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29. Stonemason's House

This well-crafted stone dwelling seems recently built. It is set off from the road by a low stone wall. No animals are seen, but some children are playing in the yard.
The Stonemason’s House in Hommlet is the residence and workshop of Laree the Mason, a recent but quickly established member of the community. Tasked with constructing the new castle on the hill, Laree and his apprentices play a crucial role in the village's development. This article details the characters, their roles, and the significance of this location.

The Stonemason’s House

Laree the Mason’s residence is one of the finer homes in Hommlet, a testament to his skill and the wealth he has accumulated from his work. The house, built by Laree himself, is sturdy and well-crafted, with walls made from local stone, expertly fitted without the need for mortar. The roof is steeply pitched, covered in wooden shingles, and the windows are framed with intricately carved wooden shutters. The house sits near the center of the village, across from the 30. Doomwatch Keep Construction Site, making it a focal point of the local community.   The interior of the house is lavishly decorated, particularly by the standards of a rural village like Hommlet. Fine furnishings fill the rooms, including chairs and sofas upholstered in satin and silk, walls adorned with tapestries and paintings, and shelves displaying various antiquities and curiosities collected during Laree’s travels.
Services Offered
  • Masonry Work: Laree and his apprentices provide high-quality masonry services, from building walls and foundations to crafting intricate stone carvings. His work is highly regarded, and he is frequently sought after for projects both within and outside Hommlet.
  • Fortifications: As the chief mason on the castle project, Laree specializes in fortifications, with the ongoing Doomwatch Keep being his most notable project to date.
  • Consultation and Design: Laree also offers his expertise in architectural design, often working closely with wealthy patrons to plan new buildings or renovate existing ones.

History and Lore

  • Castle Construction: Laree’s arrival in Hommlet marked the beginning of the Doomwatch Keep construction. His work is supported by Viscount Wilfrick Revepaix of Verbobonc and Veluna, a reward for the village’s role in the downfall of the Temple of Elemental Evil. The first guard tower was completed five months ago, with Burne and Rufus moving in shortly after.
  • Mysterious Origins: Although Laree claims to be from Dyvers, some villagers find his origins mysterious. His avoidance of the local clerics and his lavish lifestyle raise questions about his past, though no one has dared to confront him openly.

Current Events

  • Castle Progress: The construction of Doomwatch Keep is proceeding well, with Laree’s design receiving praise from those who have seen the plans. However, delays have occurred due to supply issues and the occasional skirmish with bandits in the area.
  • Village Relations: Laree’s friendly nature has earned him many allies in the village, though his apprentices’ behavior has caused some friction. Additionally, his absence during religious gatherings has led to some quiet gossip about his true beliefs and intentions.

Motivations and Relationships

  • Ambition: Laree is ambitious, eager to complete the castle and secure his reputation as a master mason. He views the project as a stepping stone to greater opportunities, possibly even in Verbobonc or beyond.
  • Community Ties: While Laree is generally well-liked, his true loyalties remain unclear. His relationships with the village’s leaders are cordial but distant, and his interactions with the religious figures are notably sparse.
  • Family: Laree’s family is central to his life, though his wife Gretchen sometimes worries about the dangers associated with his work, particularly as the bandit threat grows.
Opinions on the Bandit Problems
Cautious Concern: “The bandits are a nuisance, but they haven’t interfered with my work—yet. I’m taking precautions, though.”
Trust in Burne and Rufus: “As long as Burne and Rufus are around, I’m confident they’ll keep the worst of the trouble at bay.”
Sympathy for the Villagers: I feel for the farmers and traders who have suffered losses, but my focus has to be on the castle.”
Reluctant Participation: “I’ve told my apprentices to keep their heads down and stay out of trouble. We’re builders, not fighters.”
Distance from the Issue: “Let the militia and the adventurers handle the bandits. I have a castle to build.”

Laree’s Wealth and Possessions

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Laree the Mason, a man of means and taste, has spared no expense in furnishing his home. His residence is a testament to his success and refined tastes, filled with luxurious items that reflect both his wealth and his love for the finer things in life.
Lavish Furnishings and Art
The interior of Laree’s home is adorned with exquisite satin and silk upholstery, providing a touch of elegance and comfort to his living spaces. The walls are draped with tapestries that depict scenes of great battles, serene landscapes, and intricate patterns, each piece a work of art in its own right. The total value of these artworks is estimated to be around 2,500 gp.   In addition to the tapestries, various antiquities and rare collectibles are carefully displayed on shelves and in cabinets. These items include ancient pottery, ornate statues, and relics from distant lands, each with its own story and value. Laree takes great pride in these possessions, often showing them off to visitors with a gleam of pride in his eyes.
Hidden Wealth
Laree is not only a man of taste but also of caution. He keeps a portion of his wealth securely hidden in various places within his home. A locked jewelry box, hidden in a secret compartment, contains an assortment of rings, brooches, and necklaces, valued at 750 gp in total. These pieces are carefully selected and are often the result of gifts from grateful clients or purchases made during his travels.   In a more secure location, an adamantine lock box, which is worth 100 gp on its own, holds Laree’s most precious treasures. Inside this box, he keeps 500 gp, 250 sp, and 100 cp, along with five gems worth 100 gp each and one particularly rare gem valued at 500 gp. The box is hidden away in his private quarters, ensuring that it is not easily discovered by those who may seek to take advantage of his wealth.
Armory and Wardrobe
Laree is a man who understands the importance of protection. In his wardrobe, he keeps a suit of +1 chainmail and a +1 light mace, both ready to be used should the need arise. These items are a reminder of his past as a warrior and his readiness to defend his home and family. He also carries a coin purse at all times, containing 25 gp and 25 sp, ensuring that he is never without the means to conduct business or make a quick escape if necessary.   Laree’s wardrobe is also stocked with fine clothing, reflecting his status as a successful and well-traveled mason. The garments, worth 100 gp in total, include tailored outfits for various occasions, from everyday work attire to more formal wear for important gatherings or meetings with influential clients.
Apprentices’ Wealth and Armament
Laree’s three apprentices, though young and rough around the edges, are well-compensated for their labor. Each apprentice carries 10 gp and 10 sp in their coin purses, a small fortune for those of their station. Additionally, each of them possesses a polished black river stone, a small token of good luck or a reminder of their bond with their master.   In their quarters, the apprentices keep suits of scale mail armor, along with warhammers and hand axes. These weapons and armor are not only for their protection but also symbolize their readiness to defend the castle they are helping to build. Despite their youth, these apprentices are prepared to face any challenges that may come their way, just as Laree himself is.
Laree the Mason and apprentices by 3orcs
“A mason’s work is never done, but it’s always worth the effort.”
Laree the Mason Age: 27
Role: Master Mason, Man-at-Arms
  • Appearance: Laree is a well-dressed man, often seen in finely tailored clothing. He has a jovial demeanor, with a broad smile and an air of confidence. His short, dark hair is always neatly groomed, and his hands, though calloused from work, are adorned with rings that hint at his wealth.
  • Motivation: Laree is driven by both his passion for his craft and a desire to solidify his standing in the region. The castle project is his most ambitious work to date, and he is determined to see it through to completion, knowing that its success will elevate his reputation even further.
  • Relationships: While Laree is friendly with most villagers, he is known to avoid the local clerics, particularly Terjon, Calmert, and Jaroo. His apprentices are loyal to him but are less popular in the village due to their foul tempers.
Gretchen, Goodwife Age: 22
Role: Laree’s Wife
  • Appearance: Gretchen is a slender woman with delicate features and a reserved demeanor. She is often seen attending to her children or managing the household. Her clothing is of fine quality, though she prefers simpler designs compared to her husband’s lavish style.
  • Background: Gretchen married Laree shortly before they moved to Hommlet. She hails from a lesser-known family in Dyvers and has adapted well to village life, though she misses the social circles she once moved in.
  • Motivation: Gretchen is focused on raising her children and supporting her husband’s endeavors. She is not particularly involved in the social life of the village but maintains a cordial relationship with her neighbors.
Gayle and Gilber
Ages: 7 and 6 respectively
Roles: Laree’s Children
  • Background: Gayle and Gilber are still young and spend most of their time under the care of their mother or playing near the house. They are well-behaved children, though their father’s wealth sometimes causes them to be viewed with a mixture of envy and curiosity by other village children.
The Apprentices: Early, Kirk, and Adler
Ages: 14 (Early, Kirk), 13 (Adler)
  • Roles: Apprentice Masons, Men-at-Arms
  • Appearance: All three apprentices are young, with lean builds and rough-hewn appearances. They wear simple work clothes, often covered in dust and grime from their labor. Despite their youth, they have a hardened look about them, a reflection of their tough work and their less-than-pleasant dispositions.
  • Background: The apprentices are orphans or children of destitute families who were taken in by Laree to learn the trade. They are fiercely loyal to their master but are known to be gruff and unwelcoming to others.
  • Motivation: Their primary focus is learning the trade and proving themselves to Laree. They also have aspirations of rising above their current station, possibly by earning a place in the militia or taking on their projects in the future.
Stonemason: AC 4 (chain & shield Level 0; hp 6; #AT 1; D 2-7 (military pick XP 16   Apprentices (3): AC 10; Level 0; hp 5, 3, 2; #AT 1; D 2-5 (hammer) or 1-6 (club XP 15; 13, 12
Parent Location

Cover image: Village of Hommlet by 3orcs


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