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22. Miller and Baker

The Miller and Baker establishment is a cornerstone of the northern side of Hommlet, providing essential services to the village. Located next to the Menger Ranch, this family-run mill and bakery is known for its high-quality flour and baked goods. The miller's family and apprentices work diligently to support the community, while maintaining a wary eye on strangers.

Location and Description

Located on the north side of Nigb's Run stream, the Miller and Baker is a picturesque establishment with a functional design. The millhouse, built from sturdy timber and stone, features a large water wheel powered by the stream. The adjacent bakery is connected by a covered walkway, where the scent of fresh bread often fills the air.
  • Millhouse: The millhouse has a large, rotating water wheel on the side, continuously turning with the flow of Nigb's Run. The structure is sturdy, with a mix of stone foundation and timber walls, and a shingled roof.
  • Bakery: The bakery is a charming stone building with a thatched roof. It has a large chimney, constantly puffing out the aroma of freshly baked goods.
  • Grounds: Surrounding the buildings are small gardens and a few livestock pens, with a large dog keeping watch.
  • Millhouse: Inside, the mill is a flurry of activity with large grinding stones, sacks of grain, and barrels of flour. The atmosphere is dusty but orderly, with a rhythmic hum from the machinery.
  • Bakery: The bakery is warm and inviting, with shelves lined with loaves of bread, biscuits, and cakes. A large stone oven dominates the room, with a worktable cluttered with baking tools and ingredients.

Lore and History

The Miller and Baker establishment has been a vital part of Hommlet for generations. Alvan and Kalleigh took over the family business from Alvan's parents and have since expanded their services. The mill and bakery are known for their quality products, and the family is respected within the community.

Background and Motivation

The Miller family is driven by a desire to maintain their legacy and provide for their community. Alvan and Kalleigh are committed to their work and take pride in their contributions to Hommlet. The apprentices, Breyna and Whil, are motivated by a mix of family duty and personal ambition to master their respective crafts.


  • Menger Ranch: The Millers have a close relationship with the Menger family, often trading goods and services.
  • Church of St. Cuthbert: As followers of The Old Faith, the Millers maintain a respectful relationship with the church and its clergy.
  • Community: The family is well-integrated into the community, participating in local events and supporting their neighbors.

Current Events

Bandit Problems: The increasing bandit activity has made the Millers more cautious. They have reinforced their property and are actively involved in the village militia.
Opinions on Bandit Problems
"These bandits are a menace. We need stronger patrols and more support from the Viscount."
"The safety of our children is at risk. It's time the leaders take decisive action."
"We've seen too many attacks on our supply lines. It's hurting the village economy."
"Every able-bodied person in Hommlet should be ready to defend our home."
"The church and the militia need to coordinate better to keep us safe."

Services Offered

  • Milling: The mill grinds grain into flour, providing essential services to the local farmers and bakers.
  • Baking: The bakery produces a variety of baked goods, including bread, biscuits, and cakes, available for purchase by the townsfolk and passing merchants.
  • Community Pillars: The family actively participates in local events and supports community activities.
Family Treasure
Show spoiler
A sack with 42 silver pieces and 189 copper pieces hidden under the floor of the cheese storage shed. A store of five gems, each valued at 100 gp, hidden inside an old mill stone: two chrysoberyls, two spinels, and one tourmaline gem.
Miller and Baker by 3orcs
"Freshly milled flour, straight from the heart of Hommlet."

Miller Family

Alvan Miller by 3orcs
Alvan Miller Age: 30
Role: Miller
  • Appearance: Alvan is a burly man with strong arms and a perpetually dusty appearance from the flour. He has a kind face, framed by brown hair and a short beard.
  • Personality: Diligent and hardworking, Alvan is deeply dedicated to his craft and family.
  • Skills: Expert miller and capable of defending his property.
Kalleigh Miller Age: 30
Role: Goodwife and Baker
  • Appearance: Kalleigh is a sturdy woman with a warm smile and flour-dusted hair. She often wears a simple dress and apron.
  • Personality: Nurturing and efficient, Kalleigh manages both the household and bakery with grace.
  • Skills: Skilled baker and homemaker.
Breyna Whilson Age: 22
Role: Apprentice Baker
  • Appearance: Breyna is a young woman with an eager demeanor, her hands often busy kneading dough. She has bright eyes and a determined look.
  • Personality: Enthusiastic and hardworking, Breyna is keen to learn and improve.
  • Skills: Aspiring baker with basic combat training.
Whil Whilson Age: 19
Role: Apprentice Miller
  • Appearance: Whil is a tall, lean young man, frequently covered in flour and grain dust. He has a serious expression and sharp features.
  • Personality: Quiet and observant, Whil is dedicated to mastering his craft.
  • Skills: Proficient miller and capable with a weapon if needed.
Zak (8), Ban (7), and Palan (5): These young children are often seen playing around the mill and bakery, helping with small tasks and learning from their parents.   Miller: AC 5 (scale & shield Level 0; hp 4 #AT 1; D 1-6 (spear or shortsword XP 14   Servant: AC8 (leather Level 0; hp 5; #AT 2 or 1; D 1-6/1-6 (arrows) or 1-8 (battle axe XP 19   Dog: AC 7; HD 2; hp 10; #AT 1; D 2-5; XP 40
Parent Location

Cover image: Village of Hommlet by 3orcs


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