B14 Nib’s Importers Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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B14 Nib’s Importers

A Treasure Trove in Verbobonc

Nestled in the bustling cobblestone streets of the Business Quarter of Verbobonc, Nib's Importers stands as a colossal warehouse-like structure, a beacon for adventurers, collectors, and the everyday shopper alike. This establishment is a microcosm of the Central Flanaess itself, offering goods from every corner of the known world.

Exterior View

As you approach Nib's Importers, the sheer size of the building becomes apparent. This 4 and a half story behemoth towers over the surrounding area, its facade a patchwork of windows and doors, each telling a story of the myriad goods housed within. The entrance, a wide double door, invites you into a world of endless discovery, while the narrow spaces between the building and its neighbors hint at the crowded treasures inside.

Inside the Shop

Stepping inside Nib's Importers, you're immediately enveloped in a maze of goods:
  • Floor Displays: From hanging rugs of the Central Flanaess to fine hand-crafted robes from Furyondy, every step takes you deeper into the bazaar-like atmosphere.
  • Hanging Decorations: Primitive golden statues from Sunndi dangle alongside warm furs from the Snow Barbarian realms.
  • Boxes and Shelves: Piled high with merchandise, they offer elaborate tents from Celene, carved necklaces, and more, making the search for a specific item an adventure in itself.
  • Upper Half Floor: Home to the most valuable items—gems, jewels, and magic—guarded by magic wards and vigilant security.

Notable People

Nib Nighthand
Physical Appearance
As a Halfling, Nib would stand just over three feet tall, embodying the hardiness and agility typical of his race. His years of traveling the world for rare and priceless trinkets likely give him a weathered yet keen look, with sharp eyes that miss no detail—a trait crucial for appraising the value of the myriad items that pass through his shop. One can imagine him with a friendly, approachable face, often lit by a warm smile that makes customers feel instantly at ease.
Nib's attire would reflect his dual life as a merchant and adventurer. Practical yet filled with pockets and pouches for all manner of trinkets and tobaccos, his clothing would be of good quality but worn, bearing the marks of his travels. As a particular aficionado of pipes and exotic tobaccos, it wouldn't be unusual to find him with a pipe in hand or tucked into his belt, a subtle hint at his personal indulgences.
Character and Personality
Nib's life as a Halfling Bard/Expert has imbued him with a charismatic and persuasive personality, traits that serve him well in the bustling marketplace of Verbobonc. His alignment leans towards good, reflecting a fundamental desire to deal fairly and foster positive relationships with those around him, from elves and humans to gnomes.
Driven by an insatiable curiosity and a love for the unique, Nib's primary motivation is the acquisition and sale of one-of-a-kind items. This quest has taken him across continents and cultures, filling his merchant house with wonders and curiosities that attract patrons from all walks of life.
Political Relationships
Nib's dealings with the diverse races of Verbobonc, including elves, humans, and gnomes, have positioned him as a figure of some influence within the city's commercial and social circles. His neutral good alignment suggests a diplomatic approach to relationships, seeking harmony and mutual benefit in his interactions. This stance, combined with his extensive network of contacts and his keen understanding of the value, both monetary and historical, of the items he trades, places Nib in a unique position to navigate the complex political landscapes of Verbobonc.

Goods and Services

Nib's Importers is a treasure chest of possibilities:
  • Mundane Items: Offering almost every item listed in the Player's Handbook, the shop is a haven for the practical and the curious.
  • Exotic Items: With a 50% chance of finding various exotic items, the shop caters to those seeking the extraordinary.
  • Gems and Jewellery: A 30% chance to discover most gems and jewelry, making it a gem hunter's paradise.
  • Magic Items: A selection of minor rings, wondrous items, and wands awaits those in search of magical aid.

Cost and Quality

  • Mundane Items: Sold at average cost, ensuring shoppers can find what they need at fair prices.
  • Exotic/Alchemical/Masterwork Items: Priced above average, reflecting their unique value and rarity.
  • Magic Items: Offered at 110% prices, a premium for the magical properties they bestow.
Nib's Importers is not just a shop but a gateway to the wonders of the world, brought to the heart of Verbobonc by Nib Nighthand's unending quest for the unique and the valuable. Whether you're in search of a specific artifact or just browsing the countless wonders, Nib's Importers promises an adventure in every visit.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
Nib's Importers by 3orcs
Nib Nighthand: The Halfling Merchant
  • Race: halfling
  • Class: Bard level 3
  • Alignment: neutral good
Alternative Names
Warehouse, Massive / Storage complex
Parent Location
Nib by 3orcs

Exotic Items for Sale

  • Frostfire Cloak - A cloak that offers protection against extreme cold and heat, shimmering with a subtle, magical luminescence. Price: 4,000 gp
  • Singing Bowl of the Tranquil Mind - A silver bowl that, when struck, produces a sound that calms the mind and soothes the soul. Price: 1,200 gp
  • Pendant of the Panther - This enchanted pendant grants the wearer enhanced night vision and silent movement. Price: 3,500 gp
  • Goblet of Endless Water - A beautifully crafted goblet that, once per day, can produce a gallon of fresh, clean water. Price: 2,000 gp
  • Phoenix Feather Quill - A quill that never runs out of ink and can write in any color desired by the user. Price: 800 gp
  • Elixir of Hill Giant Strength - A potent potion that temporarily grants the drinker the strength of a Hill giant. Price: 2,500 gp per vial
  • Lantern of Revealing - Illuminates invisible creatures and objects within its light. Price: 3,000 gp

Cover image: by 3orcs


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