivity and community spirit.


The Greenway Farmstead is a charming and prosperous farm nestled along the Long Road into Hommlet. The wood and plaster house is meticulously maintained, showcasing the family's pride in their home. Beyond the house lies a large barn, bulging with hay, grain, and other farming essentials. Several fat animals wander the grounds, a testament to the farm's productivity. As visitors approach, two large farm dogs, Bear and Wolf, bark loudly, announcing their presence. A rosy-cheeked goodwife greets all who call, with four curious children looking on.

Lore and History

The Greenway Farmstead has been in the family for generations, a testament to their hard work and dedication to the land. The farm's lintel, carved with acorns and oak leaves, signifies the family's adherence to The Old Faith, a druidic tradition that honors nature and the cycle of seasons. Old Mother Bestawith, the oldest human in the village, is often sought out for her divinatory powers, believed to have been bestowed upon her by the Old Faith.


Alber Greenway, the head of the household, manages the farm with his two full-grown sons, Felk and Bram. They work tirelessly in the wheat and barley fields, ensuring a bountiful harvest each year. Alber's wife, Gleer, tends to the family vegetable patch with their daughter, Sween. Inside the house, Bestawith, the family matriarch, oversees various chores with the help of a young girl. The family is self-sufficient and relies on their hard work to sustain their lifestyle.

Motivation and Relationships

The Greenway family is motivated by a deep connection to their land and community. They take pride in their work and are dedicated to maintaining the prosperity of their farm. The family members are active in the village, with Alber and his sons serving in the town militia. They only take up arms in self-defense or when called upon by the village elder.

Current Events

The Greenway Farmstead is a hub of activity as the family prepares for the harvest season. Alber and his sons are busy in the fields, while Gleer and Sween manage the vegetable patch. Bestawith continues to offer her wisdom and guidance to those who seek it. The farm dogs, Bear and Wolf, remain vigilant, ensuring the safety of the farmstead.
Farm treasure
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There is nothing here of interest to the adventurers. Other than feed grain or hay, the farmer has nothing to sell or trade. The farmer has a 25 gp hidden in his mattress and a 5 gp, 20 sp and 40 cp secured in his pouch against hard times.
Greenway Farmstead by 3orcs
"The land provides, but only if you work hard for it."
Family Members
  • Alber Greenway: The head of the household, a 35-year-old farmer and member of the town militia. Alber is a hardworking and dedicated man who takes pride in his farm.
  • Gleer Greenway: Alber's wife, a friendly and welcoming goodwife who manages the household and the family vegetable patch.
  • Felk and Bram Greenway: Alber's full-grown sons, both members of the town militia. Felk wields a flail, and Bram carries a battle axe.
  • Sween Greenway: Alber and Gleer's daughter, who helps with household chores.
  • Bestawith: The family matriarch, known for her divinatory powers and wisdom. She is the oldest human in the village and a respected figure in the community.
  • Bear and Wolf: The farm dogs, vigilant protectors of the farmstead.
Combat Statitistics
  • Farm dogs (2): AC 7; HD 1 + 1; hp 7; 5; #AT 1; D 1-4; XP 34; 30
  • Farmer: AC 7; Level 0; hp 6; #AT 1; D 2-8; XP16
  • Sons (2): AC 7; Level 0; hp 5; 4; #AT 1; D 1-8 (flail) or 1-4 (axe XP 15; 14
Parent Location
"The Old Faith guides our hands and hearts."

Cover image: Village of Hommlet by 3orcs


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