B28 Scribes and Paper Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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B28 Scribes and Paper

A small pale green cottage with light yellow trim clings to the edge of the road so tightly that people simply walk across the small porch in front as they make their way back and forth. Planters hanging onto the windowsills hold mums and other bright flowers and the sign proclaiming “Scribes and Paper” over the door is decorated with flowers and vines.
A Beacon of Craftsmanship in Verbobonc
Nestled in the bustling cobblestone streets of Verbobonc, Scribes and Paper operates out of a charming pale green cottage with light yellow trim, a stark contrast to the pragmatic nature of its offerings. This shop, more than just a retail space, serves as the hub of innovative papermaking and meticulous scribing services, crafted under the keen oversight of Alara Reed. Known for its specialty paper resistant to fire and water, the establishment caters to a diverse clientele ranging from discerning merchants to scholarly wizards.
  • Unique Selling Proposition: Specializes in durable, specially treated paper and expert scribing services.
  • Location and Visibility: Positioned in one of the city's busiest areas, ensuring both high customer traffic and security.

History and Background

The evolution of Scribes and Paper from a modest local shop to a key player in Verbobonc’s market is a testament to the innovation and resilience of its owner.
  • Foundation and Growth: Originally started by Alara Reed’s late husband, the business expanded significantly under her leadership after introducing the revolutionary paper.
  • Relocation of Production: Moved the paper production outside the city to address neighborhood concerns about odors from the treatment process.

Description and Services

Scribes and Paper offers an array of services and products designed to meet the sophisticated needs of its customers.
  • Specialty Paper Products: Includes business ledgers, personal journals, and highly prized spellbooks made from Alara’s fire and water-resistant paper.
  • Scribing Services: Professional scribing for business transactions, book copying, and historical recording, offered by Alara and her team of skilled scribes.

Notable People

Alara Reed, the soul of Scribes and Paper, brings personal expertise and a deep commitment to quality and customer service.
  • Alara Reed: A skilled craftswoman and scribe known for her friendly yet reserved demeanor. Her background as a widow and craftsman’s wife adds depth to her role as a business owner.
  • Staff: Includes several experienced scribes who assist Alara in managing the extensive needs of their clients.

Goods and Costs

The store offers its unique products and services at premium prices, justified by the superior quality and durability of the goods.
  • Spellbooks and Ledgers: Priced higher due to their enhanced durability and protective features.
  • Scribing Rates: Competitive within the industry, reflecting the high level of expertise and discretion offered.

Relationships and Politics

Alara’s business acumen and personal history have positioned her as a respected figure in both the commercial and social circles of Verbobonc.
  • Local Business Ties: Works closely with various merchants and craftsmen, ensuring a steady demand for her products.
  • Community Engagement: Known for her impartiality and discretion, Alara has earned trust across diverse sectors, from local artisans to influential politicians.
Personal Motivation and Vision
Driven by a passion for her craft and the legacy of her family, Alara continues to innovate while maintaining the high standards set by her predecessors.
  • Innovation in Papermaking: Continues to research and develop new treatments to enhance the quality of her paper.
  • Community Contribution: Aims to support the local economy through job creation and by participating in community events.


Scribes and Paper is not merely a shop but a cornerstone of Verbobonc's artisan community. Under Alara Reed’s stewardship, it represents a fusion of traditional craftsmanship and modern innovation. As it thrives, the shop continues to serve as a model of quality and resilience, offering invaluable services to a city that values both heritage and progress.  

Building Description

1. Front Room

Various ink jars and batches of parchment rest on the small desk in the center of the room. Vases full of flowers stand on top of the bookcases along the back wall and in the front corners of the desk. Large pieces of leather and thin boards rest on a workbench along the west wall. Neat stacks of paper stand on shelves beneath the workbench. A solid oak door in the back of the room leads into another part of the cottage.
Alara stores her work materials here, and does all of her work here. The workbench is where she binds the different ledgers and books she sells and the desk is where she does her scribing work and performs business transactions. e desk has several drawers that are all locked or unlocked with a single locking mechanism. The door at the back of the room leads into her home.


All of the items Alara sells bear her special mark. She sells her special paper by the sheet and sells bound books that can be used as spellbooks or business ledgers.

Alaran Paper

Alara Reed makes this special paper using a special, secret process. Thee paper is coated with a light oil that actually aids ink permanence rather than preventing it. The process of making the paper, and coating it with her special oil, makes it more resistant to water damage and somewhat resistant to fire. Alaran paper has fire resistance +5 and can be immersed completely in water for several hours before being ruined. While it is usually used for business documents, this paper is excellent for scrolls that see a great deal of travel and abuse.(8sp per sheet.)

Alaran Spellbook

Merchants are the main purchasers of these books, using them as ledgers for recording business deals and accounting rather than spells. Each book has 100 pages of Alaran paper bound to thin wood boards covered with leather and is resistant to insects, fire, and water. Each book has fire resistance +5, and can be immersed in water for approximately 8 hours before being permanently damaged. The wood and oil used to make the books helps repel insects making them far less susceptible to insect damage. While the books are more expensive than standard spellbooks, many traveling wizards prefer having the added protection.(25 gp per blank book)   In addition to the above products, Alara provides herself, or one of several equally trustworthy associates as a scribe on demand. She can act as a neutral observer of business dealings, make a record of the transaction, and then affix her seal to it.

2) Alara’s Living Area

The tiny back room of the cottage is filled with soft, plush furniture surrounded by tall bookcases. A small bed in the northwest corner is almost completely enclosed by bookshelves, as is the unused stove in the center of the west wall. Curtains cover the few windows making the room rather dark and forbidding. Although neat and clean, the room has a sterile, empty feel to it.
After her husband’s death Alara only used this room for sleeping and storing things. She still keeps the room clean, and sleeps here every night, but she is rarely here when she is not asleep. e stove hasn’t been used in years, Alara never cooks for herself anymore. In the early evenings, Alara takes walks through the city before deciding on a tavern or restaurant to eat and relax in before returning home to read and go to sleep.  
Alara Reed Scribe  
"Crafted for the ages, not just for today."
Emphasizes the durability and long-lasting quality of the specialty paper products available at her shop.
Parent Location
Description and Pricing of Services at Scribes and Paper
Specialty Paper Products
Alara's Scribes and Paper offers a range of high-quality, durable paper products that are designed to withstand the elements. Each product is meticulously crafted using Alara's innovative fire and water-resistant paper, ideal for a variety of important uses.
Business Ledgers: Essential for merchants and traders to keep accurate accounts, these ledgers are bound in sturdy, protective covers.
  • Price: 5 gold pieces each.
Personal Journals: Perfect for adventurers and scholars to record their journeys and findings, these journals come in various sizes.
  • Price: 3 gold pieces each.
Spellbooks: Specially treated to resist damage from the elements, these spellbooks are a must-have for wizards and other magic users.
  • Price: 100 gold pieces each.
Scribing Services
Offered by Alara and her team of skilled scribes, these services cater to those needing professional recording of texts, whether for business, legal, or personal purposes.
Business Transactions: Accurate transcription of meetings and contracts, ensuring legal verifiability and historical record.
  • Price: 10 silver pieces per page.
Book Copying: Perfect replication of texts, from ancient tomes to contemporary works, preserving the knowledge and style of the original.
  • Price: 2 gold pieces per page for standard texts; 5 gold pieces per page for complex or ancient scripts.
Historical Recording: Detailed documentation of events, family histories, or significant occurrences, often used for official records or archives.
  • Price: 8 silver pieces per page.
Additional Services and Features
Scribes and Paper also offers customization options for all paper products, such as embossing, special bindings, and rare ink selections, at variable pricing depending on the specifics of the request. Special Customizations
Custom Binding (Leather, Silk, or Exotic Materials): Adds both beauty and durability to any book.
  • Price: Additional 10-50 gold pieces, depending on materials and complexity.
Rare Inks (Gold, Silver, or Magical): For those wishing to add a touch of luxury or specific magical properties to their writings.
  • Price: Additional 1-10 gold pieces per ounce of ink used.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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