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3. Woodcutter’s Cottage

Woodcutter’s Cottage, situated along the Long Road leading into the village of Hommlet, is a rustic abode that houses the local woodcutter Lenerd Kolter, his wife Vekla, and their three young children. Despite its simplicity, the cottage holds a vital role in the community, providing essential forestry and firewood services. Lenerd is a staunch adherent of the Old Faith and maintains a vigilant eye on the surrounding woods, reporting any unusual activities to the Druid of the Grove.

Description of the Location

The Woodcutter’s Cottage is a modest, single-story building constructed from local timber. It sits in a small clearing off the Long Road, surrounded by dense woods. The exterior is rustic but well-maintained, with a thatched roof and a sturdy oak door. Adjacent to the cottage is a large woodshed, brimming with chopped logs ready for delivery. A small vegetable garden and a chicken coop provide the family with fresh produce and eggs.

Inside the Cottage

The interior of the cottage is cozy and functional. The main room serves as a living area, with a large stone hearth for cooking and warmth. Wooden furniture, crafted by Lenerd, includes a dining table and chairs, a few shelves holding simple clay dishes, and a couple of handmade toys for the children. The bedrooms are small but comfortable, each with a straw mattress and woolen blankets.

Lore and History

The Kolter family has lived in this cottage for generations, with Lenerd inheriting both the home and his woodcutting skills from his father. The woods surrounding Hommlet have always provided the village with necessary resources, and the Kolters have played a crucial role in maintaining this supply. Lenerd's deep connection to the Old Faith comes from a long lineage of druids and foresters, making him a trusted ally to the Druid of the Grove.
Lenerd Kolter's life revolves around the forest. He spends his days harvesting timber and firewood, a profession that requires strength, skill, and a deep understanding of the woods. Vekla's charcoal-making and occasional trapping add to the family's modest income. The Kolters are respected members of the community, known for their hard work and reliability.

Motivation and Relationships

Lenerd and Vekla are motivated by a desire to provide for their family and maintain the traditions of The Old Faith. Lenerd's sense of duty extends to the village militia, where he serves when called upon by the sheriff. His primary concern is the safety and well-being of his family and community.
  • Druid of the Grove: Lenerd reports any unusual activities in the forest to the Druid, maintaining a close relationship with the local druidic circle.
  • Village Militia: As a member of the militia, Lenerd works closely with other villagers to ensure the safety of Hommlet.
  • Villagers: The Kolters are well-regarded by their neighbors, who often seek Vekla's charcoal and Lenerd's woodcutting services.

Current Events

Recently, there have been increasing reports of bandit activity and strange sightings in the woods around Hommlet. Lenerd has become more vigilant, ready to defend his home and village from any threats. The cottage remains a peaceful haven for the Kolter family, but the growing unrest in the region has everyone on edge.
Secret Sections
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  • Family Treasure: Hidden beneath the floorboards of their cottage is a pouch containing 19 gold pieces, 17 silver pieces, and 38 copper pieces. Lenerd also has leather armor, a battleaxe, and a shortbow with a quiver of 24 arrows.
  • Lenerd's Hidden Role: Lenerd is a discreet informant for the Druid of the Grove, reporting any unusual activities or findings in the forest.
Secret Quest: Clearing out the Darkwood Grove
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Tarim the woodcutter asks the PCs for help clearing out a grove of Deklo trees infested with giant spiders. This side-quest offers the PCs bonus experience and a unique reward. When the PCs have adventured to the moathouse and slain a few monsters, Tarim approaches them at the Welcome Wench with a proposition to clear a grove of rare darkwood trees infested by monsters. Instead of spiders, signs of the Temple's influence are evident, and a group of blights has cropped up around a blood-stained pile of stones.   Quest: 1. Clearing Out the Darkwood Grove - Hommlet 

The Proposition

After the PCs have returned from an adventure at the moathouse and are enjoying a rest at the Welcome Wench, they are approached by Lenerd Kolter, the local woodcutter.
  "Greetings, adventurers. I've heard of your recent exploits and I must say, Hommlet is lucky to have such brave souls. I have a proposition for you, if you're interested in a bit more coin and some fine craftsmanship. You see, there's a grove of rare darkwood trees not far from here, but it's currently overrun with some nasty creatures. If you could clear it out, I'd be able to craft you some excellent darkwood shields or bucklers as a reward. What do you say?"

The Grove

The grove is about an hour's walk from Hommlet, located deep within the Deklo Forest. As the PCs approach, they notice signs of corruption—twisted, dying vegetation and an eerie silence that blankets the area.
  • Encounter: Upon reaching the grove, the PCs find a blood-stained pile of stones with melted candles and a holy symbol bearing the Elder Elemental Eye. Tatters of ochre cloth indicate the presence of the Temple of Earth. The grove is infested with Twig Blights.
Twig Blights (4): (MM p.32, 100 XP each)
Battle Scene
The battle against the Twig Blights is quick but intense. The blights move stealthily among the trees, making use of the dense foliage to launch surprise attacks. The PCs must navigate the difficult terrain while fending off the relentless blights.
After defeating the Twig Blights, the PCs find a silver holy symbol of Tharizdun (worth 25 gp) among the stones, along with 25 sp scattered around the site.


Upon returning to Lenerd Kolter with news of their success, he is overjoyed and true to his word.
  "You've done it! The grove is safe once more. Give me a few days, and I'll have those darkwood shields ready for you. Hommlet is in your debt."
A few days later, Lenerd presents the PCs with finely crafted darkwood shields or bucklers. These shields are light, sturdy, and provide an additional +1 bonus to AC.
  "A darkwood shield can turn the tide of battle. Imagine what it can do in the hands of heroes like you."

Additional Notes

  • Quest Hook: Lenerd may hint at more secrets within the Deklo Forest, encouraging the PCs to explore further.
  • Temple Influence: The presence of the Temple of Earth in the grove can lead to further adventures, revealing a network of corrupted sites linked to the Temple of Elemental Evil.
Lenerd Kolter by 3orcs
"Respect the old ways, and the land will provide."
Lenerd Kolter
Lenerd Kolter is a rugged, muscular man in his late 30s with a sun-weathered face and calloused hands from years of chopping wood. His dark hair is streaked with gray, and his piercing green eyes reflect a keen awareness of his surroundings. He is often seen wearing sturdy leather armor, essential for both his woodcutting and militia duties. Lenerd wields a battleaxe with ease, and his shortbow is always within reach, ready to defend his family and village.
  • Clothing: Sturdy leather armor, practical work clothes
  • Weapons: Battleaxe, shortbow, quiver with 24 arrows
Vekla Kolter
Vekla Kolter is a strikingly beautiful woman in her early 30s, with long auburn hair and deep blue eyes that contrast with her husband's rugged appearance. She is skilled in the art of charcoal-making, a valuable trade in the village. Vekla's calm demeanor and gentle nature make her well-liked among the villagers, though Lenerd's fierce protectiveness often keeps potential admirers at bay.
  • Appearance: Strikingly beautiful, calm demeanor
  • Skills: Skilled collier, adept at household chores
Isa, Cal, and Freda
The Kolter children, Isa (10), Cal (8), and Freda (6), are lively and inquisitive. Isa, the eldest, often helps her father with lighter tasks in the woods. Cal is adventurous, always exploring the nearby forests, while little Freda, with her mother's auburn hair, prefers to stay close to home, helping Vekla with household chores.
  • Isa: Helps father with lighter tasks
  • Cal: Adventurous, explores nearby forests
  • Freda: Helps mother with household chores, stays close to home
Woodcutter: AC 8 (leather)
  • Level 0; hp 6
  •  D 1-8 (battle axe) or 2-5 (crossbow, ranges 8"/16"/24")
  • XP 20
Parent Location
"In the heart of the forest, you find the heart of the world."

Cover image: Village of Hommlet by 3orcs


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