B19 Chapel of Rudd Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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B19 Chapel of Rudd

You feel certain you will win from the moment you enter under bright lights, wheels of faerie fire, and colorful banners. Half-naked servers move about with flagons and trays, and the festive music of an enormous orchestra fills the gambling hall. A carnival of food, drink, and possibility makes hours pass like seconds—until you reach into an empty pocket. You realize that the music covers the sounds of cursing and weeping.
The Chapel of Rudd stands as a unique establishment in the cobblestone streets of the business quarter of Verbobonc City. Unlike traditional places of worship, this chapel doubles as a gambling house and a center for physical training, embodying the spirit of its patron deity, Rudd, the demigoddess of chance, good luck, and skill.

Location and Description

Nestled within the bustling business quarter, the Chapel of Rudd offers an unexpected blend of spiritual guidance and recreational activities. Visitors stepping into the chapel are greeted not by pews and altars, but by gambling tables, dartboards, and an array of games of chance. The exterior hosts archery ranges and various physical challenges, inviting both the body and spirit to engage in the pursuit of excellence.

History and Lore

The Chapel of Rudd represents the deity's embodiment of chance and skill, providing a sanctuary for those who seek to test their luck and prowess. It stands as a testament to the multifaceted nature of worship, where the roll of dice and the clash of swords serve as prayers to the divine.

Religion and Community

  • Dual Nature: The chapel functions both as a place of worship and a recreational facility, blurring the lines between the sacred and the profane.
  • Clergy and Services: Clerics of Rudd, indistinguishable from patrons, offer guidance and training in games of chance, fencing, and archery, emphasizing skill development and the joy of competition.

Political Relationships

Council of Lords and the Viscount
The Chapel of Rudd maintains a neutral stance in the political arena of Verbobonc, focusing on its religious duties and community services. However, its unique nature and the activities it hosts may occasionally draw scrutiny from more traditional political and religious factions within the city.

Relationship with the Battirovka Family

The chapel's position as a gambling establishment potentially places it in a complex relationship with the local thieves' guild, the The Battirovka Family. While not directly affiliated, the nature of the chapel's activities could lead to interactions, both cooperative and competitive, with the guild.

Gnomes and Political Concerns

Given its inclusive nature, the Chapel of Rudd likely welcomes patrons of all races, including Gnomes. However, its primary focus on human pursuits of chance and physical skill may limit its direct involvement in the political issues concerning the gnome community and the city at large.

Services and Costs

  • Free Training for the Devout: Devotees of Rudd can receive free training in archery and fencing, with the understanding that a game of chance might determine the actual cost for others.
  • Counsel and Adventure: The clergy advocate for adventure and exploration as forms of worship, encouraging patrons to embrace the thrill of the unknown and to test their skills against the world's challenges.


The Chapel of Rudd in Verbobonc City offers a distinctive blend of religious worship and recreational enjoyment. It stands as a beacon for those who honor skill, luck, and the joy of life's unpredictable nature. In this chapel, every game played and every arrow shot is a tribute to the divine, celebrating the myriad ways in which the faithful can engage with their deity.


Cleric of Rudd 
  • Medium (5'1") Human, Chaotic Neutral (CR 5)
  • Hit Points 22 (5d8)
  • 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 9 (-1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 16 (+3)
Judging by the bloodshot nature of his eyes and the massive bags underneath them one would imagine he has not slept for days.  
Parent Location
Gambling Hall of Rudd by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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