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23. Medden Farmstead

The Medden Farmstead, located on the northern side of Nigb’s Run, is a secluded and somber place at the end of a road near the marshy part of the stream. Home to the reclusive Varn Medden, his daughter Terrys, and her young son Scolan, the farmstead is more known for its hunting, trapping, and fishing than for successful farming. The family is marked by the loss of loved ones in the battle against the Temple of Elemental Evil, leaving them distant from the rest of the village and excluded from most social and religious gatherings.

Location and Layout

The Medden Farmstead is modest and somewhat unkempt, reflecting the grief and solitude of its residents. The main cottage is built from weathered wood and stone, with a thatched roof that has seen better days. Surrounding the cottage are small, poorly tended fields that show the family’s struggles with farming. However, the nearby woods are rich with traps, fishing lines, and signs of hunting—a testament to the family’s survival skills.
Key Features
  • Cottage: A simple, sturdy structure with a single chimney and a small porch. Inside, it’s sparsely furnished, with functional but worn furniture.
  • Fields: A few small plots of land for crops, though most are untended and overgrown.
  • Woods: Rich with game, these woods are filled with traps and snares set by Varn and Terrys. They also serve as a place of solace for Varn.

Lore and History

The Medden family’s history is one of loss and survival. Varn Medden was once a well-respected ranger, known for his skill in tracking and hunting. However, the death of his wife during The Battle of Emridy Meadows changed him, turning him into a reclusive figure. Terrys, too, was deeply affected by the loss of her husband at Emridy Meadows, and she has since become as reclusive as her father. The family’s reputation in the village has suffered as a result, with many seeing them as odd or unfriendly.
“The village can keep its politics; I’ll keep my peace.”

Relationships and Current Events

The Medden family is largely isolated from the rest of Hommlet. They do not participate in village functions, and their lack of religious affiliation has further alienated them from their neighbors. However, they are known to provide meat and furs to the local traders, who appreciate the quality of their goods. Despite their reclusiveness, the Meddens are respected for their survival skills, even if they are not well-liked.
  • Relationship with the Menger Family: The Meddens and the Mengers share a mutual respect due to their shared experiences with loss and their reliance on the land for survival. While not close, they occasionally trade goods.
  • Relationship with the Village: The Meddens keep to themselves, interacting with villagers only when necessary. They are often the subject of gossip and suspicion, especially regarding their refusal to follow any religious practices.

Services Offered

  • Trapping and Hunting: The Meddens are skilled trappers and hunters, providing high-quality meat, furs, and pelts to those who need them.
  • Fishing: The nearby Nigb’s Run is a rich fishing spot, and the Meddens are known for their skill in catching and preparing fish.
Opinions on the Bandit Problems
Varn’s Opinion: “The village can fend for itself. I’ve lost too much to be concerned with the troubles of others.”
Terrys’ Opinion: “Bandits are just another threat, like the wolves and bears. You deal with them as they come.”
Varn’s Opinion:The village leaders talk a lot, but I’ve yet to see any real action. It’s every man for himself.”
Terrys’ Opinion: “I’ll protect my son and father. The rest of the village can look after themselves.”
Varn’s Opinion: “I’ve seen worse than bandits in the woods. If they come here, they’ll regret it.”
Medden Farmstead by 3orcs
“The forest holds more secrets than any man could ever learn.”

The Medden Family

Varn Medden Age: 43
Varn Medden by 3orcs
Role: Farmer, Ranger (Level 3)
  • Appearance: Varn is a tall, gaunt man with a weather-beaten face and deep-set, sorrowful eyes. His dark hair is streaked with gray, and he often wears a cloak made of animal hides. He carries a bow and quiver, always prepared for a hunt.
  • Personality: Reserved and distant, Varn is a man of few words. He is haunted by the loss of his wife and son-in-law, and his frequent trips into the wilderness are as much for escape as for sustenance.
  • Motivation: Varn’s main concern is the survival of his family. He has little interest in the affairs of the village, focusing instead on providing for his daughter and grandson through hunting and trapping.
Terrys Medden Age: 25
Role: Daughter, Ranger (Level 1)
  • Appearance: Terrys is a striking woman with strong features and long, dark hair. Her green eyes are sharp and full of determination. She dresses in practical clothing suited for hunting, often carrying a knife at her side.
  • Personality: Terrys is fiercely independent and protective of her son. She has a strong sense of self-reliance and has turned away many suitors, preferring to live quietly with her father and son.
  • Motivation: Terrys is dedicated to her family and their way of life. She harbors no desire to remarry, instead focusing on raising her son and continuing the trapping and hunting that sustains them.
Scolan Wenga Age: 7
Role: Grandson (Non-combatant)
  • Appearance: Scolan is a quiet, observant boy with dark hair and wide eyes. He is often seen following his mother or grandfather, learning the ways of the woods.
  • Personality: Though young, Scolan has already developed a sense of resilience. He is curious about the world around him but has learned to respect the dangers of the wilderness.
  • Motivation: Scolan’s primary concern is his family. He is eager to learn the skills needed to survive, emulating his grandfather and mother.
Parent Location

Cover image: Village of Hommlet by 3orcs


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