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26. Valden’s Wagons

Valden’s Wagons, located at the heart of Hommlet, is the premier establishment for cart and wagon building and repair. Owned by Valden, a veteran of the Battle of Emridy Meadows, the shop is renowned for producing high-quality wagons sought after throughout the region. This article delves into the history, characters, and services associated with Valden’s Wagons, exploring the family's deep ties to the village, their dedication to their craft, and their views on the ongoing bandit threats.

Location and Layout

Valden’s Wagons is a well-maintained establishment consisting of a large barn and a modest residence. The barn, where Valden and his family craft and repair wagons, dominates the property. It features wide double doors to accommodate the entry and exit of carts and wagons. Inside, various tools hang neatly on the walls, and the floor is strewn with sawdust and wood shavings, evidence of the continuous work done here. The residence, a quaint, two-story wooden building with a thatched roof, is attached to the barn and serves as the family’s home. Flower boxes under the windows add a touch of color to the otherwise practical building.
Situated between the Druid’s Grove and across the road from Blacksmith Smyth, Valden’s Wagons is centrally located in Hommlet. The proximity to these key village landmarks ensures a steady flow of customers and allows Valden to keep a close eye on the village's affairs.

Lore and History

Valden’s Journey to Hommlet
Valden first came to Hommlet during the wars against the Temple of Elemental Evil. Impressed by the village’s resilience and potential, he decided to settle here after the conflict ended. The skills he acquired as a scout and wainwright proved invaluable, allowing him to establish a successful business that has become a cornerstone of the community.
Knighted by Prince Thrommel
Valden’s knighthood is a source of great pride. It is not only a recognition of his bravery but also a symbol of his commitment to protecting the village and its people. His title, though used humbly, is a reminder of the role he played in the greater struggle against evil.
The Loss of Beka
Valden’s wife, Beka, was a beloved figure in the village, known for her kindness and strength. Her passing left a void in Valden’s life, but with the support of Canon Terjon, Valden has managed to continue raising his children while maintaining his business. The teachings of St. Cuthbert, as imparted by Terjon, have provided Valden with the strength and resolve to carry on.

Services Offered

  • Custom Wagons and Carts: Valden crafts wagons and carts to order, using only the best materials. Each piece is meticulously constructed, ensuring durability and reliability.
  • Repairs and Maintenance: The shop offers repairs for all types of wagons and carts, from minor fixes to complete overhauls.
  • Specialty Items: Occasionally, Valden takes on special commissions for unique or customized wagons, though these come at a premium price.
Valden and his two nephews working by 3orcs

Relationships and Current Events

Relationship with the Druid Jaroo Ashstaff
Valden has a deep respect for the Druid Jaroo Ashstaff, and the two often share discussions about the balance of nature and the challenges facing Hommlet. Although Valden follows The Old Faith, he is open to learning from different perspectives, which has strengthened his bond with Jaroo.
Relationship with Canon Terjon
Canon Terjon regularly attempts to convert Valden to the worship of St. Cuthbert, but Valden remains steadfast in his adherence to the Old Faith. Despite their differing religious beliefs, the two men maintain a respectful relationship, each recognizing the other’s contributions to the village. Terjon has also played a significant role in providing guidance to Valden following the death of his wife, helping him navigate the challenges of raising his children alone.
Valden’s Perspective on Leadership and the Bandit Threat
Valden has always been a man of action, tempered by years of experience both on the battlefield and in the workshop. The recent surge in bandit activity around Hommlet has stirred a deep concern within him, and he does not shy away from expressing his opinions on how the village’s leadership is handling the situation.
Opinions on the Bandit Problems
“These bandits are growing bolder by the day. We can’t afford to sit idly by while they threaten our livelihoods.”
“Canon Terjon is a good man, but his focus on the spiritual isn’t enough to keep steel from our throats. We need to bolster our defenses, rally the militia, and show these bandits that Hommlet is not a place to be trifled with.”
“The Druid Jaroo speaks of balance, and I agree. But balance must be restored with strength, not just words. The village needs to stand together, Old Faith and new, to protect what’s ours.”
“I fought in the wars to protect this land from evil. I won’t stand by and let it be overrun by bandits.”
“The Old Faith teaches us to defend our home and kin. It’s time we put those teachings into action.”
Family Treasure
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Hidden Wealth
Valden’s strongbox, hidden behind a secret compartment in his bed chamber, contains a platinum bar worth 1,000 gp, 250 gp, and 123 sp. This treasure is a testament to his hard work and frugality, as well as a safeguard for his family’s future.
Armed and Ready
Valden’s +1 studded leather armor and +1 short sword are remnants of his days as a soldier, always kept within reach should the need arise to defend his home and village. His nephews and daughter, though less equipped, are trained to defend themselves and their loved ones.
Valden’s Wagons stands as a testament to one man’s dedication to his craft, his family, and his community. In a village beset by threats both external and internal, Valden and his family remain steadfast, ready to face whatever challenges may come their way.
Valden's Wagons by 3orcs
“Our ancestors survived far greater dangers by staying true to the Old Faith. It’s a source of strength that we can rely on when times get tough.”

The Valden Family

Valden, Esquire (Wainwright, Age 44)
  • Appearance: Valden is a sturdy man with a broad chest and strong arms, a testament to years of manual labor. His dark hair is streaked with gray, and his face bears the marks of time and battle. Despite his gruff exterior, his eyes reveal a thoughtful and kind-hearted nature.
  • Background: Valden served as a scout and lookout under Prince Thrommel’s forces at the Battle of Emridy Meadows. For his bravery, he was knighted by Thrommel himself and proudly uses the title “esquire.” After the war, he settled in Hommlet with his family, bringing with him the skills of a master wainwright.
  • Motivation: Valden is driven by a sense of duty to provide for his family and to contribute to the village’s prosperity. His loyalty to Hommlet is unwavering, and he is determined to protect it from any threats, including the growing bandit problem.
  • Widower and Father: Several years ago, Valden’s wife Beka succumbed to an illness, leaving him a widower. Since her passing, Valden has taken on the role of both father and mother to his children, with guidance and support from Canon Terjon of St. Cuthbert. Though the loss was a heavy blow, Valden’s resilience and dedication to his family have seen him through the darkest times.
  • Services: Valden specializes in crafting and repairing wagons and carts. His products are known for their superior quality, often fetching prices 110% to 120% above standard rates.
Seabreeze (Nephew, Age 15)
  • Appearance: Seabreeze is a lean, energetic young man with a head of curly brown hair. His sharp eyes and quick reflexes make him an excellent assistant in the workshop.
  • Background: Seabreeze spent some time adventuring before returning to Hommlet. He is restless and eager for more excitement, though he remains loyal to his family.
  • Motivation: Seabreeze is drawn to the idea of adventure and may be convinced to join adventurers for the right price.
Buster (Nephew, Age 14)
  • Appearance: Buster is a quiet, thoughtful boy with a stocky build. His strength is his greatest asset in the workshop, where he helps with the more labor-intensive tasks.
  • Background: Like his brother, Buster has a taste for adventure but feels a strong sense of duty to his family.
  • Motivation: Buster is less eager to leave Hommlet but would consider it if the opportunity aligns with his family’s needs.
Alyeve (Daughter, Age 8)
  • Appearance: Alyeve is a bright and curious child with big, blue eyes and a mop of blonde curls. She is often seen playing around the workshop, learning the trade from her father and uncles.
  • Role: Although young, Alyeve shows a keen interest in the family business and often helps with small tasks.
  Wainwright: AC 7 (leather & shield Level 0; hp 6; #AT 1; D 1-8 (battle axe XP 16   Nephews (2): AC 8 (padded armor Level 0; hp 3, 2; #AT 1; D 1-6 (spear XP 13, 12
Parent Location
“A well-made wagon can carry you far, but only a strong heart can carry you home.”

Cover image: Village of Hommlet by 3orcs


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