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33. Overgrown track

The Overgrown Track is a narrow, rugged path that winds its way through the eastern hills of Hommlet, eventually leading to the ruins of an ancient moat house. This seldom-used track is shrouded in mystery and is largely avoided by the villagers, who harbor deep-seated fears and suspicions about what lies beyond its tangled scrub and wildflowers.

Location and Physical Description

The Overgrown Track begins just east of the Village of Hommlet, across the road from the 30. Doomwatch Keep Construction Site. The track is little more than a beaten path through the undergrowth, surrounded by tall grasses, tangled scrub, and wildflowers that grow unchecked. The path is uneven, with roots and rocks jutting out, making it difficult to traverse, especially for those unfamiliar with the area.   As the track progresses, it skirts around a flat-topped hill that rises some 60 feet above the valley of the Nigb’s Run. The hill is covered in tall grasses and shrubs, giving it an almost unnatural appearance. The Imredys Run, a stream that flows gently through the valley, is forced to bend around this imposing hill, further adding to the eerie atmosphere of the area.

Lore and History

The Overgrown Track once served as a vital route leading to a moat house, a fortified outpost used by the forces of the Temple of Elemental Evil. This moat house was a warning post, intended to provide early notice of any approaching threats to the temple. However, with the temple's destruction, the moat house fell into disrepair and was eventually abandoned. The track, once well-trodden, became overgrown and forgotten by all but the most curious or desperate.   The ruined moat house, located about a league away (2-3 miles) from Hommlet, is a place of dark history. It is said that the moat house was a site of great evil, with unspeakable acts committed within its walls. Despite the passage of time, the taint of this evil remains, and few are willing to venture there.
The Overgrown Track's Role in the Village
To the villagers of Hommlet, the Overgrown Track is a place of foreboding. It is largely avoided, as tales of strange occurrences and unsettling sightings abound. Some claim to have seen ghostly figures wandering the track at night, while others speak of hearing disembodied voices carried on the wind. The track is considered a place where the natural world and the supernatural collide, and as such, it is respected and feared in equal measure.   Despite its ominous reputation, the Overgrown Track is occasionally used by those who have reason to visit the moat house, whether out of curiosity, desperation, or a desire to explore the ruins and uncover its secrets. However, such journeys are not undertaken lightly, and those who return often speak of the oppressive atmosphere and the sense of being watched by unseen eyes.

Motivation and Current Events

In recent times, the Overgrown Track has drawn the attention of adventurers and treasure seekers who have heard rumors of hidden riches within the ruined moat house. This has led to increased activity along the track, though the dangers remain ever-present. The villagers, while wary of these newcomers, are also curious about what might be uncovered.   The construction of Doomwatch Keep nearby has also added to the track’s significance. With the keep intended to provide protection against bandits and other threats, there is renewed interest in securing the area around Hommlet, including the Overgrown Track and the ruined moat house.


The Overgrown Track is a place steeped in mystery and danger. It serves as a reminder of the dark history of the region and the ever-present threat that lingers in the shadows. Whether as a route to adventure, a path to forgotten history, or a danger best avoided, the Overgrown Track holds a unique place in the lore of Hommlet.
Overgrown Track by 3orcs

Points of Interest

  • The Flat-Topped Hill: This hill, with its commanding view of the valley and the Imredys Run, is a notable landmark along the track. It is said to have been a place of ritual for the followers of the Old Faith, though it has long since been abandoned.
  • Ruined Moat House: The final destination of the Overgrown Track, the moat house is a site of ancient evil and intrigue. Its crumbling walls and decaying structures are a reminder of the power once wielded by the Temple of Elemental Evil.
Parent Location
Hommlet Folk Opinions on the Bandit Problem
"The track's been seeing more foot traffic these days, with all the talk of bandits. Makes me uneasy, I tell you."
"We can't ignore the Overgrown Track, not with all the recent troubles. Who knows what might be lurking down that way?"
"They say the bandits are using the old moat house as a hideout. If that's true, we'll need more than just a few guards to deal with them."
"I've heard whispers of strange figures on the track at night. Could be bandits, or something worse. Either way, it doesn't bode well."
"The Overgrown Track has always been a dark place, and with the bandits around, it's only gotten worse. Best to avoid it if you can."

Cover image: Village of Hommlet by 3orcs


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