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10. Draper’s Textiles

The wooden sign depicts a bag of wool and a loom.
Draper's Textiles, located in the center of Hommlet across the road from the Village Hall and next to Smyth's Smithy, is a well-known establishment run by the Draper family. Specializing in weaving and textile production, this shop is a hub of activity and craftsmanship, contributing significantly to the village's economy.


Draper's Textiles is a modest, two-story building constructed from timber and stone, with a thatched roof. The exterior features a sign with a loom and shuttle, indicating the nature of the business. The shop is situated strategically across from the Village Hall and adjacent to Smyth's Smithy, making it easily accessible for both villagers and visitors.
The shop's interior is filled with bolts of woolen and flaxen cloth, neatly arranged on shelves. A large loom dominates one corner of the room, while tables are scattered with spools of thread, scissors, and other weaving tools. The air is filled with the faint scent of wool and flax, and the steady rhythm of the loom can often be heard throughout the day.

Lore and History

The Draper family moved to Hommlet shortly after the Battle of Emridy Meadows. Originally from Bissel, they left their home after their sheep farm was destroyed by Kettite raiders. Seeking a fresh start, Veragon set up Draper's Textiles in Hommlet, utilizing the local wool and flax to create high-quality textiles for the market in Verbobonc.
"A sturdy cloth is the mark of a steadfast soul."
Historical Significance
  • Relocation to Hommlet: The move to Hommlet was driven by the increased trade opportunities following The Battle of Emridy Meadows.
  • Business Growth: Over the years, the Draper family has grown their business, gaining a reputation for quality and reliability.

Motivation and Relationships

Veragon Draper
  • Motivation: Veragon is driven by his passion for weaving and his desire to provide for his family. He is committed to passing on his skills to the next generation.
  • Relationships: Veragon maintains strong ties with the local community, including the villagers, the Village Hall, and neighboring businesses like Smyth's Smithy.
Family Dynamics
  • Unity and Support: The Draper family is closely knit, working together to run the business and support one another.
  • Apprentice Training: The apprentices are treated as part of the family, receiving both skill training and personal guidance from Veragon and Wila.


The Draper family and their apprentices are followers of St. Cuthbert, adhering to a lawful neutral alignment. Their faith emphasizes order, common sense, and the importance of hard work and discipline. The family maintains a small shrine to Saint Cuthbert in their home, where they offer daily prayers and seek guidance for their endeavors.

Current Events

Shop Activities
Draper's Textiles is bustling with activity, with Veragon and his family weaving cloth and training their apprentices. The shop provides textiles for local use and trade, contributing significantly to Hommlet's economy.
  • Bandit Threats: The rising bandit activities in the region pose a threat to the trade routes, potentially affecting the supply of raw materials and the market for finished goods.
  • Market Expansion: Veragon is exploring opportunities to expand his market reach, potentially collaborating with other traders and merchants in Verbobonc.


Draper's Textiles stands as a testament to resilience and craftsmanship in Hommlet. With its rich history, dedicated family, and commitment to quality, the shop continues to thrive despite the challenges. As the village navigates the complexities of trade and security, Draper's Textiles remains a pillar of strength and community.
Shop Treasure
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The weaver has a cache of 7 small gold ingots (25 gp each) and a gold pin with an amethyst valued at 300 gp behind a loose stone in the fireplace.
Draper’s Textiles by 3orcs
"In every weave, there is a piece of our heart."
Veragon Draper
Age: 63
  • Role: Master weaver and owner of Draper's Textiles.
  • Appearance: Veragon is a robust elderly man with a kind face, bushy white eyebrows, and calloused hands from years of weaving. He wears simple, practical clothing suitable for his trade.
  • Personality: Veragon is diligent and meticulous, with a deep passion for weaving. He is patient with his apprentices and takes great pride in his work.
Wila Draper
Age: 59
  • Role: Weaver and co-owner.
  • Appearance: Wila is a petite woman with gray hair often tied in a bun, sharp eyes, and a warm smile. She dresses in functional, handmade garments.
  • Personality: Wila is nurturing and supportive, both in her family life and her work. She oversees the household and assists with the weaving.
Veragon and Wila Draper by 3orcs
Jeen Billison
Age: 34
  • Role: Daughter of Veragon and Wila, assisting in the business.
  • Appearance: Jeen has dark hair and a strong build, reflecting her hard work in the shop. She is often seen in simple dresses covered with an apron.
  • Personality: Jeen is hardworking and dedicated, with a no-nonsense attitude. She is protective of her family and passionate about their trade.
Bosto Billison
Age: 30
  • Role: Son-in-law and apprentice weaver.
  • Appearance: Bosto is tall and sturdy, with a rugged appearance and friendly demeanor. He wears plain, durable clothing.
  • Personality: Bosto is eager to learn and prove himself. He is loyal and dependable, often helping with both weaving and shop maintenance.
Maks (19), Fen (17), Giulo (16), Vik (16): These young apprentices are non-combatants learning the trade of weaving. They are enthusiastic and hardworking, each showing promise under Veragon's guidance.   Son-in-law: AC 8(padded armor & shield
Level 0; hp 3; #AT 1; D 1-4 (dagger) or 1-6 (spear XP 13   Apprentices (4): AC 10; Level 0; hp 2 each;
#AT 1; D 1-2 (awl XP 12 each
Parent Location
The Draper family and their apprentices are followers of@cuthbert

Cover image: Village of Hommlet by 3orcs


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