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8. Smyth Smithy

Horseshoes are nailed to three faces of the post in front of this shed, and within sit a forge and bellows. This is obviously the smithy. A short but brawny man is vigorously pounding away at a piece of red-hot iron.
Smyth Smithy is the bustling forge located at the center of Hommlet, right across the crossroads from the Inn of the Welcome Wench on the Long Road. It is a hub of activity and craftsmanship, where the villagers and travelers alike come for their metalworking needs.   Smyth Smithy is the local blacksmith’s forge, known for its skilled metalwork and the hardworking and forthright nature of its proprietor, Brother Smyth. The smithy is a crucial part of the village, providing essential services and items, while also serving as a point of interest for adventurers passing through Hommlet.
"Heat and pressure reveal true strength, in metal and in men."

The Smithy

  • Exterior: The smithy is marked by a post with a horseshoe nailed to three of its faces, signifying its purpose. The building itself is a sturdy stone and timber structure, with a forge and bellows visible in the open shed area.
  • Interior: Inside, the smithy is filled with various tools, anvils, and metalworking equipment. The air is thick with the scent of burning coal and the rhythmic sound of hammer on metal.

Lore and History

Smyth Smithy has been a staple in Hommlet for many years. Brother Smyth took over the forge from his mentor and has since built a reputation for excellent metalwork. His skills are not just limited to everyday items; he can also fashion weapon heads, caps, and shield work. However, he openly admits that he is not capable of fine armoring.
Brother Smyth is more than just a blacksmith; he is also a Druid serving the Druid of the Grove in Hommlet. His connection to The Old Faith runs deep, and he serves as a religious advisor to the faithful in the village in revereance to Obad-Hai. Despite his important role, he remains humble and dedicated to his craft.

Motivation and Relationships

Smyth’s primary motivation is to provide for the villagers and maintain the smithy’s reputation for quality work. He is also committed to his duties as a Druid, balancing his time between the forge and the grove.
  • Druid of the Grove: Smyth has a close relationship with the Druid of the Grove, acting as their assistant and confidant.
  • Villagers: He is well-liked by the villagers and has built strong relationships with many of them through his work and his role in the community.
  • Adventurers: While he does not leave his forge to go adventuring, he often interacts with adventurers who come to the village, offering them his services and sometimes his wisdom.

Current Events

Smyth continues to run the smithy with dedication, providing essential services to the villagers and adventurers. Recently, he has noticed an increase in demand for weapons and armor, likely due to the growing threats in the region. He remains vigilant, balancing his work at the forge with his duties as a Druid.

Brother Smyth Secrets

Show spoiler
Assistant to the Druid
Brother Smyth is the assistant to the Druid of the Grove. Though he will never rise very high in the druidic hierarchy due to his occupation, he will assume the role of religious advisor to the faithful in Hommlet.
Smith Treasure
Hagan has a small chest filled with a 5 lbs gold bar (250gp), 28 gp, 68 sp, and 82 cp. He keeps this hidden and will never leave his forge to go adventuring.


Smyth Smithy is more than just a blacksmith’s forge; it is a cornerstone of Hommlet’s community. Brother Smyth’s skill and dedication to both his craft and his faith make him a respected and integral part of the village. Whether forging weapons for adventurers or providing spiritual guidance, Smyth’s presence ensures that the heart of Hommlet remains strong and steadfast.
Brother Smyth's Opinions on the Bandit Problems Around Hommlet
Call to Action: "The rise in banditry is a clear sign that we must take action. It's not just the responsibility of Burne and Rufus; every able-bodied villager should be ready to defend our home."   Faith in Unity: "Unity is our greatest weapon against these bandits. With Elder Kenter Sr.'s wisdom, Militia Captain Fletcher's leadership, and the strength of Burne and Rufus, we can protect Hommlet."   Importance of Vigilance: "We must remain ever vigilant. These bandits strike when least expected, and it's up to us to keep watch and report any suspicious activities."   Support for the Militia: "The militia needs all the support we can give. Whether it's forging weapons or providing supplies, every little bit helps in the fight against these brigands."   Community Resilience: "Hommlet has faced threats before, and we've always emerged stronger. The bandits are just another challenge for us to overcome, and with our combined efforts, we will prevail."
Brother Smyth by 3orcs
"May the Old Faith guide your path and strengthen your arm."
Brother Smyth
Level 3 Druid of The Old Faith 
  • AC 8, hp 19
  • D 1-6 (staff) or 1-4 (hammer)
  • Leather; XP177
  • S 17 I 9 W 13 D 10 Co 15 Ch 15
  • Spells: any Druid
Brother Smyth (Age 39) is short but brawny, with a muscular build that comes from years of blacksmithing. He is often seen wearing leather aprons and gloves, with a hammer almost always in hand.
Smyth is hard-working, forthright, and likeable. He has a friendly demeanor and is well-liked by the villagers. Despite his gruff exterior, he is known for his kindness and willingness to help others.
Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy
Parent Location

Cover image: Village of Hommlet by 3orcs


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