B29 Expedition Outfitter’s Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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B29 Expedition Outfitter’s

Main Showroom
An outfitter’s shop of awe-inspiring proportions lies beyond the sliding metal doors. Two stories of goods can be seen from the doorway, with a huge vaulted ceiling from which hangs a variety of boats, pontoons, canoes, and rafts. e walls are covered with large adventuring gear such as tents and sleeping bags. To your immediate left is a glass case full of fishing gear with a wide assortment of fishing poles and nets hanging on the wall behind it.   Shelf upon shelf of adventurer’s clothing is massed on the main floor of the place. A long display table to your right bears a great variety of tools for underground travel, and a rock wall behind the table stands ready to demonstrate their effectiveness. Two staircases stand at the far end of the room, leading up to the second floor of the building, an open area that rings the room about 15 feet off the main floor.
Nestled in the vibrant cobblestone streets of Verbobonc, Expedition Outfitter’s is an adventurer’s dream shop. This awe-inspiring establishment spans two floors packed with everything an explorer could need, from basic camping gear to exotic items crafted by distant races. With its vast array of equipment and knowledgeable yet quirky staff, the outfitter's is essential for anyone preparing to face the wilds or delve into unknown depths.
  • Extensive Inventory: Offers a comprehensive range of outdoor and adventuring gear, including specialized items rarely found elsewhere.
  • Shop Layout: Features a dramatic two-story showroom, designed to showcase a vast array of products in an accessible and interactive environment.

Description and Atmosphere

The shop’s grandiose setup and unique product displays reflect the adventurous spirit it caters to, providing an immersive shopping experience.
  • Main Showroom: Houses a plethora of gear from boats suspended from the ceiling to walls lined with tents, sleeping bags, and a variety of tools essential for adventure.
  • Special Features: Includes a rock wall for demonstrating gear effectiveness and a glass case dedicated to an extensive collection of fishing equipment.

History and Background

Expedition Outfitter’s has grown from a modest trading post to a renowned outfitter under the ownership of two distinct yet complementary personalities, blending practical know-how with an eccentric selling style.
  • Establishment: Founded to cater to the increasing number of adventurers drawn to the region’s famed wilderness and dungeons.
  • Evolution: Expanded to include rare and exotic items to attract a more diverse clientele.

Goods and Services

The store prides itself on offering a wide selection of both common and rare items, accommodating the needs of novice travelers and veteran explorers alike.
  • Adventuring Gear: Ranges from common items like ropes and torches to masterwork and magical gear.
  • Exotic and Rare Items: Includes underwater tools from merfolk and gadgets from subterranean races, showcased on the second floor.

Costs and Pricing

Prices at Expedition Outfitter’s vary depending on the mood of the owners and the rarity of the items, with a general range around standard market value.
  • Standard Items: Generally priced within 10% below or above the typical cost.
  • Rare Finds: Such as the old captain’s spyglass and the dwarven surveyor’s glass, are priced as premium items due to their uniqueness and history.

Community and Relationships

The shop’s role extends beyond commerce as it serves as a gathering spot for adventurers and a resource for the latest exploration news.
  • Local Adventurers: Regularly frequents the shop for both supplies and to share tales of their exploits.
  • Community Engagement: Working relationship with the B26 Adventures Guild. Active in local events, providing gear for community expeditions and sponsoring contests.


Expedition Outfitter’s is more than just a shop; it is a cornerstone of the adventuring community in Verbobonc. With its diverse inventory, expert staff, and the atmospheric charm of its setup, the outfitter's equips its patrons not just with gear, but with the confidence to tackle any challenge the wild world might throw their way.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
Expedition Outfitter’s by 3orcs
Expedition Outfitter’s are defined by its owners, whose backgrounds in adventuring and unique personalities shape the customer experience.
Human Partner: Halgrim Stoutwill
A former adventurer who manages the store with expertise and agility, often seen scaling walls to fetch items.
  • Personality: Direct and efficient in communication, yet expansive and enthusiastic about outdoor adventuring.
Dwarf Partner: Durgin Ironbeard
A gruff dwarf with a knack for gear but a temperamental approach to customer service.
  • Appearance: Sturdy build, long grey beard braided intricately, typically wearing a chain shirt.
  • Personality: Blunt and occasionally rude, with a deep-seated passion for adventuring that sometimes overshadows his retail manners.
Shop, Generic
Parent Location
Halgrim and Durgin by 3orcs
All items found on the adventuring gear table in the Player’s Handbook can be bought at this shop, and prices will be between 10% lower and 10% higher than the standard cost listed, depending on Bazz’s mood. All items are available in normal or masterwork if applicable. They even offer rare and expensive items such as the two spyglasses they have for sale. One of the spyglasses is an old captain’s glass, still green with the brine and salty sea spray it was subjected to. The other is a smaller glass used by dwarven surveyors during a large building project. The following items are also for sale:

Class Tools

  • Climber’s kit
  • Hourglass
  • Magnifying glass
  • Merchant’s scale
  • Thieves tools
  • Water clock
  • Clothing

    All standard clothing can be purchased in a variety of styles and colors, and across a wide range of prices, including:
  • Cold weather outfits
  • Wet weather outfits (waxed waterproofs)
  • Traveler’s outfits (for a variety of different climes)
  • Exotic outfits (from a variety of different cultures)
  • Food

    Standard trail rations can be purchased. Exotic meats and trail mixes can be purchased for a premium price (3 gp per day).

    New Items

  • Lantern, head 35 gp 4 lb
  • Lantern, everburning head 150 gp 4 lb
  • Ink bead 200 gp 2 lb
  • False wall 40 gp 3 lb

  • Cover image: by 3orcs


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