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16. Pilar’s Cabinetmaker

The nicely painted sign shows a painted shield and a chest of drawers.
Pilar's Cabinetmaker, located alongside Nigb’s Run at the base of the hill, is a renowned establishment in Hommlet known for its exquisite craftsmanship and artistic design. Run by the talented Pilar, this shop not only produces fine furniture but also contributes to the village's aesthetic with beautifully crafted shields and signs.

Location and Description

Pilar’s Cabinetmaker is strategically located next to Wolog’s Teamsters, providing easy access to materials and clients from both the village and passing travelers. Its position near Nigb's Run offers a picturesque setting that inspires the artisans within.
Building Description
The shop is a well-built structure made of sturdy timber, reflecting the craftsmanship of its owner. The front displays a modest sign with intricate carvings, showcasing Pilar’s skill in woodwork.
  • Craftsmanship: The building’s facade features carved motifs and ornate woodwork, demonstrating the quality of work produced within.
  • Workshop: A spacious workshop area is attached to the main building, where Pilar and his apprentice craft their pieces.
  • Showroom: The interior serves as both a showroom and workspace, filled with finely crafted furniture, shields, and decorative items.
  • Living Quarters: Beyond the workshop lies the family’s living quarters, modest but comfortable, reflecting the artisan’s lifestyle.

Lore and History

Pilar, originally from a neighboring village, moved to Hommlet seeking a place where his craft could thrive. With his wife Hineen, he established Pilar’s Cabinetmaker, quickly earning a reputation for quality and creativity.
Historical Significance
  • Community Contribution: Pilar’s work is well-regarded in Hommlet, with many villagers owning pieces crafted in his shop. His contributions extend beyond furniture to shields and signage used throughout the village.
  • Cultural Influence: Pilar’s designs often incorporate themes from The Old Faith, reflecting his adherence to the traditions and beliefs of the region.

Motivation and Relationships

  • Craftsmanship: Pilar is driven by a passion for woodworking, striving to perfect his skills and produce the finest pieces possible.
  • Family: Providing for his family and securing a stable future is a significant motivator for Pilar, ensuring the shop’s success and sustainability.
  • Community Ties: Pilar maintains positive relations with fellow villagers and neighboring businesses, often collaborating with Wolog’s Teamsters for transportation needs.
  • Militia Service: Both Pilar and Jensyn serve in the village militia, contributing to Hommlet’s defense while building camaraderie with other community members.

Current Events

Business Operations
Pilar’s Cabinetmaker continues to flourish, with steady orders from villagers and travelers alike. Pilar’s reputation for quality ensures a constant demand for his services.
Bandit Concerns
The increasing threat of banditry around Hommlet has prompted Pilar to enhance security measures at his shop, safeguarding his livelihood against potential theft.
Opinions on Bandit Problems
"The rise in banditry jeopardizes not only our safety but the economic stability we've worked hard to build."
"While I focus on crafting, it's essential for our leaders to address the root causes of these bandit attacks."
"Gundigoot's network of informants at the Inn is invaluable, but he needs to ensure this information reaches those who can act swiftly."
"Burne and Rufus's magical abilities are a boon, yet they should also focus on reinforcing the physical defenses that protect our roads."
"Elder Kenter Sr. brings wisdom and experience, but we need innovative strategies and decisive action to stay ahead of the bandits."
"Captain Fletcher has organized the militia well, but greater collaboration with neighboring settlements could enhance our defensive capabilities."


Pilar’s Cabinetmaker stands as a testament to the art of woodworking in Hommlet, offering finely crafted pieces that enhance the village’s beauty and functionality. Pilar’s dedication to his craft and community, coupled with his commitment to family and tradition, makes his shop a cherished part of Hommlet’s cultural and economic landscape. As bandit threats loom, Pilar continues to support his community through both his artistry and service in the militia, contributing to the village’s resilience and prosperity.
Pilar’s Cabinetmaker Shop by 3orcs
"A well-crafted piece speaks to the soul of its maker."
Age: 28
  • Level 0 Militiaman: AC 6 (ring mail & shield hp 6; #AT 1; D 1-6 (spear) or 2-8(morning star XP 16
  • Role: Master cabinet maker and owner of Pilar’s Cabinetmaker
  • Appearance: Pilar is a well-built man with strong hands and a keen eye for detail. He often wears simple, practical clothing suited for his craft.
  • Personality: Dedicated and meticulous, Pilar takes great pride in his work, striving for perfection in every piece he creates.
  • Skills: Pilar is skilled in fine woodwork, limning, and design, capable of crafting a wide variety of furniture and decorative items.
Age: 22
  • Role: Pilar’s wife and household manager
  • Appearance: Hineen is a cheerful and supportive woman, often seen tending to their children or assisting with the shop’s daily affairs.
  • Personality: Caring and efficient, Hineen ensures the smooth operation of both the business and their home.
Peena and Wolon
Ages: Peena (5), Wolon (3)
  • Role: Pilar and Hineen’s children
  • Description: The children are lively and curious, often seen playing near the shop, exploring the wonders of their father’s craft.
Age: 15
  • Level 0 Militiaman: AC 7 (padded armor & shield Level 0; hp 3; #AT 1; D 1-6 (spear orclub XP 13
  • Role: Pilar’s apprentice
  • Appearance: Jensyn is a young and eager apprentice, learning the craft under Pilar’s guidance. He wears padded armor when performing militia duties.
  • Personality: Ambitious and hardworking, Jensyn is keen to absorb all he can from his master, aspiring to one day open his own shop.
Pilar’s Cabinetmaker by 3orcs
Parent Location
"In a world of chaos, let craftsmanship be our constant."

Cover image: Village of Hommlet by 3orcs


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