B17 House of Publius Naso Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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B17 House of Publius Naso

The House of Publius Naso stands as a testament to the wealth and influence its namesake family has amassed over decades. As one of the city's most vocal and controversial nobles, Sir Publius Naso's estate is a focal point for understanding the complex socio-political fabric of Verbobonc, especially in relation to its gnomish community.

History and Lore

The Nasos have been prominent landowners in the Verbobonc region for many generations, with their wealth primarily stemming from vast estates in the countryside. The city residence, however, serves as the family's urban stronghold, reflecting the latest architectural styles from Greyhawk City, devoid of any gnomish influence.

Location and Description

  • Structure: The house is a two-story building with a peaked roof, designed in the contemporary Greyhawk City style.
  • Interior Layout: The ground floor accommodates office spaces for managing the import of farm goods from the countryside, while the top story is reserved for family accommodations and houses most of Publius's quarters and wealth.

Society and Community

Sir Publius Naso is a prominent figure within the city's Council of Lords, known for his outspoken views against the gnome population, which some consider bordering on racism. His stance has garnered popularity amid recent hostilities with the gnomes, making him a polarizing figure in Verbobonc's social landscape.

Political Relationships

Council of Lords and the Viscount
Sir Publius's influence extends into the political arena, where he leverages his position in the senate to advocate for policies that often disadvantage the gnome community. His role in organizing demonstrations against gnome leaders further underscores the tense relationship between his house and the broader governance of the Viscounty.

Relationship with the Gnomes

The Nasos' disdain for gnomes is not purely ideological but also has a pragmatic dimension. The real animosity stems from Publius's covetous eye on lands bordering the Greenway Valley, particularly certain gnome-operated gem mines. This desire to expand his estates underlies much of his public opposition to gnome interests in the region.

Religion and Beliefs

While the specific religious affiliations of the Naso family are not detailed, the political and societal actions of Sir Publius suggest a utilitarian approach to faith, potentially leveraging religious sentiment to bolster his anti-gnome stance when convenient.

Security Measures

The estate is heavily guarded, including magical wards and a rare young Dragonne, which Publius has purchased to protect his wealth. This creature is currently being trained to defend the upper floors of the residence, considering it its territory and displaying fierce loyalty to its master.


The House of Publius Naso in Verbobonc is a stronghold of wealth, power, and controversial politics. Sir Publius's outspoken views against the gnomish community and his strategic positioning within the city's political landscape make his estate a significant point of interest for understanding the complex dynamics that shape Verbobonc. His ambitions regarding gnome-held lands further complicate the already strained relations, suggesting that the Naso household will continue to play a pivotal role in the city's socio-political affairs.

Dragonne Defenses

Show spoiler
He has recently made a very rare purchase of a young Dragonne to help guard his family fortune (on the top floor). He is training it, and it already considers the upper floor as its territory and defends it fiercely. Naso secretly plans to use it against the gnomes, but currently does not know in what capacity.
Sir Publius Naso
Mansion / Villa
Parent Location

Cover image: by 3orcs


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