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25. Wenga’s Dairy

Wenga’s Dairy, nestled between the Druid’s Grove and the Blacksmith Smyth in the village of Hommlet, is a bustling center of agricultural activity. This family-run operation provides the village with fresh dairy products, including milk, butter, and cheese, while serving as a gathering place for local gossip and community events.

Location and Layout

Wenga’s Dairy is located at the heart of Hommlet, strategically positioned between the Druid’s Grove and the Blacksmith Smyth. The farm is a modest yet well-kept establishment, consisting of several essential structures:
  • Main Farmhouse: A sturdy, two-story wooden building where the Wenga family resides. The farmhouse is warm and inviting, with a thatched roof and flower boxes under the windows, filled with bright blossoms during the spring and summer months.
  • Dairy Barn: A large, red barn where the dairy cows are housed. Inside, there are stalls for the cows, storage areas for feed, and a dedicated space for milking and churning butter.
  • Cheese House: A smaller stone building adjacent to the barn, where Reygin Wenga and Rika Wenga produce various cheeses. The air around the Cheese House is often filled with the rich aroma of aging cheese.
  • Goat Pen: Jeska Wenga tends to a flock of goats, housed in a fenced area near the back of the property. These goats provide milk, which is used for making goat cheese.

Lore and History

Wenga’s Dairy has been a cornerstone of Hommlet for decades. Established by Bran’s father, the dairy has grown from a small operation into one of the village’s most important suppliers of dairy products. The Wengas are known for their hard work, resilience, and strong family values, which have helped them endure the challenges of farming in a region that has seen its share of turmoil.   The Wengas have a close relationship with the 24. The Druid’s Grove, particularly with Jaroo Ashstaff, who has been a friend of the family for many years. This connection to the Old Faith has provided the Wengas with spiritual support, especially during the dark times following the rise of the Temple of Elemental Evil.

Services Offered

Wenga’s Dairy is known throughout Hommlet for its high-quality dairy products. The Wengas provide a variety of services to the villagers:
  • Fresh Milk: Daily fresh milk deliveries to the village’s homes and businesses.
  • Butter and Cheese: The Wengas produce butter and various cheeses, including hard and soft varieties, which are sold at the local market or traded with merchants.
  • Goat Milk and Cheese: Jeska Wenga’s goat milk and cheese are popular alternatives for those with a taste for something different.
  • Custom Orders: The Wengas occasionally take custom orders for special events, such as weddings or festivals, providing large quantities of dairy products as needed.

Motivation and Relationships

The Wenga family is motivated by their deep sense of duty to the community and their commitment to maintaining the legacy of their farm. They are proud of their work and take great care to ensure that their products are of the highest quality.
  • Relationship with the Druid’s Grove: Bran Wenga’s friendship with Jaroo Ashstaff is one of mutual respect. Jaroo’s guidance has been instrumental in helping the Wengas maintain a harmonious relationship with nature.
  • Community Ties: The Wengas are well-regarded by their neighbors and are often involved in community events. Although they are not adventurers, they are always willing to lend a hand to those in need.
  • Struggles with the Old Faith: As followers of The Old Faith, the Wengas are part of a dwindling congregation. This shift in religious beliefs is a source of concern for the family, who feel a strong connection to the ancient ways.

Current Events

Recently, the Wenga family has been troubled by the increase in bandit activity around Hommlet. While they have not yet been directly targeted, Bran is wary and has taken steps to protect his family and their livelihood. The Wengas are also dealing with the challenges of an unpredictable market, with fluctuating prices for their dairy products due to the instability in the region.
  • Bandit Concerns: Bran Wenga is deeply concerned about the growing bandit problem and has fortified the farm’s defenses, teaching his son Bendin how to protect the family if necessary.
  • Market Instability: The dairy business has been affected by the changing political landscape, with fewer merchants passing through Hommlet to trade. This has led the Wengas to seek new ways to sustain their income.
  • Community Support: Despite these challenges, the Wengas continue to support their community, providing food and aid to those in need, especially during the harsh winter months.
Herdsman treasure
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The herdsman has managed to save 33 cp and 9 gp, which he has stored away in a small wooden box hidden in the rafters of the upper main room.
Opinions on the Bandit Problems
"These bandits are a blight on the land, disrupting the peace we’ve worked so hard to maintain."
"If the bandits aren’t stopped, it’s only a matter of time before they turn their sights on our village."
"The leaders of Hommlet must act swiftly and decisively to protect our homes and families."
"We can’t afford to let fear take root; we must stand together against this threat."
"The Old Faith teaches us that evil will always try to encroach, but it’s our duty to push it back."
Wenga’s Opinion on Hommlet’s Leadership and the Bandit Problem
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Bran Wenga wiped the sweat from his brow as he leaned against the fence post, gazing out over his fields. The cows were grazing peacefully, unaware of the troubles that had been stirring in the countryside. He turned to the visitor who had come to seek his counsel, his weathered face marked by the lines of years of hard work and battle.
"These bandits... they've become bolder, more dangerous," Bran began, his voice low and steady. "I fought in the wars against the Temple of Elemental Evil, and I've seen what happens when evil is left unchecked. The leaders of Hommlet, they mean well, but they’re not doing enough. Burne and Rufus are focused on that fortress of theirs, but they need to realize that these bandits are a threat that can't be ignored."   He sighed, his gaze shifting to the Druid’s Grove in the distance. "The Old Faith teaches us balance, the harmony of nature and man. If we lose sight of that, if we let greed or fear guide our actions, we’re no better than the bandits we fight. Following the Old Faith keeps us grounded, reminds us of what’s important—protecting our land, our families, and our way of life. The leaders need to remember that. They need to stop bickering and focus on what really matters."   Bran’s eyes narrowed as he continued, "The bandits are growing in strength because they sense weakness. The land itself is uneasy, the balance is off. If we don’t act soon, we’ll all pay the price. The Old Faith will guide us, as it always has. But it’s up to the leaders to lead with wisdom, not just with swords. If they fail to do so, then we’ll all have to bear the burden."   He paused, then added with a stern tone, "The land has its own way of dealing with imbalance. The Old Faith will protect those who honor it, but those who stray from its path will find no shelter in these troubled times."


Wenga’s Dairy is more than just a place of business; it is a symbol of the enduring strength and resilience of the Wenga family. As they navigate the challenges of farming in an uncertain world, the Wengas remain committed to their community and the traditions of the Old Faith. Their story is one of hard work, family bonds, and the enduring spirit of Hommlet.
Wenga Dairy by 3orcs
"Fresh milk and cheese, straight from the heart of Hommlet."
Family Members and Characters
The Wenga family is deeply rooted in the community of Hommlet, with each member contributing to the dairy’s success.
Bran Weng by 3orcs
Bran Wenga (Age 44, Rancher, 4th level fighter)
Bran is a robust, hardworking man with a weathered face and strong hands, well-suited to the demands of dairy farming. A veteran of the wars against the Temple of Elemental Evil and at The Battle of Emridy Meadows, Bran carries the scars of battle both physically and mentally. Despite his gruff exterior, he is a kind and compassionate man, especially towards his family and close friends like Jaroo Ashstaff.
Rika Wenga (Age 58, Wizard, Level 2)
Bran’s mother, Rika, is a wise and gentle woman with a deep understanding of the arcane arts. Though she seldom practices magic openly, her knowledge of herbs and potions is invaluable to the family. Rika spends much of her time caring for her great-grandchildren, often telling them stories of her younger days.
Bendin Wenga (Age 25, Guard)
Bendin is Bran’s son and a vital part of the dairy’s operations. He is tall and strong, resembling his father in both appearance and work ethic. Bendin handles the more physically demanding tasks, such as managing the herd and maintaining the farm’s equipment. His dedication to the family is unwavering, and he often acts as a mediator in local disputes.
Reygin Wenga (Age 21, Commoner)
Bendin’s wife, Reygin, is the heart of the dairy’s production. She is skilled in churning butter and making cheese, and her products are highly regarded throughout the village. Reygin is a warm and nurturing woman, always ready with a kind word or a comforting meal.
Jeska Wenga (Age 50, Scout)
A cousin from a farm outside Verbobonc, Jeska is an experienced scout with a deep connection to nature. She brought her two loyal dogs with her to Hommlet and has integrated seamlessly into the Wenga family. Jeska’s primary responsibility is tending to the goats, but she also helps with hunting and gathering, using her skills to ensure the family has everything they need.
The Children
The Wenga household is full of life, with five children—Garik (11), Wilm (9), Gleg (7), Gren (4), Konie (3), and Pegh (2)—running around the farm. Under the watchful eye of Rika, they are well-behaved and often help with minor tasks, learning the ways of the farm from a young age.
  • Son: AC 8 (leather Level 0; hp 4; D 1-6 (spear) or 1-6/1-6 (shortbow,ranges 5 '710'715 " XP 18
  • Cousin: AC 9 (shield Level 0; hp 2;D 1-6 (spear XP 12
  • Dogs (2): AC 7; HD 1 + 1; hp 5, 4; D-4; XP 30, 28
Parent Location
Wenga’s Dairy Aging Room
The aging room at Wenga's Dairy is a cool, dimly lit space with shelves lined with wheels of cheese at various stages of maturation. The air is rich with the earthy aroma of curing dairy, as wooden racks hold the carefully crafted cheeses, their rinds developing character and flavor over time. A single window allows a soft stream of light to filter in, illuminating the rows of golden, brown, and white rounds, each marked with its creation date.
Wenga’s Dairy Cheese Room by 3orcs

Cover image: Village of Hommlet by 3orcs


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